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Everything posted by SoobieDoo

  1. Scott...you're right! I'll cut and bash eventually, I'm just impatient. My car is just sooooooo stock. At least my priorities are straight: mechanical first. I'd like to do some of those improvements on the EA performance page too. Turbo muffler, electric fan, etc. BTW for you locals, I work at Hardware Sales. 'Nuff said!
  2. Thanks, Jeff. That makes 3 now, that I know of, in this area! I just replaced the rear fuel filter today, and lubed up carb's linkage and choke. It seemed to help a good deal, but with the ECS coming on, I know that carb needs to go!!! I'll finish the tune up, then we'll see how she does. Once warmed up, she cruises just fine at 70 on the freeway. Don't think I could push her past 75, though!
  3. Thanks for the links. I've read the sticky and searched quite a bit, but I found some good, new info there. Looks like the best option for me is to stay under 25". I read that any serious offroading should have 27's or better, but I guess that I won't be "serious" than. I'll just crank up the suspension for outings, and drop again for the work routine. :-\
  4. Sounds fun. I'd love to get my stocker stuck up on Baker somewhere!
  5. That's cool, I just hadn't realized that using it on dry pavement could be damaging...not that I'd have any reason to anyway. Name's Eric, by the way, just sos you don't have to call me guy. You're apparently Scott...in Bellingham. We're neighbors, I'm up in Blaine. Guess I should start with the cheap and obvious: tune up. Think I could fit 14" wheels in without trimming or bashing?
  6. Huh. I'd never heard that before. What about the full-time 4wd's?! It was just a quick test to make sure that it worked. When it got stuck, I was trying to shift back to FWD while turning sharp into a parking spot. It went right in when I took off again in 1st.
  7. Thanks! I think it's in pretty good shape, considering it's age. Had the pics been better, you'd see the clear coat failing and multi-dings...but it's all good. If it was too pretty, I'd hate to off-road it! I'm not sure yet about the lifting/wheel/tire size. I love "primitive" camping, and need access to the good areas. At the same time, this is my work rig and that is what I'll be using it for 90% of the time. Damn, 90%...that is really, really sad!!!
  8. Yeah, it is dual range then. I actually got it stuck in 4Hi, test driving it. Only later, when I was reading the manual at home, did I realize that you can only shift between 2&4wd with the wheel straight. When I got it stuck, I was making a sharp turn in a parking lot!
  9. It is a 5 speed, though I'm not familiar with dual-range. I have not had the chance to tune up yet...I was thinking fuel filter too. I've not even had the car a week yet! It has also been dieseling a little when I shut down the engine. That must be timing.
  10. Hi everyone: I just joined this wonderful forum and purchased a '86 GL wagon. Some of your cars are really mean off-road vehicles, but I'd like to do something in-between. This is already my primary work vehicle, but I'd like to mod it for decent off-road use also. This will be a slow, ongoing project, as funds are limited, but I'll post pics whenever I do something worthwhile. Any and all comments and ideas are welcome! K...now for the first probs. I've done a lot of searching already, but could still use some help. Car usually takes two starts to run when cold, Hesitates and will not gain in RPM's unless I upshift, Does this for about 5 miles until the ECS light comes on, then runs great, codes when running are: 23 O2 sensor, and 24 Coolant temp. sensor. I already tried unplugging the O2 sensor, to no avail. A webber 32/36 is in the future, but need quik-fix. Thanx.
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