Geeky stuff. Playing with comps and the like. Oh and SKIING!!!
Massage Therapist
Jaren, kid who saw me in my first BRAT told me to check it out
Born and raised a country kid, living in the city right now. Subarus were my first automotive love, and have continued to occupy far too much space in my brain. Far too much knowledge floating around, so if you have a question, feel free to ask!
Just coming to the forum fer the first time and would like to be part of a crowed in my area. If you all will have me I would be happy to participate. loads of good questions and good answers. love my Subaru and going places in it.........subiemogger
I am soooooo sorry I did not get back to you. life change and had to move on. totally up to running the trails with you and who ever else. just coming back to the USMB after a long hiatus. re-learning the whole message board thing all over again and will be looking for people to chat and ride with.