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Twitch de la Brat

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Everything posted by Twitch de la Brat

  1. Got a 99 OBW Limited running with bad HG's, what a surprise. Rebuilt a different motor and dropped it in and now it will crank and spark, but won't fire. I've been racking my brain on this one, but nothing so far. Crank sensor, cam sensor, and the rear knock sensor have been swapped back to the originals. Swapped the coil between 2 different ones, no difference. All original intake bits were left in, MAF included. O2 sensor is the same. Have a different intake, TPS, whatever that sensor is on the pass side of the TPS, fuel bars, injectors, and vacuum module on the driver's side of the TPS as well as the rest of the bits included with an intake. Timing is dead on, as checked before and after installation. I've just about cried over this car, please help... ***EDIT*** It will almost fire on the first and/or second revolution after letting it sit for 15 min or more. Flooring it doesn't help. The TPS or something near it Buzzes when the throttle is pressed with the key on but the engine isn't running. I've tried it without accesory belts attached, and pretty much everything I can do by myself. /end edit Twitch
  2. I don't like this... They're getting too big for their britches and they're going to piss off a lot of loyal customers with some of these moves. I forsee the Toyota collaberation turning into a takeover. And to see such an amazing brand get swallowed by Yota would be a very dark day. I hope it doesn't come to this, but the buddy-buddy I see between Subaru and Toyota will not come to a good end for Subaru. Esp since Toyota's rep is starting to toilet bowl. Twitch
  3. Hmmmmm... And I could keep carbs temporarily until I could afford (and have the skills) to drop in a FI system. Anybody want to help me get some old mercedes "kompressors"? I'll have to build an adapter tube, but that's no big deal once I get my hands on a welder and some scrap steel. Not to mention the reduced complexity of running the extra tubing. I'll just need intake and opened exhaust. Hmmmm Twitch PS: The fuel consumption was kind of suspect as there are reports of supercharged 3.8's getting better mileage than NA 3.8's.
  4. If we're talking driving, I call the bluebird! Or maybe the 240? Pleeeease? *sidenote* the tires may remain lit for an unnecessarily long but immeasurably fun duration of time *end sidenote* Twitch PS: Corners will also be taken in the only fashion allowable. SIDEWAYZ
  5. I have thought about the S.C. Idea. There was one on CL a year or two ago with clutch pulley, wiring setup and all that good stuff. It was only $300 or so and unboxed but new. I thought long and hard about buying it, but the efficiency of the turbos just keeps bringing me back to them. I did have an idea of dual superchargers for a while, but the drag on the engine would have killed base power and fuel mileage. And I really want to go with a dual intake setup. Not to mention, where would I put my alt? Never mind, I know where that would go, as the air cleaner would be gone, but still... Twitch PS: The turbo's I'm looking at are massively quick spooling garrett GT 10's. They will be just about perfect for a torque build like I want.
  6. Heck yes! Battery powered belt sanders with an infinitely variable throttle control and some gnarly belts. Brain, are you listening? Twitch
  7. Belt Board Oh yes, oh yes. Wheel drive skateboards are soooo out of style. Twitch
  8. Stupid suggestion, but have you tried cleaning the battery terminals?

    Being out in the weather they can corrode easy and make it lose contact.



  9. Glad you got a new disty, too bad something else was the problem.

    I didn't have any spare distys, only the ones on my cars.



  10. I know the EA82T isn't renowned for it's strength, but the blocks are a LOT less likely to give out than the heads. So I figure with the increased strength allotted by the stronger design, I should be reliable running @ 15 psi. Twitch
  11. I'm still working on something, I'm just so freaking broke.

    I've been unemployed for the last 7 months, but I haven't forgotten.

    I'm trying to get it ready by the time WCSS hits.

    Its just really tough with little to no money.



  12. Ok, weird question, but since none of us have seen you, and this was kinda making all of us wonder, are you a chick or a dude?

    Because I don't think anybody's conversed with you, on the phone or in person, and we're just curious.



  13. No pot, weed, dope, crack, heroin, meth, mary jane, shrooms, or prescrip "candy". We're out there to drive, not "trip" See ya'll at the Super 1 in 2 hours! Twitch
  14. Cool man :)

    That'll be fun.

    So I'll be swinging by around 9-9:30am Sunday morning, will you be ready?



  15. EJ engines are actually narrower than EA82's. Even the DOHC motors. So, no notching was required as the engine would easily fit between the frame rails Twitch
  16. Official Meet Up plans: Hayden Super 1 Parking lot at 10am on Sunday June 19th. We'll be leaving shortly thereafter, don't be late. We'll be trying to stay quiet, so as to not attract excess attention to ourselves, so any hoonery will be shunned and looked down upon. That is, until we hit the road that wraps around Hayden lake Maniacal driving will be tolerated when we hit that road, but it will need to be contained, as there are houses and residencies in the area. We don't want the cops being called. Save the extreme crazies for the dirt/mud. 4WD makes those curvy roads more fun Now Da rulez: No explosives minus guns, no shooting at people with anything more than a paintball gun/airsoft gun, and if somebody doesn't wants to be shot, LEAVE'M ALONE. No booze. No flasks, no bottles, no cognito bottles, no cans, and yes, I reserve the right to sniff any bottles, cans, drinking containers that you may bring. If I sense any alcohol, ANY alcohol, you will be requested to put it away immediately. If you are under 21, you will be marched out IMMEDIATELY and requested not to return. You can mature a year and attend next time. If you're a repeat offender, you will be marched out of the party and requested not to return. You can attend next time. I will not be tolerating any alcohol, this is a dry event. Drinking and driving don't mix, EVER. If you smoke, please, be kind a keep it to a centralized area and collect your butts and dispose of them. We'll let our cars do the polluting Remember the forest rule, pack it in, pack it out. Keep fires small, lets not light the forest on fire. We'll have shovels and buckets and I know I'll have a hatchet, so the Rangers shouldn't have any issues with small fires. Remember, there will be other people out there, so we'll need to keep that in mind when driving around. We don't need any accidents. I don't have a functioning 2 way radio, but if we have CB's I have a couple hand held CB's, but don't have batteries for them :-\ They take like 10 AA batteries a piece O_o I'm currently digging up some power adapters. I'll try to get enough batteries collected together before the event. If anyone has any suggestions, please mention them and I will edit this post as necessary. Twitch
  17. There are lines on the edges of the Cam pulleys that should sit vertical when then crank pulley is sitting vertical.

    One should point downward the other upward.

    If they're a tooth off, you should be able to tell.



  18. Warning, the clutch fan bolts are usually really tough and will round off at the first whim.

    They're a 10mm, I can just about guarantee you'll need a wrench.

    The timing cover bolts are 10mm as well I believe.

    You will have to take the crank bolt out to get the main timing cover off.

    I recommend leaving the covers off, as it doesn't hurt anything and it makes it easier to

    fix the timing stuff when it goes bad.



  19. Well, I have little to no experience working with EA82 engine management.

    But timing I have some experience with.

    Pop your timing covers off (the black covers on the front of the engine) and rotate the

    engine by hand (you'll need a 22mm or 7/8 wrench/socket) until the timing marks on the

    cams and the crank sit vertically.

    If one of the cam marks aren't vertical, your timing is off and you'll need to reset your timing belt.



  20. If all else fails, before cutting, latch a giant pipe wrench onto that puppy and pull! You may need to buy a new fitting, but at least it'll come off. Twitch
  21. Well, what have you done to your car?

    Oil change, spark plugs, wires?

    You might want to pop off your distributor and see if that has water in it, that can cause all sorts of issues.

    Also, make sure you're getting spark from the coil.

    Your car turns over, but won't start, right?



  22. If anybody wants to see how a real driver drives a rally car, just ask for a ride with me I can take 3+me. The wagon handles weight well. Hope to see you all there! Twitch
  23. OK, yeah, shoehorning that bike into an EA81 wagon will be tough.

    I don't think it'll fit, honestly.



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