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Twitch de la Brat

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Everything posted by Twitch de la Brat

  1. Idk if I'll be driving the BRAT or the wagon.

    If I'm driving the wagon, it'll be kinda awkward to fit a dirtbike in there :P And with the BRAT, I'd have remove one of the rear seats.

    No big deal, but do you think it'd fit back there?



  2. You waved, I nodded :)

    I figured it was you.

    Yeah, haven't done anything of real consequence to that little thing yet though.



  3. Date for the official run is the 19th, but you can camp whenever you want. So Sunday June 19th. We'll meet at the Hayden Super 1 at 10 am? Corner of Hayden ave and Highway 95. We'll head down to Lancaster rd and follow that until it drops us onto the forest service roads. We'll set up base near the shooting range/major forks in the roads. If anyone gets lost, get a hold of me and I'll find your lost butt Sound good? Twitch
  4. Ok, what metals are we talking about here? Standard steel line or brass? And is the intake iron or aluminum? As for just stuck threads, I recommenda good solid wrench some thwacking with a small-medium hammer. Preferably a rubber mallet. And if all else fails, cut it. Twitch
  5. Water + oil + engine crankcase = bad juju. Anyway, we'll miss ya mugs! And if I catch ANYBODY with booze, they're OUT! I will personally walk them to their car and if necessary, pull their sorry arse off the mountain. No booze. Twitch
  6. Ok. Well, you'll need a tranny, all the linkage, the interior pieces and possibly the drive shaft and all of this with a matching rear diff.

    If your tranny is a 3.9 and your diff is a 3.9, no worries :)



  7. Tranny swaps are easy.

    I've done several.

    Is this from an auto to manual or just a s/r to a d/r?



  8. Sunday June 19th is the day and we haven't pinned down a time yet. Some may camp out, some may leave that night, just depends on everyone's preferences. Twitch
  9. Lol, it wasn't that hard.

    Getting it back in is going to be the fun part.



  10. I haven't done a lift but I know what goes on while putting one in and how they work.

    As for brake line removal/ extension, that all depends on how tall you go.

    2", just popping them out of the holders usually work.

    4" might need some extenstion for the fronts.

    6" you pretty much will need brake line extensions on all 4 corners, plus readjustment of your E-brake.



  11. I've never actually done an EJ swap.

    I wouodn't mind learning how to do one, but I don't currently have the know how.

    I live in N ID.

    Monstaru and Baccaruda would be good to look up, as they both have swapped EJ's into EA's before.

    I'm not sure if Monstaru has done any wiring though.



  12. Hey man. Yeah, I tend to like digging into engine bays.

    Just pulled an EJ25D in 4 hours, not counting cleanup, so I guess I can call myself proficient :P

    What are you looking to do?



  13. Probably should unhook the battery overnight, that's the usual procedure when clearing codes. I highly suggest going through Subaru to get new wires as they're more likely to actually have them in stock. Well, if you don't have to worry about emissions, take it out. Get rid of all that EGR garbage if you can. Its all for emissions and does nothing more than choke your car's power. Its really easy, and it only takes a quarter, or a quarter sized flat piece of metal and some time. I'll expound more as necessary Twitch
  14. What brand of spark plugs are you running? These engines don't like cheap spark plugs, never have. Your best bet are NGK's, but I have personally found the Bosch Platinum +2's work great as well. Your wires are also important. If you haven't changed them in 30k or so, it'd be a good idea to change them out as well. I don't recommend anything but NGK or genuine Subaru, as I've had other brands spark through the boot. Now, after that, we'll see what's going on Twitch
  15. Hey Mugs, I would have gone if my financial situation would have allowed me to. Not having a job for 6 months really takes a toll. I'll be working my hardest to make it next year, and hopefully I'll have a job to support my trip. I really missed hanging out with you guys this year. Anyway, enough sob story, lets see pictars! Vids are cool too. Twitch
  16. Hey, that'd be sweet if you could come out.

    If you can't get a trailer, I'd be willing to pick you up so you can at least hang out :)



  17. How about Selah? Same area but closer to Jerry's house Twitch
  18. Well, when I get new plugs I'll try NGK's. But I have yet to have any issues with my Bosch platinums. And this is with well over 15k miles on them. If I have issues beyond 20k then I'll definitely switch, but I have yet to have any problems. Even with fouling them up with oil. It takes a lot to stop them from firing properly. Twitch
  19. Thanks for the heads up I was planning on spraying mine, but I wasn't sure where would have cheap spraying equipment. Let me know how well they work Twitch
  20. Hey Ben, remember, even though you don't have blood relatives here, you've still got your Subaru Family here And I bigger numbers than the Midwest, no offense to those that live out there. Oh, and if you like Junkyard runs, you will love Pull and Save. Cheapest Junkyard I've ever been to, and they usually have the most Older Subarus. Twitch
  21. I live about as far out from Spokane as Brumby420, and it's not bad out here at all, comparative to most places. Idaho is pretty conservative on all fronts. They're very lax here about a lot of stuff. We're the last ones to get the new laws, last to get the minimum wage lifted, last to get new taxes and are surrounded by mountains, lakes and trees. I live about 20 minutes from a few thousand acres of national forest land. Houses are becoming abundant because of foreclosures. So, feel free to look around, and I highly recommend living in Idaho while working in Washington. You have to pay state taxes in ID, but the cost of living is much cheaper compared to WA. Twitch
  22. Sweet The 19th it is! I'll see if I can adjust the opening post. So, sunday, the 19th, correct? I can put that in my calendar? Also, if I have to work, it won't be until like 3 or 4, so I can at least show people the locale if I have to go to work Right now, I'm on the hunt for some 185/80 R13's, because I was an idiot and tore a hole in one of mine If I have to run the wheels I'm on, no rally for me. I'm not risking damaging my Jackmans. It's dangerous enough just driving with them on, let alone rally in the woods. Twitch Edit: Firearms are ok, there is actually a shooting range area just a short walk from the spot GWAL took pictures. Not sure about explosives, but we can discuss that later We don't want the Rangers to think we're setting off bombs or anything :-p Now, if any of these explosives are sulfur based, I'll just have to stay upwind of the cloud, as I'm severely allergic to sulfur. But otherwise, no problems. I'll just keep a monster nearby just in case
  23. Well, if anyone wants to know my intelligence level this morning, not more than 15 min ago I tore a hole in the sidewall of one of my perfectly good tires. "I am the smart! S-M-R-T! I mean S-M-A-R-T..." Stupid fracking curbs. Corner of Mullan and 41, parking lot of Thomas Hammer. Turning in and just turned a little wide. Anybody got a spare 185/80 I could have? I have no money, will trade work for tire. Anyway, something new Twitch
  24. Wow, a little bit grouchy are we? :-p Well, I was thinking the forest road area because I know it's stock car friendly, there's plenty of places to get muddy without the risk of getting stuck and there is a great variety of terrain available. If you want to climb up a hill or crawl around on some rocky terrain, go for it. Because there is some of that out and around hayden lake too But if you want to go run around and just get your car dirty and play "rally car" without worry of the anyone hassling you, this area is close to perfect. Twitch
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