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Twitch de la Brat

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Everything posted by Twitch de la Brat

  1. Lol, that's funny. Your car is red though, right? :-p Lol, maybe we should name them "Thing 1" and "Thing 2". Thatswhatshesaid, lol, you have a serious power lust don't you? :-p I was thinking low compression high boost turbo setup, but fear the turbo lag. Maybe a high compression quick spooling small turbo setup? Quick response, rev happy, and fuel efficient. And I'd be more than happy with 250 whp and 300ft lbs of torque, in that light of a car. That thing could put up a fight with Suberdave's 87 wagon with the right suspension setup. Twitch
  2. It's an 83, an early 83 actually, built in 11/82. Sorry, no plaid. Striped cloth and vinyl. The seat fabric on the rear seat's comes off surprisingly easy. It'll make getting some of the nastier spots out easier Rally it is Twitch
  3. I wish, but no. This one is a half and half, me and my dad. I'm gona buy him out as soon as I get $150 saved up With this one I think I'll keep it low, but that depends on how it drives after the tune up. If it drives like an ofroader, it might become one, but if it's more civilized than the BRAT (what isn't?) it'll probably stay low. The body is so solid, it'd almost be a shame to lift and wheel it. Oh, and the 4 speed is soooo solid. Very little slop (for a 4 speed) nice and clunky, and just overall solid. Engine sat for over a year and didn't drip a drop of oil Oil was still a beautiful brown and full. A light tap upon the first start in forever, but after that, nothing but a light rumble, from the engine anyway :-\ Something is whistling in the engine bay And all my vacuum lines are plugged or connected and I've checked the intake for holes. I can't find anything. But I'll be pulling apart the PO's mess and reorganizing it and plugging everything back in. Twitch PS: Pix to come of the engine bay after I start digging into it
  4. I don't think your GM inspired OB can handle the corners like the BRAT If we do Rally that is. Offroad, your jeep can have the difficult trails, my BRAT Likes the high speed low difficulty trails. It's no crawler, but it has the torque to pull itself around. Twitch PS: Thanks Ed, I think I'll post a link
  5. MOAR PICTARS!!!!!! Lol, the only gauge that works right now That's the original paint color. The pic didn't turn out quite like I was hoping, but there is silver flake in the paint and it's gorgeous! Clearance! Anyway, I'm not driving it yet, but hope to me soon Twitch
  6. I bet Stanley's faster downhill (with a tailwind and the impreza's e brake stuck and engine off ) Still loving your little dude When are you going to bring him over the pass? We wanna see him over here on the east side of the state too! And I know a couple of places that would be stoked to have another tiny Suby be in attendance. Twitch
  7. Yes, it is tomorrow... My new one! As you can see, the tail end is way jacked up, and it doesn't have lift blocks, thank you PO... It's rolling on some sweet almost new 185/80 SR13's rugged all seasons. I vacuumed out the interior, but have to shampoo out a couple gooey spots. Needs a tune up, it has a miss and is a slow reactor to the gas pedal. There is a vibration on the driver's side that I'm going to hunt down after I get rid of the miss. Rear brakes grind, sounds like I got a rock stuck in the pass side drum. Might need new brakes soon, but that can wait until I get the title for it and get it registered. Almost no rust, only a pocket under the pass side rear door, some under the bumper from getting hit and the the typical stuff growing on the bottoms of the doors and behind the wheels. And I know, some of you are like "It looks like a POS" and "Why would you want that?" and "What happened to the paint?" Well, the PO rattle canned it this shade of blue, failing miserably at putting it on. I'm going to take that stuff off and bring it back to it's gorgeous original baby blue color. Not sure what the color code is, but I love the color already, and I've only seen a coupe in this shade. Hope to see you guys when I'm out driving sometime! :banana: Twitch PS: This will not be getting Rallied until all the major issues are resolved, and yes, brakes are a major issue :-p
  8. I've got a new baby but you'll have to wait for pix and details until tomorrow... Twitch
  9. Do you ever check North Westerns any more?



  10. Do you have the clips that hold the cable in place on each end? Your cable sleeve may be moving if those clips are missing. It does sound a lot like my second solution, drilling a hole in the U shaped bracket that attaches the cable to the pedal. I highly recommend unhooking the cable from the throwout fork, to allow smooth operation of the pedal without interference, and sliding under your dash to see if the bracket is catching and not allowing a full throw out of the pedal. I just drilled a hole slightly larger than the pin closer to the cable and ran my pin through right there. If you have an aftermarket cable, I highly recommend looking at where it connects to the pedal, as this is probably a very common interference point. Twitch
  11. Ehhhh, depends on what schedule Radishack decides to lock me down on, (if they decide to lock me down :-\ ) That seems a little early unless we get any takers! I was hoping to be able to afford a tank of gas before we head out, and that may not happen until later in June. Pipe up other peeps! Twitch
  12. *jaw hits floor* Uhhhh, hi (in the tone of voice the nerd gets when the prom queen says hi) Wow, that thing is beautiful! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! We love pictures and old beauties like that, and when you post pictures of old beauties like that, well, a lot of us get excited! Again, Welcome! Twitch
  13. Lol, I beat her to it! Check out the meet and greet for the "Poor Man Run" As for EA81 shortage, yeah, they were kinda slim pickings when I was there. Jeeps were abundant though (my dad was hunting those down :-\ ) Lol, last time I tried to help pull and engine from P&S it took a total of like 10 hours of work to figure out she couldn't afford it Twitch
  14. Considering how long it takes for anything to gain momentum around here, I figured I'd start a meet thread for whenever it gets put into action :-p I was thinking of a "Poor Man" rally/off road run out to the woods. Nothing special, just a bunch of Subaru nuts from N ID and E WA going out into the woods and hooning around for a few hours. I know of some great areas that aren't too far out from Washington that are good for stock rigs as well as have some fun spots for the more advanced rigs. The Coeur d'Alene national forest is full of good areas, esp out by Hayden lake. I'll get a map up of what I'm referring to as soon as I get some response. The meet point would only be about 30-45 min from Spokane and only another 30-45 min to the recreational area. So an hour and a half east from Spokane in total max, not counting emergencies, road construction, police, blah blah blah. This is low budget, so pack yer lunch! Or bring a barbecue to cook something I'm trying to keep this on the cheap and fun level. Pipe up with ideas! Or more central locales! Or whatever! Twitch
  15. Lube it. Mine was acting up similarly and I had removed it twice and rerouted it as well and it was still really stiff and a pain to push. I sprayed some cable lube I had lying around into the uppermost end (the end that goes attaches to the throwout fork) and the problem went away. Also, you may have to drill a hole in the U bracket that attaches the cable to the pedal. Mine was binding only giving me half the throw I needed. Drilled a hole halfway down closer to the cable and it no longer binds and I get full pedal throw. Hope it helps. Twitch
  16. Oooooold thread, but its better than starting a new one Pix speak for themselves. Twitch
  17. Awwww, it's cute I always have loved those little EA81 wagons. I'm not complaining about getting more locals. It's cool that we can get more people around here, so if we decide to make a massive P&S run we can attack something and take it down in a matter of a few hours. Such as an engine removal. With more than 2 people, I bet we could get it apart in a matter of 3 hours or less. Esp if all the people know what they're doing Twitch
  18. Yes it will bolt up. No, you need the EZ30 ecu and wiring harness because of the sensors and such that go along with the engine. Twitch
  19. Have fun guys, I won't make it this year No funds and I have an interview on thurs, with, hopefully, work the following week. Post up as many pix as you can! Somebody has to break down before the cruise :-p I won't be there to do it, so somebody has to step up and take one for the team. Take a hacksaw to your axle, run your starter cable through a precarious location (I still have that other cable powering my car ), do SOMETHING! It can't be a BRAT meet without at least one breakdown. Twitch
  20. I don't run back and forth. I just stand there and freak out over EA71's and EA81's. Esp if they don't belong there. My passion is EA81's and older. Never have liked the EA82's and I just drive EJ's when mine is running :-p What rig are you usually driving when you hit P&S? I'm usually in my 85' BRAT, white with "sport" pinstriping. Oh! And if you want seats, the EA81 Wagon I pulled the slant console out of had some sweet, brown front seats. Twitch
  21. Welcome to the home of subaru nuts on the interwebs Sounds like you picked up that little red GL that had been haunting me on CL :-p I visit pull and save fairly often and will probably see you in there every once in a while. Look for the weird white kid getting excited about old Subaru wagons I inhabit the other side of the border as well and, well, you can tell where I live by the little info box in the corner of my posts, or my profile Twitch
  22. To me, it looks like the previous generation Legacy, with a shorter tail. Which was a sexy car, IMHO. Not a fan of the size, but then again I'm not over 6' and I love the compact size of my EA81's I think Subaru got a solid double out of this, maybe a triple if they can really pull off 36+ mpg. This will make my parents feel foolish for buying a Nissan Cube, because the new Imp will be getting better gas mileage with more power and AWD. And it will have power below 4000 rpm and no rubber band transmission (CVT) Twitch
  23. Also, a hint for getting those stubborn axles off, take a golf tee and wedge it upside down in the roll pin hole, after you beat the roll pin out. Then spray your favorite rust eater in the top side and let it sit for a while, maybe even overnight if you feel it's necessary. It should penetrate the splines of the axle and make the axle easier to pull off. And if all else fails, you can take a torch and a bfh to the cup and make that sucker come off. Twitch PS: Thanks to Monstaru for the golf tee idea
  24. If it's the inner joint, just reboot it. A boot kit is usually only $10-15 and it takes just a little bit more work than installing a new axle. You have to remove the axle to reboot it usually, unless you enjoy lying under a car disassembling and reassembling an axle. This thread has a complete instruction guide on how to rebuild an axle. Subaru Axles rarely fail unless severely tortured or subjected to extreme off road punishment. As for doing both, I would say only do both if the other boot seems brittle or is starting to crack. Twitch
  25. It just looks shiny. I'm used to seeing a black plastic one there, not a metal one Was it a factory manual? If not, you'll have to switch a wire, I don't remember which one it is though... Twitch PS: Can you start the car without pushing in the clutch? That tells you if your car has a functioning clutch switch. If you can, it doesn't, if you can't, it does.
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