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Twitch de la Brat

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Everything posted by Twitch de la Brat

  1. Simplicity my friend. EA81's only have a single port per side, and they have 2 sides of the engine. No fancy up-pipe required with all of its inherent flow losses, nor any fancy down-pipe. I'll basically be able to run equal length piping each head to a turbo, mounted wherever I please, because I don't have to worry about pipe length from either side, with separate, dual intakes to increase flow. Its all about simplicity and symmetry. I'm not running a sequential setup, just a simple siamese turbo setup. True dual exhaust after the turbos as well, unless an x-pipe proves to be better for power bands. Twitch
  2. Sometimes I can get to the sublayer, underneath the fancy gui down to the basic folder layouts and just mass copy what I can access on their server. But most of the time its been somewhat of a fluke :-\ I've been trying to get there, but no luck yet. Twitch
  3. Is no photo at all! :-p Twitch PS: 98ImprezaWA, there's more to that cookie than that pic reveals.
  4. INCREDIBLE! I think I'm gonna download their whole server! It'll be easer than trying to get each and every picture! Twitch
  5. I assume this applies to the AWD variations as well? If this is the case, I guess I'll just save up for a spare tranny with front LSD. I have a 5sp AWD out of a 94 lego that growls, and it has 10k or less on new 75-90w gear oil. No shards or shavings to speak of. Just a failing bearing huh? I guess I'll get to document what it looks like when that implodes And possibly at a high RPM Twitch
  6. They all say that, then out of nowhere you're being followed to the gas station, the grocery store, your house... Oh, wait, that's a girlfriend, NEVER MIND :-p Twitch
  7. So I take it nobody is allowed to take their non-prepped, barely road legal, rusting beaters on your track? Cuz if I could throw you guys $20 to take my BRAT around a real rally training course, I sooooo would. I have yet to take it on anything other than forest service roads, and that's scary, cuz you have to watch out for other people :-\ If I could get a closed course for an hour or so, without worry of harming anyone, I would be there in a second! Yes, I will sign a safety waiver... Also, WELCOME! Happy to see a big name show their face on here! We can use all the notoriety we can get :-p Twitch
  8. Welcome back!

    I saw you on the group roster, so I figured I'd re-greet you :)



  9. Sorry, my humor gets a little dry every once in a while. It seems you guys got the dry blast of sarcasm, my bad. No c***blocking intended. And as for the antenna ball, I got it in their second run offer. I follow Subaru on Facebook as well as Twitter, so I get all the updates as soon as they hit the interwebs. Twitch PS: It will affect me eventually, but don't let me be any reason for an alteration in your behavior.
  10. OK you horny adolescents, keep the flirting to a minimum. You have PM's and visitor messages for that. Back on topic, I'll put up pix, but I'm way too dweeby and most guys don't drool... I don't look like what most people expect. Twitch
  11. I think I see a pushbar/custom bash guard in this car's future... Twitch
  12. Now Fuzpile, I'm curious. What was all that about? Were they "influenced" posts? Or were you trying to speak matters of the heart, and everything got lost in translation? Cuz they didn't make a whole lot of sense... :-p Anyway, any new news on the "Cutie Car"? Twitch PS: Don't forget about the social groups!
  13. What did you discover about how the stock pistons, rods and rings handle boost pressures around 15psi? Or did you not get that far? Also, design-wise, I was looking at putting in basically 2 separate intakes, one per head. Did you look into that design, or were you sticking with the basic single intake? If I ever get enough money put together I might come knocking on your door. I have decided to go with FI over carb, as tuning a carb under pressure can be a real beast. Twitch
  14. Oooooo! Did you hear that guys? I got called darling! *fistpump into * Oh, and what the hell happened to my post? I've never even heard of the National Organization Of Bureaucratic Sarcasm. How the hell did they alter my post after I posted it? Twitch
  15. What? Is that a no? Meh, I have better chances of getting a date with a blind deaf mute chick than with a regular girl. So meh. *heart shatters* Twitch *SARCASM ALERT* This alert has been issued because large quantities of sarcasm have been detected in this reply. This an automated message from the National Organization Of Bureaucratic Sarcasm [/END] *SARCASM ALERT*
  16. Ah, I see the long bolt has a new enemy. It really is a b**** to get out when it's rusted in good, isn't it? Glad to see you got your toe problems fixed with an upgrade Always nice to see that. I'd say something token like "keep up the good work" or something cookie cutter like that, but I know you'll do whatever the hell you want. So just do whatever the hell you want! :-p Twitch
  17. XT6 clutches are good for EJ power and I got a SACH's from O'reilly's for $200. All you need to do is have an EA82 flywheel resurfaced to XT6 specs. I had my guy spec it to a 91 XT6. Everything works great and the clutch bites like no other with my EA81 Twitch
  18. %$^#&$*#&!!!! Would you take an old keyring, 94 parts legacy, with struts still on it, and to share the keys to a rusted out, beat to death 85' BRAT? And I'll show up when I get the money collected together... Twitch PS: I'm not so much on the flowers thing either, so this may work...
  19. Thanks for dragging a bunch of attention to a current failure. Thanks. Twitch
  20. Welcome back! Glad to see a face come back, even though you left before I ever joined! Awesome that we have another fabricator in the house. For a second I thought you were talking about a turbocharged EA81, not EA82 :-p I might look you up when I start my project. No EJ's for me, nor any EA82's EA81TT is where it's at... Anyway, welcome back, and even though I'm in Idaho, still happy to see another fabber on board. Twitch
  21. Offroad FAQ will help immensely. Please, look it over before asking questions, it will probably answer most if not all your questions. Also, since you're in the PNW, you might look up One Eye (Jeff). He's nearby you and if you're really nice to him, is an awesome guy for assisting in building your own lift. Also, search. You will get yelled at a whole lot less if you just search for things and read the threads that you find. Another little goodie is there is a little box that says "related threads" at the bottom of the page. Feel free to look those over and see if any apply to your situation! Resurrecting an old thread is looked upon much more highly than starting a new one. Anyway, welcome to the board and hope you find the answers you're looking for Enjoy your stay. Twitch
  22. If they love it that much, keep it. These things only keep getting more valuable. Just store it inside and drive it on the weekends, after your brother leaves. Make sure he doesn't crash it or trash it otherwise though, because that will kill it's longevity factor. Unless you can take care of any paint chips or rust spots immediately, it will quickly grow into major rust and seriously shorten the life of the car. So if you keep it and take care of it, it will become an investment you can sell later if need be. These little cars have a tendency to grow on you. I've owned 2 EA81's and I'm looking for more Twitch
  23. You already have a theme song. "All the suby ladies, all the suby ladies..." Twitch
  24. Lostinthe202, good idea on drawing objects I know. It'll make it much easier to model theoretical items once I get drawing literal items down pat. Thankfully I've got a cheapo caliper already, so I can just start measuring and modeling Now, as for units for scale, BobCAD-CAM gives me premarked units, but not actual dimensions for those units. So would you recommend just making a mental note to put everything into a specific scale as I draw it in the program? Or is there an option to mark the units that I just haven't found? Twitch
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