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Twitch de la Brat

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Everything posted by Twitch de la Brat

  1. Unfortunately, I believe those cars have a hydraulic clutch. So, it may be a linkage problem. Have her, or her mechanic, look at the linkage trail and see if there's anything catching. Twitch
  2. My BRAT lives again Just rebuilt the oil pump, put on new valve cover gaskets, and put on a new clutch cable. My oil pressure actually stays above 25 psi at idle Twitch
  3. Sweetness Andy Sounds like your BRAT is doing well Hope to see you around sometime Twitch
  4. Just a word of advice, before you even get started, soak your lateral link bolts in rust eater. PB Blaster does well, but if you have any yield sitting around, it would be well worth your time to soak that bolt in it. That is, if you're gonna be pulling the hub assembly off. Its easy to do the swap, not much to mess up. And as GD mentioned, the rear bearings rarely fail. Twitch
  5. I'm sure GD will pop in, but I think an EA81 will practically be drop in. The exhaust may not line up quite right, but I know the intake manifold will bolt up. So its pretty much just getting everything else attached and lined up. I know EA82 alts are the same, but you'll have to hunt for a power steering bracket, if you have power steering that is... Twitch
  6. I believe its supposed to go around it, because on the back there should be a funky bent plate that has a nut welded to it. Also, if you look at the rub marks on the bracket, that should give you clues to where it should be mounted. But I just checked my EA82 (Same Alt, same bracket setup) and it appears to wrap around the bracket. Twitch
  7. Exactly, but I believe, from my reading that is, that only the 93 FWD Imp's had the 23 spline axles. And I know of quite a few of the those sitting around out here, between the local JY's and CL listings. Twitch PS: Isn't there going to be some clearance issues for the tunnel? And mounting the tranny is probably gonna be a PITA
  8. Fortunately, no, you do not have to completely remove the transmission/transaxle from the vehicle to replace the clutch fork. But unfortunately, clutch kits don't come with the fork. All you need to do to replace the fork is: 1. Lift the car up approx 1ft and support it properly 2. Place your jack directly under the transmission and apply a small amount of pressure to the bottom of the tranny, using the jack. 3. Unhook all cables and wires from the tranny, this is very important if you don't want to have to replace your speedo cable. 4. Unbolt the 4 bellhousing bolts 5. Secure the driveshaft to the rear of the transmission, baling twine or tie down straps work fine for this. 6. Unbolt the driveshaft from the rear diff, making sure the driveshaft doesn't slide out of the rear of the tranny, tightening your attaching strap as necessary 7. Separate the transmission from the engine, this part may require some wiggling and finagling, but do not let it drop off the jack or the crossmember. 8. Slide the tranny back far enough to access the clutch fork 9. The fork is only held by spring clip and should pop off with out much issue 10. Inspect it for any cracking or warping, if there is any, replace it with a genuine Subaru unit, or whatever you can snag out of the junkyard 11. Pop the spring clip into your new unit, if replacing was necessary, and it'll snap onto the little round protrusion behind the throwout bearing, don't forget to slide it through the rubber boot at the top of the tranny before snapping it on. 12. Installation is the opposite of removal. Twitch
  9. Lol, yes. I've been studying this pump for a few hours now, and its actually a really cool pump design Thanks for your help so far. Twitch
  10. That's awesome. And I think your username is perfect for the car. The color is very close to the cartoon, and it sounds like it has the same power/weight ratio Twitch
  11. Do you happen to know what size ball bearing? Because, um, I never saw a ball bearing when I pulled it apart Could that be part of why I saw funky pressure reading? Twitch EDIT Never mind, I found it. Is it supposed to ride on the top or the bottom of the casing?
  12. Ok, so I got the O-ring issues solved by going to a hydraulics shop. They had all the metric O-rings I needed in stock. It only cost me 5 bucks for all the O-rings required. Since the parts through the dealer were going to cost about $15, plus wait time, you're better off bringing an EA81 oil pump to a hydraulics shop and getting the O-rings there. Now, is there supposed to be something on the end of the spring located inside the pump? It seems kinda pointless to have a spring just sitting in there all by itself... And I'll be picking up a mechanical pressure gauge asap. Twitch
  13. I got the right O-rings for my oil pump I'll spare this thread the details I had to go through to get them. But if anybody is looking to rebuild an EA81 oil pump, you're better off pulling it off and taking it to a hydraulics place. They usually have walls of metric O-rings. Twitch
  14. I bought O-rings to rebuild my oil pump with. The moron behind the counter gave me the wrong **** parts. And I didn't realize it until I got the pump tore apart (this is my first oil pump) $&%*!!! Anyway, I get to drive all the way up Camp Subaru in spokane to get my parts replaced with the right ones. Do NOT go to camp unless you're ordering something for an EJ series, and its next to impossible to screw up. Twitch(ing)
  15. Wow, this thread has made a lot of progress... I think the setup you've got now will do you better than a dvd player But if you do ditch the carputer, I'd love your touch screen So what graphics card are you running? Like enough to run an early 2000's game? Twitch
  16. Ouch, I'm sorry guys. How bad is it? Like, a couple weekends and it'll legal, ugly but legal? Or are we talking it needs a full restoration? Twitch
  17. Awesome setup, as soon as you can afford to put it together. I don't know how good you are at McGuyvering, but you may be able to scrounge some old home theater speakers and put those in the back for temporary speakers. I know a lot of people who chuck those without care, so if you have some friends that are upgrading their home theater... Twitch
  18. Holy Cow Eulogious! That's a lot of info! I was kind of thinking along your idea for having it all computer run, such as just plugging in a set of pc speakers or a pc surround sound setup. There are so many options for a pc setup that's its not even funny. And the info linked to by eulogious is exactly what you need for the automatic on/off setup you've been looking for. Twitch
  19. Ok, I'm late to the party, but I'll make up for it WELCOME TO THE USMB Anyway, I'm in complete agreement with you on the rumble and the reliability I hope you get the BRAT too What state do you hail from? I'm over here in Iderho... Twitch
  20. Sweet. I think what would be good is a "soft" Hibernate button on your monitor. If you could find a way to put that in, or just remember to hit the hibernate option under the start button, you would be fine. IIRC there are some keyboards out there with a hibernate button. I would just use a keyboard that has one, or hack it apart until you get just the button off. Twitch PS: Hibernate is the option that powers off the computer and saves the image from the RAM to the HDD, then boots from that image, right?
  21. I agree with Rob, it still looks good. Even if you did cheat :-p Twitch
  22. Nice job. And I agree with you, the drawing looks better in original form. That's pretty cool how you were able to just pick up your pencil and draw, I wish I had that ability. Twitch
  23. That in-dash setup is sick. but 1600 bones for that, ouch... Not to mention its running an outdated processor and smallish HDD. But otherwise, that's pretty sweet to just plug and play in your car. Nice homebuilt man. I will definitely refer to your system for tips and tricks Now, did you have issues with static build up under all that carpet? Or moisture issues? Twitch PS: I'll be the only guy that can play DiRT in his car
  24. Wow, that's spendy. I'm considering just taking a standard PC, but building it into the car itself. So no case, just components mounted where they fit/are convenient. Twitch PS: I would probably run a form of linux for my OS, off of a flash drive.
  25. Lol, its not the pc that I need, its the touch monitor. My boss has one he'll let go for like $250 but its like a 15" in something like that, plus I'll have to find a serial cable for the touch screen functionality. Anyway, how do the HDD and cd drive like the bumpy roads? Twitch
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