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Twitch de la Brat

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Everything posted by Twitch de la Brat

  1. I don't believe BRAT's (Brumby's) have a return fuel line. Mine doesn't at least. From the diagrams I've seen, only the feedback carbs and FI engines have a return fuel line. Twitch
  2. Mwahahaha... Gotta love showing up the Jeeps. Too much fun. Twitch
  3. Sorry about all the hell you've been going through Earl. I hope the person you sold it to isn't THAT much of an idiot. Nor that much of a crook. Twitch
  4. It may be the relay for the signals. It's located right behind the flasher button. You just need to remove the surround for the dash and its right there. I just did it to work on my heater switch. Two screws above the gage cluster, two behind the cupholder, and two on the front of the center console frame. I don't remember if you have to remove the center frame around the Radio or not, but I did anyway for ease of access. That should only be a few screws and the frame pops off. The radio doesn't need to be removed. I don't believe you need to completely remove the surround to get enough access to the relay. I've never heard of them going bad so another one from the JY should do ya. Twitch PS: This belongs in New Gen
  5. I did the Civic trick with my BRAT. Thankfully it didn't hit and I just had to put it in 4 to get it over the ramps to try again. And OW! I know how painful it is to get bit by a spark plug, but down there? Gah that musta hurt. Twitch PS: that's how I get people who're dumb enough to do it, to check their sparkplug wires PPS: No not by that, by their hand! Sheesh, you think I'm that twisted?
  6. Well, I missed you :-p A fair amount has happened around here. A few of us have gotten into squabbles, a few have done some cool stuff. A few people have lost their jobs, well a lot of us have lost our jobs. A few of us have cried out for help, a few of us have offered it. Its just been typical USMB around here. Just do some looking around and you'll see what we've been up to as well Twitch
  7. You make some good points there. And FHI was part of the biggest production company in Japan. It would make sense that they used the secrets given them in WWII. But I doubt those ties have lasted 60 years+ and the dividing up of the company into the different entities. And hiring a Benz designer is just smart. Hire the guy who designs the "best looking" cars in the world. Twitch
  8. I believe that Porsche engine components are made by VW, since they own them after all. If there are any components made by Fuji Heavy Industries, I would be extremely surprised. Twitch
  9. What they said ^^^^^ In addition to GD's suggestion, try running seafoam through it. Put half a can in the oil and let the car idle for 10-15 min, Change your oil as usual. Then add the rest of the can to gas tank. It should help if the TOD is sludge related. Twitch
  10. Ok, you just need to get access. If you can't get to it from under the hood, then yeah, just pull the headlight. Twitch
  11. Don't vilify me, but I just use JB weld. It's held great for me so far. When I bashed my exhaust the JB held and the aluminum stripped. I mix it a little heavy on the hardener, so that I know its nice and strong. Just a thought... Twitch
  12. I'm in agreement with your hunch on the O2 sensor. I would also run some seafoam through your car. I don't know how well lucas fuel treatment works, but I know seafoam works very well, and may help remove anything that the lucas may have left behind. Twitch
  13. I've got 2 bits to add, exhaust manifold gaskets. The ones made by Felpro are pretty cheaply made cardboard gaskets. They have only a Felpro stamp on them. The OEM's I've seen look like they have a more dense cardboard and more metal coverage on the edges. Twitch
  14. That looks really good actually. As was mentioned by Breeke, it looks custom fit and designed with the car in mind. I like it. Twitch
  15. And I'm still trying to find an EA81T!!! Ah man this seems its gonna be a lot harder than I thought... Well, at least you found one. Not a T, but better than nothing. Twitch
  16. XT's have multi-ribbed belts. They may have the proper pulley for you to use. And yes, had I not already done the GM swap, I would have done this one. Much thanks to GD for the info. Twitch
  17. Lets hope for all our sakes, it wasn't. Please for the love Subaru don't let that be the last JDM EA81 out there. Twitch
  18. I'm just curious about the steering on these. My parents have one and it has a dead spot in the middle of the steering range. If you drive straight there is a gap that the steering does nothing. And when its in this position the car has a tendency to wander Is this normal? Or does it mean the steering rack is going away? This is used as a mail vehicle and if it fails, I'm probably gonna have to help fix it Not to mention my parents will be down one car :-\ Twitch
  19. Have you seen his black BRAT? I wouldn't put it past him to do those things.... Twitch PS: I'm not a Ford fan, but its still a nice looking truck
  20. Figured I'd bump this up for those doing the swap, as am I. Thanks for finding that Pooparu Twitch
  21. Make sure you really want one and are willing to take care of it, other wise you'll have us (the enthusiasts) after your hide. Believe me, unless you're willing to hunt for parts and do a looooot of research don't bother. Owning any Subaru older than the 90's is an adventure in itself. Be ready to get a lot of wrong parts, a lot of headaches and do a lot of modding. Unless you're dedicated to it, you shouldn't even bother. Twitch PS: They are rather rare as well
  22. I figured I could do that, but I wanted to keep as many vibration dampening materials as possible. If I need to, I'll just do that, but I just wanted to see if anyone had done it. And to see if cutting that box will destabilize anything. Twitch
  23. First oil change on the BRAT and I'm thinking I'm cool, getting everything done right and proper, screw the plug back in, put the filter on, back it out of the garage and I see a stream of oil following me down the driveway. Crossthreaded the oil filter Another... I was swapping out my transmission in my lego and forgot to check the diffs Well, I figured my manual had a 3.9 and the auto that I was junking was a 4.111 I go through the process of dropping both diffs and ripping part of the rear suspension apart and lo-and-behold, they're the same ratio More carnage! I was cleaning my carb after it decided to stick open at WOT the night before (that was a fun experience) and was shooting carb cleaner on all the linkages and the outside of the carb in general. I'm almost done when I look down to see what's left and shoot the cleaner into what I think is a passage way. Nope, it was just a pefectly shaped divot that redirected the carb cleaner straight into my eye. 2 minutes of near screaming and lots of water/saline solution later, I was able to see out of the other eye Best? Ummmm, so far, Rusty, Bill's little red first gen BRAT. Bought him cheap non-running, got him going with just a fuel pump and some fresh gas. He even ran on the old crap that was in the tank for at least 6 years Maybe not the most glorious, but I proud of being able to help rescue an injured suby from the crusher. Twitch
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