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Everything posted by TimHansen

  1. Somewhere. Probably better to PM me the info. Also, I'm gonna try to get another week of time to arrange the trip; the 31st is my housewarming party. (my brother and I just bought a house!) I'm really hoping this thing will run...
  2. Hey, McBrat; I sort of bought another Camry Wagon in your town and will probably be in your neighborhood weekend after next. If we can get the thing running under its own power to drive home, we'll grab a tow dolly from uhaul and maybe bring one of those Subarus back with us. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7910885777&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT I know Camrys pretty good, but if it does something weird, might I be able to give you a call? -Tim Hansen (yes, Catch This Fox is coming along slowly but surely...)
  3. Should've just had her register it in her home state and mail you the plates. Far, far cheaper and more direct, anyway.
  4. I'm using Final Cut Pro on UW/M's Macs. I'd be using my PC but I can't afford RAM right now... Should have it done the end of August. -Tim Hansen
  5. Oh, no...Trashwagon 5 survived this with precious little damage (we lost some foglights...) Good thing too, as we were still SIX HUNDRED MILES from home when they did this... The fuel pump wiring came undone, but five minutes and we were back on the road. Trashwagon 5 didn't really "bite it" until Memorial Day Weekend (after shooting...) and it will probably be resurrected when we promote the movie on next year's Hot Rod Power Tour. -Tim Hansen
  6. Again, like I keep saying, over and over and over again, DEPRECIATION IS WORST IN THE FIRST THREE YEARS OF OWNERSHIP. Here, for example, is a nice '02 WRX wagon for $16,700 buy-it-now. ($8,000 cheaper than new) http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=31868&item=2481857119&rd=1 And another one with even lower miles for $15,9000 ($9,000 cheaper than new!) http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=31868&item=2481987918&rd=1 New cars is for suckers!
  7. Last time I saw that thing it was red. A super, super slick job. I want one. It's more AMC Gremlin than AMC Pacer, though. (both of which are cool... /former AMC freak)
  8. Man, sounds like I missed a real adventure. I had planned on going; I even had arranged to borrow an '86 GL wagon to drive down. Then a bunch of crazy stuff happened. One, my mom fell off the deck and needed me to help with yardwork. Two, my brother bought a house. A friggin' HOUSE. Major stuff happening there. Miles; what's up for court & everything? Also, Trashwagon 5 looks fixable to me. That B-pillar should pound out. See how much you can get it to resemble its old self; I may want to get some professional photography done of you and the car for promotional purposes. I made a new friend who owns a tow dolly. Let me know what's up for fetching the Iowa Subarus... Work on the film continues. I'm scanning in your artwork now. I need more of it. Do you still have the list of requests I sent? -Tim Hansen
  9. Some things came up here in Milwaukee (namely, my brother bought a house), so I had to cancel my trip to Butler at the very last minute. Had planned on leaving this morning, in a borrowed Subaru, no less. Let me know how it goes, guys. I still want to come down for the court thing to speak on Miles' behalf and to hopefully get my damn tapes back, and also get some more audio and the artwork. (how's the artwork coming, Miles?) Also, we gotta do something about those Soobs in Iowa. (I'm now leaning towards the black turbo...) -Tim Hansen
  10. When "Catch This Fox" comes out, you can actually watch Miles Fox weld one up for Trashwagon 5 (which runs a complete EA82 drivetrain...)
  11. I will be there with, at least, a 16-minute preview of "Catch This Fox", namely the last chapter of it, which I finished for portfolio review tomorrow. I will work on getting more of it done in time. We may have a rough edit of the whole thing, we may not, but there will be a preview. -Tim Hansen
  12. Call me crazy, but all this OBD stuff smacks of Big Brother. How long 'til there's hidden GPS sensors in our cars that automatically send us tickets if the government thinks we're speeding? Remote shutdowns from the police? Remember, a healthy mistrust of authority is essential for liberty...
  13. There's a thread for every other meet coming up, but I haven't heard a whole lot from Miles Fox & Company on what's going on for their get-together Memorial Day Weekend in scenic (hah!) Butler, Indiana. I'm planning on attending with a preview of "Catch This Fox", and possibly a few Subarus... -Tim Hansen
  14. Another $50? Hey, man, that's not cool. Deal was $200 for 2 cars with good titles. I might have to put a call in to Mr. Starry. What's up with the paperwork? Do you have the titles in your posession? Does Matt's incarceration get you off the hook, or was this for unrelated charges? Also, did you ever track down the newspaper articles from your "raid"? How are those drawings coming!? It's too late to work them into my class project but I still need them for the final film. I may also have you draw by hand the menu screens and titles for the movie; really give it that Miles Fox touch. I'm pretty set on "Catch This Fox" as the title, presently. Best of luck with the new job opportunity. I may have just landed a new gig myself doing set construction and lighting repair for a company that supplies theatre lighting @ F/X...here's hoping. I need this job. I'm beyond broke. Went through more of the footage today. I'm about 1/3 of the way through logging the tapes, which will make capturing a breeze, but we're still seriously behind. I have until May 11th to get a finished 10-minute segment done for portfolio review. It is going to be close, especially since I'm also wrangling a 16mm project from hell. I have to shoot two more rolls on Saturday. One plus; a guy says he can get me Mike Schank of American Movie fame as an extra in my 16mm film. How badly did you guys crack up my turbo wagon? Any sheetmetal damage or is it just superfluous stuff?
  15. Most likely, they don't want anybody from the government snooping around looking for code violations. I'd feel the same way if I were them. Remember, The Man spoils everybody's fun, because that's how The Man accumulates power...
  16. Glad to hear you made it back safe & sound; get ahold of your legal people and try to get these knots straightened out. Also, here's hoping they don't try to book you for harboring a fugitive or somesuch nonesense.
  17. Y'all smashed my turbo wagon?! Aw, hell! So, what do you guys think? $200 worth of Subarus or what? Glad to hear all was extricated. I'm gonna hit up the local yards for subaru parts for you guys as soon as the semester is done. Picked up a 250GB external hard drive the other day so progress is beginning on the movie. -Tim Hansen
  18. That's the thing about Fox. Things might not get done according to plan, but they will, in some way, shape, or form, get done. Keep on truckin', Miles.
  19. Were I him, I'd have one of his entourage stay w/ TW6, take a co-driver, get the '84 TurboWagon from Des Moines back to Indiana and get his behind to court! If any of you can pass word to him, this would be a good thing to encourage him to do. Either that, or talk to Chef Tim, since Chef Tim has more than enough Subarus lying around to get everyone home...
  20. Any word on the boys from Butler? Fox has court tomorrow. McBrat? Any news on their progress w/ the two Des Moines Subarus? Is Trashwagon 6 still trapped in Iowa? -Tim Hansen
  21. No video from me, at least, I'm still up here editing the Trashwagon 5 road trip and couldn't make the midwest meet. I'll be at Fox's Subaru Alliance get together next month though, with an early edit of the film...
  22. Managed to check out an '84 Vanagon at the Jefferson Swap Meets today. Not a Westy, so not what I'm looking for, but MAN is that a comfortable driving position. I could hang out all day behind the wheel of one of those suckers. It's like having the world directly projected in front of you. I could probably get the number if any of you are interested; it was a graphite blue color and in fairly decent shape for $1900 (steep by my book...but I'm a cheapass...)
  23. NOBODY parties like Subaru people! Damn! In some perverse way, I wish I was there with you. All the honor of warfare, none of the pesky bullets. Keep sloggin', boys, we're pullin' for ya! -Tim Hansen (soon to be a bona fide member of the Subaru Alliance w/ '84 Turbo Wagon)
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