As far as music is concerned, I'm still not quite sure what the legality of everything is. As this is a documentary, incidental audio is fair use under journalism laws. I'm keen to see what I can drum up for original, royalty-free stuff.
Now, Fox, don't think too much about how the lot of you will present yourselves on camera. More than anything, I want to capture the natural state of affairs for you guys. I'm also interested in rustling up interviews with other figures in your life to provide a running counterpoint to certain anectdotes. Your boss, your mom, certain officials from Gibault, etc.
As far as how much will be done with the final product, there will be several permutations. First, there will be a 10-minute short for certain film festivals with time constraints.
Second, the feature-length documentary, which will be around 2 hrs. in length and be sent to any and all film festivals it's eligible for. If they pick it for Sundance, we go to Sundance. If they pick it for Cannes, we go to Cannes. (Shoot for the moon, I say).
Following from that, I'll be putting together a DVD and selling it through my website. The DVD will have special features like a Miles Fox art gallery, extra unused clips, some version of your web content (especially the history of your cars), maybe a lexicon of your lingo, and probably some other cool stuff. I'll work out an appropriate cut of the action for you once I know how the business will break down.
I will also explore the option of a miniseries format for cable markets, unlikely as that is. But we'll see. The form of this, as with virtually all documentaries, depends on what we actually get shot.
For the cop-chase scenes and other such "foreshadowing", what I was hoping, Miles, is that you could crank out renditions of your adventures in comic form. It wouldn't be animated (hand-drawn animation is ungodly expensive) but I think it's ideal; it puts the focus directly on you, your art, and your experiences. I mean, you're a heck of an artist. Let's use that, thematically. This is, after all, a portrait documentary of Miles Fox.
Depending on how well things go, I'll probably get some T-shirts and posters printed up, too.