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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. Keith Actually it is possible that changing the motor oil could be the cause of the poor idle. It is very rare this happens but it does, although I've never seen it on a Subaru so far. In some cases where the carb is in very poor shape or the float level is wrong gas can end up in the oil pan. Setting the carb idle adjustment while the gas is in the oil makes a difference because the gas fumes from the crankcase are being sucked into the carb and can cause a faster idle which is then compensated for by turning the idle down on the carb. As soon as new oil is put in the motor the extra fumes are gone and the idle drops. Like I said, rare but it does happen. Barry
  2. I agree the weather strip fits in a channel but mine also has a couple plastic clips that show as about 1/4" round plastic plugs at each end. These are there to stop it from pulling out of the channel at the ends. The door strip on mine is not in a channel and has even smaller T pins every few inches to hold it on the door. You can only see these by pulling the strip away from the door slightly being careful not to pull them out of the rubber seal. Barry
  3. You say it starts again but takes about 5 minutes. Next time pop the fuel cap and see if it starts. I don't know all these years and models yet but if it has a carb and you suspect fuel you should be able to remove the cover off of the air filter and work the throttle linkage to see if the accelerator pump is pumping fuel. Shooting in the dark without the car in front of me but who knows? Barry
  4. Awesome! Congratulations! My start was similar but the Soob was a 49-54 Chev pickup. Barry
  5. All of the above. Thanks for the memories. Darn, now I have to call my mom!
  6. I am parting an 85 wagon. The front door window seals seem in good shape and I got them off in one piece. Those little push in clips are a pain. Barry
  7. I am parting an 85 wagon. The front window seals seem in good shape and I got them off in one piece. Those little push in clips are a pain. Barry
  8. Brian Love to talk with you about the Brat body. barryobates@yahoo.com

  9. Got the motor and trans out of the Brat yesterday. Jumped on the old Guzzi/Sidecar today and took a pleasant jaunt over Chinook Pass to Yakima to visit Jerry. Got his kit to put the 85 wagon 5spd in the Brat. Got to look at his Soobies and that was worth the trip alone. The little bit he charges for the kit he puts together is a paultry sum considering the time and mistakes it will save figuring it out yourself. (Learned a lot also. Disc brakes on the rear next.) Hope to get the trans out of the wagon in the next week or so. I have a friend that says he can rebuild it for me so I might have him do that before I put it in the Brat. I'll take the opportunity to change any gaskets and seals that are or might leak on the motor and pressure wash everything. I'm going to sand blast all the little sheet metal covers from underneath and send them out with the next batch of powder coating. I hate rust and for the most part there is none in this Brat other than those little covers. Barry
  10. Thanks for the info. Just talked to Jerry. Awesome! Barry
  11. I'm sure this has been done but can't find anything about it posted. Want to swap the 5 spd from my 85 wagon into my 82 Brat. Any help with what works or what I'll have to change would save some time. Thanks Barry
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