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Everything posted by bratman18

  1. Do a quick search in the off road section. There is an FAQ at the top that explains all this stuff!!!
  2. It puts power to the front wheels only. But useless really unless you have a flat.
  3. Looks pretty good. I still would love to have one of these!! even if it did have a few dents!!
  4. Yeah there is a guy local to me with a 97 OBS with an EG33 in it, and it puts modded WRX's to shame!! Tons of torque
  5. Hey sorry I didn't realize you replied here. my paypal is jhp10@myfairpoint.net



  6. Wow!! That's awesome, revs real quick too. Should be some great numbers!! and tons of fun!!
  7. Just do a quick search, and also check out the sticky at the top with the FAQ section. There is ton of useful info in there and should help you.
  8. Hey I could do 10 bucks shipped and paypalled. Should cost around 5 bucks to ship, so thats 5 bucks for the part. Let me know. As for the fuel pump, are you sure it died?? It's not real common, but definitely possible!! I would just see what the local parts store has.

  9. You got some work ahead of you just with cleaning!!! Hurry up and get that thing out so you can at least get started on that!!!
  10. :lol:Awesome. I'm guessing that things are quite done in that area, and that the frame rails will be modified a bit. Looks great!! You are doin very good work, great welds etc. Keep it up, and I can't wait to see the final product!!
  11. That's nothin!! Come out to Maine and take a look at the older Subarus we have!! I have seen and repaired worse rust than that. Just cut out all the rust, and weld in new metal!!
  12. There is a chance you could do it that quickly. A lift would definitely make it happen. I have changed a tranny and clutch in an hour and a half by myself with a lift and air tools. But it took my about 7 hours to change a tranny in my Brat on the jack stands, and air tools
  13. I think maybe this should be added to the manual!!!
  14. Where did you get yours GD? I have never been able to find one!!
  15. Where did you get yours GD? I have never been able to find one!!
  16. Here is the write up! http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=111498
  17. Great job Chris!! Yeah Chris is a pretty smart6 guy, I went over and helped out a little, but he figured out the rest on his own, so a big +1 for doing this project!!! And great job with the pics, and write up!!!!
  18. Great job Chris!! Yeah Chris is a pretty smart6 guy, I went over and helped out a little, but he figured out the rest on his own, so a big +1 for doing this project!!! And great job with the pics, and write up!!!!
  19. Sweet to hear that song from Maine has made it all the way out there:lol:
  20. Thanks GD for the help. I've been trying over the phone, and might be going over to help him tomorrow. But thanks for the tips as usual GD!! I told him they can be a real biatch sometimes!!!!
  21. Looks like excellent work!!! Keep us posted on your progress!
  22. I did this swap in mine. I loved it. And I used Thebeast's power steering bracket. Worked great, just needed a slightly smaller belt than what was supplied. And yes, the Loyale y-pipe will bolt up.
  23. Awesome!! And that's a pretty good price!! You should post some of this stuff on Newenglandsubarus.com!!
  24. Sounds like a very heave wheeler Subaru!! I had a 4500 LB winch on my Brat and I really felt it!!
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