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  1. I've driven my buddies and his is exactly the same, no noise on his on the same road, same day.
  2. Hey all, I bought a Legacy back in June and as it got colder here in Iowa, it started making an awful noise when driving over 70mph. It seems to be the worst with a headwind or crosswind. It sounds to me like when you blow over the opening of a bottle. I know it's not engine or tranny related, I can coast in neutral and still loud. Anyone have any ideas? I've checked seals and front plastics and they all seem solid.
  3. Does anyone have any pics of my car? (legacy GT). I know I saw some people taking pics of it and Kurt had a good one of it being cleaned. Anyone that got any, let me know, I would like to get them if possible. Matt
  4. Yeah, that mud was somethin else. Thanks for stickin around and helpin me out. My hands and knees are so sore from doin that.
  5. I also want to know who had the Video camera out while we were stuck and if I could get a copy of the tape sent. I can digitize it in HIGH quality and post a link. I also just want to see it, whoever have that camera, please contact me ASAP. Matt
  6. Well, I know this was supposed to be a fun trip and everything, but I am not happy with the outcome. I'm not blaming any one person. I am thankful for anyone that helped me out. I dont know how something like this can be handled. I now have a bunch of repairs that need done and no $$$ for it. I'm not sure what to do. My 01 legacy sustained some decent damage. I am pretty sure I blew at least one axel. My inner fender liner ripped out, mud is now in places it is not supposed to be My factory ground affects are broken on one side. My fender is bent from the inner one ripping off and having mud pushed up into the fender area My exhaust got messed up and is now loud. I have a ton of squeaks that I have no idea where they are coming from I basically ruined a new tire, the mud smoked it I am not sure if the tranny got damaged or not, it seem to shift a lot harder now, I am going to flush it ASAP. Again thanks to everyone that helped me, with out you, I would have been even worse off.
  7. Hey everyone, I'm a bit new to this forum, I have always owned older subaru's, mostly 2.2's. This is my first 2.5 and I am reading a lot of potentional problems with them. I have about 56k miles on mine, I am wondering if there is a forum with a list of potential probs to look for or if anyone could help me out on what to look for. I have and pretty much have always had a fairly heavy knock in my engine for the first 10 or so min when I take off for work, it doen'st completely go away, but gets quiet. That is the main thing I have been worried about, I have taken it to the dealer many times, they replaced the timing belt tensioner onece and now they say it is normal, it just seems way too loud. I also noticed last year when I had about 40k miles on it a strong radiator fluid smell and now have read about the leak prob. It went away after a few weeks, I couldnt' find any leakage anywhere. I am also wondering about what maintnance should be done. My 2.2 hardly ever needed any. Any help is appreciated, Matt
  8. Hey everyone, this will be my first post in this forum (newbie). I am planning on coming to this meet. I was wondering if you could just give me a quick rundown of everything, just in case I missed anything reading through the forums. I will most likely be bringing one other person. Probably camping also. Is sat the big day? Anything going on on Sunday? Thanks, Matt
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