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Everything posted by zdriver123

  1. I was looking at carb adapter plates and have decided to go with those cast Transdapt adapters. Are the EA81 and EA82 adapters the same? I searched and found plenty of Ea82 swaps and info but not a bunch of EA81 info. I'm looking to swap Webers on both an 84 and an 87 and wanted to order both adapters tonight.
  2. Is poor fuel mileage the sign of a failing Hitachi? I just got my 84 4wd wagon going and only made it 145 miles on a tank. What gives. I'm getting parts for a full tuneup and a seafoam treatment. but am I just denying the fact that I may have a failing carb?
  3. Sweet! Do you have any pictures?

  4. Cool, I'm in Sequim and I should be ready for some trail trips pretty soon as well.
  5. Anyone know of any yards in the Lexington/ Columbia area with any EA81's
  6. If you ever find another one i would totally buy one!
  7. where did you find that compass? that is awesome!
  8. I was just wondering about the dimensions of the carb studs on a stock EA82 intake manifold. I've got an adapter for a Weber very similar to the taller adapter from Loyale 2.7's writeup on weber carbs. I know the part number of his adapter but there is no identification on mine. anybody know?
  9. Thanks for the advice Scott. Now I have to save up a little and order a front lift kit from you. All I want to do is level out the front end a bit, and maybe tighten the torsion bars a bit.
  10. I've read a whole bunch about lifting subarus here and the information has been invaluable, thanks guys! I just had a couple more questions about lifting my 84 wagon. I hear that axles don't last too long when you just put blocks under the front struts. From ehat i've found, it's because the angle causes the boots to either pop off or tear and then the bearings eat them selves from road debris. I come from the vw bug world where baja guys have been using empi boots on their half shafts for years with great success. I was wondering if this could be an option for me. The boots are of a better quality material and allow for more flex. I'm asking if this would be a good option as i want to change my boots before they do tear (car was sitting for 7 years and the old boots are a bit dry). Is this the only problem with those axles and lifts or are there more?
  11. Has anyone ever retrofit a radiator into an EA81 wagon/ Brat. I've got access to bunches of radiators but no gen 2 stuff.
  12. has anybody tried snowboard or ski wax, worked for me.
  13. One eye, I read about your 2" lift thread and I saw the pic of your buddy Mike's EA81 hatch with the tightened torsion bars and blocks. I wondered If there were any issues with axle life. Also, did you cut those front blocks at an angle, if so how much?

  14. I was reading the offroad threads about lifting my EA 81 wagon. I read about the method with 4 2" square tube blocks for the front and tightening the rear torsion bars in the back. Now the rear is a cinch but I have a few questions with the front. 1: they are 2" tall but how wide? 2: do I need to offset the holes or slot the strut towers? If so how much? Thanks John
  15. Will a slant rado console work in an EA81 subaru without replacing the console around the shifter. Just wanted to ask before I bought one.
  16. you could order a set from Mill Supply for about 100 shipped. It's probably than buying a set from a junkyard.
  17. having a bit of trouble acquiring a winshield for my 84 wagon. Nobody will sell one for me to install. I used to work at a glass shop and changed a bunch and know there quite simple. Does anybody know a shop that will sell me one, or has one out of a parts vehicle in good shape?
  18. Cool, thats what I need to know. I think if I can retrofit 85+ rockers I'll try with a set from my junkyard. I can grab a set tomorrow for about 20 bucks if I cut them myself
  19. Has anyone ever found reproduction rocker panels for the 80-84 gl wagons? I found them for 85-93 but never anything for older models. I found Mill Supply co. but the catalog was a bit confusing. picture of an ea81 wagon but the rockers are for an ea 82 wagon. Any advice. I heard that a few people have ordered these and had some success. Anyone care to chime in?
  20. I left them off as well. This is the 4th set of timing belts i've done on a subaru and so far the quickest. I'm letting it idle and hopefully the reseal works. i think I have to work some air out of the system.
  21. Thank you so much! I was driving to the store this morning and my timing belt snapped. I asked about getting one of these kits with my timing belts and there was one in stock! I bought it and am installing it with my timing belts today!
  22. It's been forever since I resealed a EA series subaru oil pump. Does anyone have the part number of the seals needed for the job?
  23. I went out to my 85 GL wagon and The heater fan did'nt turn on . I replaced the fan itself, the switch, and the blower motor resistor. neither fix got the fan working. I have power at the two fuses marked for heater. I was wondering if anyone had the wiring diageam so I can look to see if tere is anything else in the circut. Anything would be better than what I have. Thanks in advance. John
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