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Everything posted by floortom

  1. go to market place................thanks, floortom.
  2. the clouds have lifted., and grey matter has began to twitch. A vast flood of knowage has sweped over me! Thankyou guys! A long kept secret passed down to the palm of the incredabley stooopid! thanks again, floortom the feeble
  3. what does it look like and how much is it? where do you get it? floortom.
  4. i've got a odd question, what is the best way to tighten the center nut in 3 steps, if #2 and 3 put the rocker shaft in the way? i cant get a socket on it. thanks. floortom.
  5. hi again, i just bought a 84 brat with a froze motor. great shape, gonna plant my other,other motor in it. just wanted to know what is involved i getting some lift out of it. a littlel more than stock. does it cost alot? is it a ton of work? have a box of tools and a week end could use some tips guys! 84 brat t-top brush guard/s. plate ea81 j seats $ 100.00 beans! smokin deal. will most likley sell 86 hatch for $ 75.00 in portland 503.735.1583 thanks, floortom
  6. hi im looking for a respectable parts outlet i can get prices from that is web freindly. bearings, cams, gaskets ect. thanks once again. this site is a fountain of great info. floortom65@msn.com
  7. whoud'nt it pup pressure in the collant right away? dont start this until its over temp.
  8. how can i trouble shoot this? pulled the plugs, they look nornal. i dont have a compression check.
  9. Hi all, just got the little beasie to fire! Bought with blown head gasket, all went well. did not want wake up though. barely crapped or popped. checked and rechecked timing, firing order. ( as car came in heaps of boxes.) Parts still on car were all molested. After cranking the key for 2 mins. while dancing on the gas ped. it came to life. Small victory. smoked like a skeeter fogger. filled it with water. restart showed less smoke. over heat in bout 5 mins. checked for stuck t stat.( was not one in there ) go fig. Found the ground for the fan, jumped it so it's on all times. Shiny new water pump and hoses.( don't think its those.) Not one gadge in the dash works, so i don't know what the real temp is, but water SHOOTS out cap. Heads feel TOO WARM to the touch. What else should i be looking for, as this is first subaru. Thanks, Floortom.
  10. thanks for reply so soon. there are no belts to cover. the block is stamped EA81 And Im in the same room with a 10 pc. pearl lets rock!
  11. I bought a 85 three dr. 4x4, When I looked in the shop manual, it was obvious there has been a motor swap. no timing belt covers. have never heard it run, bad head gasket, center head nut was laying in the rocker cover, I replaced the gasket, but it acted like the timing was off. It poped and crapped through the carb. I don't know what the timing should be set at. The head torque was set was 22/ 43/ 47. Valve lash set at 10 intake, 14 for exhaust If someone can tell from the stamped case numbers 565774 please let me know. Any web sites with this info? You can email me @ floortom65@msn.com Thanks
  12. i bought a 85 hatchback. It had moter swap, i've got the case #565774 thanks.
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