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About chody555

  • Birthday 03/17/1983

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  • Occupation
    Service Technician
  • Vehicles
    1987 Subaru Rx

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Member (2/11)



  1. this is for 2k4 sti. i have ran into that in the past also. now what i do is bring in my old one and when they bring me the part, i check it out right there to make sure that its a match. those years are a pain some times.
  2. so what i need is a distributor for my rx. i actually already went and got one off of a different turbo wagon that i found and everything was looking good. well i went to install it and the plug was different. the serial number on the side was just one number off. and when i called and asked about it, they said that its just that one number that is the problem. so i need a distributor with the serial number: 22100AA410. the one i got before was: 400 at the end rather than the 410. so if anybody has one they want to get rid of or sell. please let me know. i need to get this car back up and running. its my work car. thanks
  3. sorry guys i tried this part out from radio shack and it was a bust. it didnt hurt anything but it wouldnt even start. turn over yes, but it didnt even have a hint that it was going to start. i just went and bought the stock bracket and coil with the igniter. problem is, it didnt change anything. still running great and then dying. so i kind of gave up and took it to the local shop to see if they could find anything running it on the diagnostics machine. they havent found anything except they think its my distributor. i have the distributor with the l.e.d. in it with the plate with holes and the photo sensor. so now i am on a hunt to find that part. not going to buy new again and make that mistake. any help would be appriciated.
  4. hey thanks 88rxtuner i will have to head right down there and try that out. i hope its as simple as it sounds. i will repost when i get it done. thanks again
  5. sorry for not posting this before, its the little electrical connection right underneath the coil on the same bracket.
  6. i have been looking through some parts yards for a turbo 1800 and havent found one yet. so instead of looking all over the county in every parts yard, i was wondering if anyone has one for sale so that i can get my rx back in action.
  7. well the ignition amplifier or transistor everyone is talking about is called the igniter. from what i have heard it has to be a turbo model 1800 fuel injection car. not a carb model car. just go looking in parts yards for one and find a car with no front end damage on it and take it. i am still currently looking for one myself. but i am sure that once we both find one. we will both be back on the road.
  8. good one naru i have an 87 rx with the same problem...it runs just fine and then dies either a couple minutes later or a couple seconds later. what i have heard is the same thing as naru...its the ignitor that sits on the bracket right underneath the coil. with this thing dying like that it wont throw a hard code for the diagnostics to catch. so i would replace the ignitor and go from there. but dont order from subaru because they only (from what i heard) sell a kit, which is the ignitor, the coil, and the bracket. then you just plug it in and go. but subaru wants an arm and a leg for it. my best bet would be going to a parts yard and taking one off of another car. thats what i am in search of right now. good luck
  9. guys, i just went out after cooling it down and it ran just fine. left it running for like 45 minutes. i did unplug the neg side of the battery earlier but still died. just thought i could reset the computer. now its running fine. i will drive to work in the morning and repost what happened. but please keep them coming. the guys that posted, thank you, i did check all of that but didnt post it. thank you and keep up the help. one thing i can say when i started using usmb long ago was the boys.....always keep me on the right track to diagnosing my problems. thanks again to those who have posted.
  10. starts and runs great for a few seconds. then tach goes to zero and engine dies. checked distributor and wires. checked all fuses and fusible links. please help.
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