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Everything posted by Johnnyscott

  1. Ok, so I got both timing belts changed and did all my accessory belts while I was at it. It seems to be running pretty well, now! I think it may be a little off, though, as compression braking seems to be a little more abrupt and, while low end torque seems to have improved, high end torque seems to have decreased. I'll have to play with it. Anyhow, thanks again!
  2. This same rebuilt kit can be ordered from AutoZone for 22 bucks, and it usually arrives in two days! Gotta love autoZone...
  3. Ok, so I feel like a dumb A. After looking at it in daylight (not at midnight, when it went out), I've found that y'all were right in the first place... The driver's side timing belt is gone, which also explains the no spark issue. I'll get the belt put on and let y'all know the result!! Thanks, again, for all the info! Y'all rock!
  4. Oh, and which fuses should I check? I checked the fuses under the dash, but I'm sure those aren't the engine management fuses. I did check the four fusible links in the engine bay. What/where are the others? Any relays? Thanks, again, for the help!
  5. Thanks General Disorder! I'll start checkin' it out tomorrow. I'm stuck at work for the evening. Oh, and so you know, my little brother has an older Subaru (he suggested this forum) and he said you know it all...lol... So, thanks for the advise. I'll let you all know what I find out.
  6. I'll test the coil tomorrow morning. Any ideas on the best way to do that? I can test resistence in the coil and voltage to the coil, right? And I already pulled a plug and grounded it... no spark.
  7. And thanks for the quick responses! Seriously... this rocks.
  8. Not the timing belt. The timing cover is off, so I can see it.
  9. Hi all! This is my first time on here, and I'm hoping somebody knows a LOT more than I do about these motors. Anyhow, I was driving down the highway, the other day, and the motor stalled, the tack blipped and dropped to nothing, and I coasted to a stop. Now the engine will crank but won't start. The fuel pump seems to be working. I pulled a plug and tested for spark and got nothing. I was thinking it's the cranks shaft position sensor, which, from what I understand, is actually a part of the distributor on this car...ugh. Any other ideas? Thanks!
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