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Everything posted by subaru420

  1. Costco, I got Michelin all weather, Which are AWSOME for road driving (and some off road) for $42 each mounted/ballanced/and 70000 mi warrantee
  2. You're My Hero! Thats So Sweet! And Thank you to all of our foreign members! This has been a real treat to read! Glad to see that something as simple as a 4x4 Gutless wonder can bring so many nations together!
  3. Thanks! I was forced into replacing the carpet. My front windshield has a leaky seal, the previouse owner knew about it, there solution was to shove a sponge behind the dash, under the leak, I dont know how long it had been there.... Long enough to get black with mold. I had the interior out for a while, when it rained I'd get a good inch or two of standing water on the passeger side. Quite musty to say the least. But YEA! A few cans of Rustoleum Silver really brightened up the cigarette tarnished dash parts. It's held up pretty well so far. Been a few months. The door jamb trims started flaking first, but Oh well... I'm happy with it over all.
  4. http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/534482 check out what I did with my interior. Do you think it's "high quality"??? Because I was pretty up there when I did it .
  5. Way to be Man! If you goto Brians today Look for the baby blue Gl Wagon... thats my baby. (Peep the interior... tres plush!)Congrats on the Job again! <--- Cheers for you!
  6. Hmmm.... I have a cotter pin in it but maybe I need to tighten that thing down some. Time to go get out the torque wrench. I've got my fingers crossed
  7. whats the castle nut???? I'll have to look at the wheel bearing as well.... What happens if one goes bad????
  8. I have an 83 GL wagon, And it has been making this creaking sound coming from the rear passenger side wheel. It started... or at least I noticed it first when I brought home a lot of weight (2 kegs) in the back. IT was louder with more weight. It creaks with every turn of the wheel. Now it is louder and there every time I drive. People tell me that a wheel bearing would sound more grinding sounding. Could it possibly be the rear CV? It doesn't CLACK like the fronts do when they go out... But I dont know. The same sound was there before and after doing the rear shoes so I have ruled the brakes out of the noise making. Sound like anything anyone else has dealt with???
  9. Aren't the xt6 still a 4 lug??? That is the wedge looking car correct... I saw one today that is... and it was a 4 lug. Maybe older models are 5 lug??
  10. SO.. Can I just rob a Legacy or something from the yard of all its hub, brake and attatched parts of that then just bolt em all onto my Old Wagon???? Or is it going to take alot more craftiness than first thought??? Has Subaru changed much of their brakeing system over the years??? If it is just going to be like the rear disk conversion than I'm on it no problem. I lack the equiptment to do alot of custom fab stuff though.
  11. Pugs are hideous though... I'm hoping that some day my car can steal trophies from some chromed out honda at hot import nights.... Any other suggestions for a nice looking rim that can fit?????? I have your Ginourmous Brat as my background by the way.... NICE! I Like it alot! That blue looks Sweet too!
  12. Haha! Thats gross.... Would that same sway bar fit onto my 83 wagon? My rear end is rather loose... even gross-er....
  13. Yea... not looking to spend all that much... Dude with the big blue brat says that 3.5 inch backspacing has worked fine for him, although he has a big ol lift and 15x10" with 35" tires mounted onto that.... I have found some 17x8" that have a 3.25" backspacing. I may be a little wide still but seems to me that that would work just fine. If I have to get fender flares I will, I'm hoping thats not the case though... they are kinda ugly
  14. I am going to do a 6 lug conversion and throw some new rims on my 83 wagon. I read on dude with the GINORMOUS brat's page that 3.5 or so backspacing works fine.... But he has Huge tires... I am not going to lift mine... I am just looking to put nice wheels on it. Is there any advise you all can give be before I go out and buy a set of rims that doesn't let me turn anymore??? As well how wide can they be??? I'd assube the thinner the better. Alot of the 6 lug rims are for trucks.... I dont want my tires stickin out past my wheel wells
  15. You can also try Valley Subaru Service in Auburn, off Auburn way. The guy Chuck there is a real down to earth kinda guy.... no bullsheviks just tells ya what is actually wrong and wether or not you should worry about it. His answer for my check engine light was either a 200+ dollar sensor or a chunk of electrical tape... my choice. Thats what I wanna hear from a mechanic.
  16. Well I noticed it again today.... and unfortunatelly I didn't have any kegs in the back this time. I worry about it... I read a post about an EA82 wheel bearing being quite simple, as well someone said that the EA81 (which I have) is very similar. Is this true??? I am a newbie at all of this, Each part I remove is new to me... So wheel bearings???? Pull the hubs... old ones out, new ones in and done???? If anyone knows of a thread, or a page where its all outlined that would be sweet! I've been told not to trust my Chilton Manual, Anything I should know? Thanks!
  17. Probably a good idea... I did have A LOT of weight in the back.... I don't wanna go changing things that dont need to be done. Your right about it being anything rotating back there. It was Specifically coming from one side though, so I have ruled the dif out. I JUST changed the shoes, The weight may have been enough to tweak the whole axle and make a shoe rub a little. I'll keep a close eye on it... and go easy on the loads for a while. That definatelly was the most weight its ever seen, and she looked like one of those lowered hondas with it all back there. If it is wheel bearing... how difficult is it??? Any specialty tools or shop equiptment needed to do it??? Or will a garage a weekend and a foul mouth get it done like everything else???
  18. Its a 4x4, The rear shocks are DEFINATELLY SHOT. I dont think that would make a noise when the wheel turns. Dont know though. the noise stopped when I took the weight out. I'm not going to worry till It starts again.
  19. Are you gonna run a top mount RX7 IC??? Thats BRILLIANT! gonna need a new place for your spare but nice use of the space! Pictures!!! We want Pictures!!! Sounds Fun man! Maybe we'll see it at the show in August????
  20. Not a very good charm I'd say... I'm in the same boat with my original leaking, I just ran a bunch if silicone around the spot I could see light through. No more leaky leaky. Just a big glob of ugly silicone is all. I'll do it right one day... but $35 for a leaky gasket wont be route I take. Maybe I'll just break down and take those 24 free dinners at Azteca from Olympic auto Glass and get a whole new Guaranteed wind shield.
  21. I have an 83 GL wagon, and I was coming home with 3 people in the car and 2 full kegs in the back. I heard a pretty loud CREAKING coming from the back passenger side wheel. It made the creak with every turn of the wheel, so slower it sounded worse and more drawn out, and faster it was just a little squee--squee--squee..... right. After I got all the weight out it was fine. The tire was not rubbing so that wasnt it. Sound like anything I should worry about? Early signs of bad wheel bearing? Or maybe just my car telling me I drink too much and it's affecting her as well? Whatcha think???
  22. Are those pics the final product??? Sure seems like alot of hoses floating afterwards if so.... Have ya noticed an increase in MPG?? I've got an EA81 and 23 MPG seems like so little for the sorry amount of performance I get out of her. Hey Q-man would ya be willing to assist in another install somewhere down the road???
  23. Me Likes! I showed my buddy those pics, He's got a 7" lifted Toyota on 35" Mickey Thompsons. You got him thinking about trading it in! Very Nicelly Done! Mad Props Bro!
  24. i used rustoleum Silver.... I'm afraid it's not going to last around the doors and on them deals in the back. If it does chip off I think I'll try Hammerite. I hear that stuff it tough as nails. But as long as nobody picks at it the dash parts outta last. I did sand, prime, and clear coat. So We'll see how it stands up to the test of time
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