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Everything posted by subaru420

  1. sweetness... I'm gonna have to find a set of pugs and some lil swampers to play with
  2. WHOA! THAT SO COOL!!!! Is that lifted???? Hard to tell when its under water! I am definatelly down to come check it out. See what youve done with the thing. I'm quivering with anticipation of what to do to my new toy!
  3. Thanks! Now to go get it all muddy Maybe I could cover up that spooge stain on the passenger seat
  4. Yay!!!! I finally took my interior out of the carage and put it back in my car! Check it out!!! Oh So Plush! http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/534482
  5. And I foolishly departed with my old 88 GL wagon at a quarter mil. Oh well The new (actually older) 83 GL is going to be my new slut for the next few hundred thousand. Wish I woulda known how easy engine swaps were when I sold the last one. Some lucky guy got it for $450 and trashed it within a thousand miles. He thought it was an AMC Eagle.
  6. Badabing badaboom... same screw, new hole, tighter connection, a little wire jigglin and Bay-OW! It's FAN-tastic!
  7. that wire had a purpose????? HAHAHAHAHa... I thought that was just another one of the idiot who owned the car before me's crap wiring jobs! I'll tap a new screw in right now and see
  8. Thermostat outta cost ya about 6 bucks too.... not a bad part to have new anyways... My philosophy is start with the cheapest part you can replace and work your way up. Might not always work... but at least you have elimintated one option... and maybe you'll just happen to find something disonnected or leaky, or just plain MIA in the process. Good luck
  9. After I did my egine swap on my EA81 everything BUT the radiator fans are working. I did remove the non functioning AC unit and hosery to that. Plus that second radiator deal for that. Could that in any way effect my fans? I've already replaced the thermostat, and checked the fuse under the dash. I ran the fans directly to the battery and they fired right up. I am baffled! Any ideas???? If not I'll just run them direct to my ACC and have them on all the time when the cars on. I dont really wanna do that... it sounds like I'll be burning through fans alot that way but I cant have an overheating problem... fans are alot cheaper than engines.
  10. Noah, Be carefull when you are doing this... that backfiring actually lit my airfilter on fire. Good thing I had a hose handy What I did was pulled the passenger side front plug, stuck my finger over the plug hole, then with a wrench turned the engine untill I felt air pressure escaping past my finger. That should be TDC (or close to it). Then lift your distributor up a little so the teath aren't engaging the engines gears anymore. Then take the cap off and turn the rotor untill it is over the plug that has the wire running to that cylender. Slide the distributor back down, replace your plug and wire... then if you have the same luck as me it will fire up. You should be close enough there to be able to time it after that. Good luck!
  11. "You are an: Old beat up 80's wagon! HAHA! RAD! You kill it everywhere, talk crap to kids in Hondas with snowboard racks, and probably have at least 10 zip ties on your car! " That is Awsome! If only it were a baby blue one in that picture. That funny I added a good amount of zip ties just puting my dash speakers in! LOL Great Quiz!
  12. It had a serious leak from a while ago... I thought was just a flange gasket gone bad from the manifold but I'm not so sure anymore. It is very old, 83 GL and I'm sure that exhaust has never been touched scince it was new. That three inch from the manifold back sounds pretty nice. If you think you could do the fix, maybe even improve apon it a little then I'd be willing to pay for any parts needed plus reimbursement for your time if you wanna take a crack at it at yer shop. Only thing I really need it to do is pass emmissions sometime down the road. I used to have an 88 GL just like yours, that video clip sounds awsome. If you've got the knowhow and the elbow grease then I am down to give it a go. Hit me up and let me know whatcha think. ~Gene
  13. I got my engine dropped in after 3 days of wrenching. Not bad for my first drop EVER! But it is still LOUD AS HECK. I have tried to fix exhaust before and I just plain suck at it. Anybody know of anyone relatively close by that is decently priced. Or can even do some upgrades to help out my 80 HP engine (because we all know they can use as much help as they can get) ThanksAMillion <---Me when My new Engine Started!!!!!
  14. My chilton manual was 100% wrong on what was the #1 cylender. I called my super subaru repair guy and corrected me on that. I made tha change and it started right up. Only thing left to do now is get my SUPER LOUD EXHAUST fixed. Anyone know of a good exhaust place in the seattle area????
  15. I got the new EA81 in and it will turn and sometimes sound like its gonna start but more often it will cough through the tube that run from the sides of the engine to the carb/airbox. It keeps spitting back up through the carb and kicking out a puff of blueish smoke through the carb. Any ideas? I need help ASAP
  16. Probably a good idea.... Good ol vice grips were able to get the stump outta the hole, I'll go pick up a new bolt and hopefully get this project finished today.
  17. I love that! Its Oh so Burley... Thats great inspiration, I have a 4 door in baby blue, She'll be big like that some day. Nice Work Man! :headbang:
  18. I am in the middle of an engine drop in my 83 GL 4x4 wagon. I am just replacing the old EA81 with a new one that isnt cracked and siezed. The new engine has been throwing me a few curves but all in all it has been going fine. One thing though that I was worried about was a bolt that snapped as I tried to put the intake manifold back on. There are three bolts on either side that hold it to the block, would it be a problem if a side only got 2 bolts replaced??? I am not sure how much pressure is created there but it seems to be on there very well. Should I worry about tapping it out and replacing that bolt with a new one or savor the weight loss of just one more part subaru didnt need to have? As well I have two large lines running from a can in the back of the engine to close to the oil filter... one threaded into the deal with the oil pressure sending unit... the other baffled me for a while I couldnt see where it had come from.... then I looked at my old engine and there was a makeshift hole drilled in the oil pan, and this line more or less glued to it. The new engine has no such hole.... I have a drill.... and some glue. Do it? JB that thing on?
  19. Yaya... how about those allignment tools... sure is easy when you do it right So those three bolts on either side that hold the intake manifold to the block.... Is it really important to have all three... would two and a broken off stump work???? As well I have two large lines running from a can in the back of the engine to close to the oil filter... one threaded into the deal with the oil pressure sending unit... the other baffled me for a while I couldnt see where it had come from.... then I looked at my old engine and there was a makeshift hole drilled in the oil pan, and this line more or less glued to it. The new engine has no such hole.... I have a drill.... and some glue. its not just another one of subarus unnecesary parts is it????
  20. I am swaping for another ea81... I did have to remove the whole clutch assembly and transfer it to the new engine... So I may be shoving in vain because the plate isnt centered?
  21. ea81 5 speed GL wagon 4x4 so theres a tool that lines it up for me?
  22. engine swap.... Alighnment tool? I just put it back the way it came out. Now its a pain in the rear.
  23. Any tips on getting the tranny and the engine to go together, I adjust and adjust and adjust the friggin little threaded bolt deal coing out the tranny and wiggle and push and reposition and lift tug pull shove and AAAAARRRGGHHH the little bastard WILL NOT fit in!!! Help Please!
  24. Jesus I just creamed my jeans... Man my lil wagon would have a huge attitude adjustment!
  25. I think 35,000 is pretty steep for not even having time travel capabilities, I mean its a pretty cool car, dont get me wrong... But its still an old car with needs. I was thinking about doin my soob up in the acid dipped raw metal look... but I cant hurt that baby blue paint. Even though the chrome look would match my interior pretty nicelly. Heres a teaser I couldnt wait to put something on, plus I needed my defrost controlls...
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