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About mickytrus

  • Birthday 01/01/1950

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    long time member dont remember
  • Biography
    I fix loyales....
  • Vehicles
    piles of Loyales

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  1. Yeah, as long as it does not leak. I tend to use a little teflon tape on the threads .( keeping it back from the first, say three threads.) (No tape if it already has some type of coating already on the threads(from manufacturer)
  2. Thanks for all the input. Been Driving the car a bit. Pretty sure that it was just the Banshee and too much draw on a battery that was busy providing spark to keep a car going; Oh!, and you want heat and a radio blarin' too? At some point, the 98Leg. Outbck should get another alt. Yeah, good directory of AutoRecyclers car-part. [ The inventories are not updated on the website, cars in search results can be from more than seven years ago. But don't let that stop you from using car-part. Just do a search (on any old part) to get some kind of result set, then call the places that are "to your liking"(seeing what the actually have. Recently, received rear trailing arm from N.M. , parts looked like they were two years old. ] Regards, Mcky
  3. Second to sunny side up, bacon is my favorite vegetable. It is tough sluethin' problems that others are in the midst of. Yeah, So I drove the car around, afterwards, later in the eve, no such events occurred.(that is because the Banshee went adrift) The next eve, while the Banshee was amidst, The evening was dark and I ran the lights, It was sooo cold, ten + miles and still the Banshee was afoot. Upon reaching the destination and still red lights blaring on the console, the car began not idling well. It was the heat under the hood while sitting, that finally warded off the Banshee. Car came to life, I put the heat on, let it run for awhile; parked. I will have to call around and see if I can get an ign. switch from a self serve yard. Be nice to put one in. she deserves it. I never used to let the car off the leash while the banshee was amidst. That day the car was driven away without me thinking about it. And that day, about ten miles later was when the car was hesitating.(due to the radio and heater drawing the bat.) So I guess if I was to throw some money somewhere, it would be an alternator at some point, just to make driving more pleasurable and convenient. Thanks all, Micky
  4. That is a really good guess. The best price I got on one is, like 140. I have been starting it with a screw driver. (It has been downhill ever since, The key would not go back to the release position.Key would not come out of the cylinder) [I had to pop out the cylinder; (used it like this for a while) then the little shaft that the lock cylinder engages with became( discombobulated)]. (that too was removed, deeper and deeper I go, to spin the pup, and then it was always in lock position, so Had to unbolt it and zip tie it up. I guess I should break down and get a new switch. Just the idea of coughing up the dough for it.(sorta angers me). Suggestions? thanks, Mcky
  5. Additional Info: After Tach and Speedo stopped working ten minutes later there was one hesitation and twenty seconds later another hesitation So during these hesitations and the car just wanting to just die, the heater and radio were also not working. The driver continued to rev the motor just to keep it alive down shifting... big puff of smoke.. right there on the highway.... and then problem went away. and continued driving to destination..... Started it up after leaving destination and the vehicle performed without problems.....
  6. It is rather frigid these days. (Hello) Car was warmed up, on the highway and I notice speedometer bouncing up and down. Then it just quit. Tach and speedo dead. It came back on 15 minutes later.... Today, I get a call. Not only is the Tach and Speedo not working, the car is also hesitating. Rather Frigid these days! So this alternator that I have in the car, ever since I got it, (probably at least 6 years ago) always when the car starts and it is below 32f the brake lite and alternator light are on.... until the alternator spins for a while do these light go out. It appears that the alternator doesn't produce output when the thing(alt.) is cold. [just a piece of side note(additional info.)] Thanks, Mcky
  7. I have used lucas engine oil stabilizer in the past and it has helped tired motors. I have even put it in with 20-50. If it is cold out then go 10-40 or 15-40. read the lucas bottle. you don't have to put the whole thing in.... Getting a little harder to get conventional oil around here...
  8. Yeah, So I went ahead and got one of these pups. Will post on how it goes. quality build etc. etc.
  9. For little more dough.... Might be the way to go.... Anybody got one of these? https://www.ebay.com/itm/173310313540?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D236622%26meid%3Dd64fe4efcd1244abad6ee80ce6f234ed%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D265461050503%26itm%3D173310313540%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv9PairwiseWebMskuAspectsV202110NoVariantSeed%26brand%3DSubaru&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A173310313540d64fe4efcd1244abad6ee80ce6f234ed|enc%3AAQAGAAACIBZVppsKd7ns%2F6V0zsrSqiF%2FdU19mgn%2FdPTwQp31iM%2F9arBfaO0jDjbdqFPAwu7G7BJPQp1V4WKqrOSBctdQCaVEKPiknkwgL%2BK0JBg4ynNiNCRQhDjfTKbzEcEGAS6wHt4k34DyF%2FtwXpvxzQbX7lwzV7H2IKQwR5r3dVSthA%2Bh2YwG%2FTnvOhpJdUjayKgeRAucQl%2FSSFZwvWuJMyleqtaSm2xfC43iVTFBt4y9SJ0RgcpTmzrsKdKyxN4kW3KM1RLHp5%2BCnFa72Xk2bLpvo0NW4%2Bgrr6IEID0YP69e96gvdz2yamUr3sIAM6bbdrLRt72FjZcfwLzcRWKQXN0%2FR%2FhKirAQ34yWjXwIEeDZ8ImAyHBT21qDuutpwYAt6oXYHi13VCmNqBH2pSqZfKZ4yLYORSZLptvpM%2BvEv4oGkBoMMldkt39xh9rzWVixHkU7LsQhEPFdmy9iGSxdpTFzNf7dKC%2BSbW6BpyX1gvUg19b6dgJM8AzpdRR5civ6RaY26g9rtdmzaWCyEpWGAQyBDqd%2Be%2B4CGHlz5AuYDF%2B33DYK%2BodqoL5%2Fskp9OXKeaLltuFGUGLPxzGm25cXDghSokmqTreuLHOlBV%2FyeNs6cY4VxzAObphjBRgZnjEfuzuXd6h8h8%2B1zo%2B0b%2FEXjulLWOfHDNNX0vd%2B8r8Cay02RQl8R9Wqp5D7xGdi0kH4v8rHbGdA%2FDdP20hm9sie7S46N4qM%3D|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2047675&epid=2183926058
  10. Yeah, You go through all the trouble, get the car so you can drive it on a long trip and bite tooth and nail. Cuz the radiator is fck'd....(plastics become britte no matter what)..& and will keep breakin.. Yeah, The reason I did this clutch was the last ride was too suspenseful. (road trip to "God's Country") Hoping I got the momentum to get up a hill Tires are not slipping in the sno... but, the clutch is slippin on the hill (go figure) What are recommended brands to replace it with? Thanks, Micky
  11. Yeah, Thanks guys! much appreciated... That did the trick. I had it on this little steep hill in the yard. So lastly, And then I think this clutch story is at a happy ending.... By the way, love the new clutch... It is so nice and smooth. and I can now rev the motor a bit... Sheeze happy to be purring again.... I don't know if there was a clutch return spring ever on this shifter fork..... feels like it would be good to have one.... can anyone send a link to one that would be close to the correct one. thanks, Micky
  12. I noticed that the upper hose, rad outlet... where the hose mounts to radiator is a little compromised. There is supposed to be that little ridge(can think of it sorta like a ferrule) that is on the edge of the mounting nipple which is there to keep a tightened hose from sliding off.. You get my picture, you kno what I am talking about. https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81vZI%2B9X2eL._SL1500_.jpg link to,, just be for reference showing what a healthy outlet or inlet to radiator looks like. Mine has somehow disappeared. has broken off. I am wondering what is the plastic that these radiators are made out of? does anybody know? I am guesing ABS plastic?(just Cuz it is black) What I am thinking is that maybe I can use some glue to create a new ridge. for peace of mind. (cuz I have the hose on there now... it is not leaking... just need to Mod this problem... so not to buy another radiator because of this problem... this radiator is in excellent shape... thanks, MIcky
  13. yeah so, I got about a gallon in.. and am working on the second... maybe got half pint in... Motor was pretty empty being that I pulled it to do the clutch.
  14. So I put the motor in and got it running. Current problem being getting the coolant in.... It seems to be air bound.... I did manage to get it so heat is circulating....(hot heat from heater core) Just after a little drive.... lower hose is cold and radiator fans are running... the temp gauge is never high.... It is running at normal operating temps.... Any suggestions would be appreciated.. thanks micky
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