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    fast n furiousps

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  • Location
    Haddonfield, NJ
  • Vehicles
    1984 GL

Brown_Muscle's Achievements

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Advanced Member (3/11)



  1. Phil call me you mail is full, mykin gcrab@yahoo.com or call cobcob asap

    im out of the hospital, need to talk asap. Thnx empty you pm. Mesages ive tried to pm you and it says no room. Thanx mykingcrab.

  2. phIll I need to talk to you....... asap mykingcrab@yahoo.com 417 429-5206 ring and hand if it it cost (free sprint to sprint) or ring/hang ill call u right back, thnx


    need wheels badly Thank you, you canalso get ahold of david we talk dayly/weekly

  3. phil, man I know its been a while, please forgive me, I was just released from a month in the hospital, and am on bed rest for three weeks.. David said that mom and dadwant them gone, I totally understand. PLEASE BEG MOM AND DAD TO NOT GET RID OF THEM, IM STILL COMING,,,,, the slow part of the(trucking) year is over and were up and running again, I have the $400.00 avl, and as soon as im back to work,in 2.5 weeks, i will get a n.j. loadd.. please plead with them. I Must get those from you.......... Thanks, robert. mykingcrab@yahoo.com 417-492-5206

  4. I'm glad you got is running again! This is such a great site. Dont hesitate to shoot me an email or call if you need any more info or any help.
  5. Hey Phil, all is good out our way. I talked to COBCOB,and he said that you were out of town again for a couple weeks???, still trying to line up the planets,on hitting a jersey ld, May get out that way pretty soon. I will be trying soon, so can you let me know if you have time what your schedule is if you go out of town......so we can pick up the wheels. thanx robert reynolds...............

  6. Well I got it out! It took some drilling and another punch to force it out, but I didn't need to use heat! Thanks for your help guys! -Phil
  7. I found when putting the other axel on that it was quiet obvious that it was 180 degrees off so i put it the right way, so i shouldn't have a problem that way.
  8. ah my mistake i was using a 7/32 punch, rust is not the problem, if it fails to try pounding it out in the opposite direction i will try a torch. I've allready gotten the axel out of the knuckle..no loose bearings thank god haha
  9. Subaru should have designed it to be held on by bolts in the first place... I'm using a 7/16 punch, I am aware of the taper, both sides have a bevel which is confusing, a also see that it used to be paint blue, so It was probobly aftermarket. I wont be able work on it for another week, so I'll post my results then, thanks for all the advice guys.
  10. Gotcha man..well anytime before xmas..a nice gift to myself haha.. let me know when you get the work done on it.

  11. Hey, It is still in the process of being fixed, but if it is insured and registered it should have no problems making it back to PA. I'm not sure when it will be fixed but i'm hoping before Xmas, as i will be going on vacation for a while and will have limited time to work on it, did you need the vehicle any time soon??

  12. I had to DRILL the sh** out of the other pin to get it out...it was no fun either...that was after pounding on it too... I dont think I'm doing anything wrong, and Ive read threads about how simple this is...and if it werent for the pin it wouldn't be bad..but i HAVE to get that pin out of there ASAP..and Ive tried soaking it with some PB blaster..
  13. It appear I am driving it in the correct direction, it is possible I am wrong though...But I'm almost certain it is the correct direction, worth a try though
  14. Hey there, I have been attempting to remove an axel on my 84 GL wagon 4X4 with an ea81 engine, and the darn spring or tension pin is stuck, i have used a punch and a hammer and sledge hammer and ended up breaking the punch! I managed to drive it about 1/4 of the way out and it will not budge, ive even tried drilling, ive spent hours trying to get this stupid pin out. If anyone knows something i dont about this, please let me know i could use the help. I already did the other side and had some difficulty but nothing like this. ANY HELP is GREATLY appreciated. THANKS! -Phil
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