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    91 Loyale Wagon 9" Lift..

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  1. Hey Reid its Bubba Boyd the kid that bought your car. It runs awesome dude and I am learning so much. I rally every Day and It is so sick. So far I have Put new timing belts on, Brand new Radiator, Both Front cv Axles (Those were FUN)haha and plenty of trips to Les Schwab to get dirt out of the bead of the tires. I go to Johnsons Bar in Burlington all the time, Walker Valley at least once a week, and my buddys motocross track. So the other day i Got a little bit too gnarly and blew out the passenger side Rx7 absorber on the back. I kinda need to know what year mazda it came off of. That would be awesome, Also maybe your number so we can rally sometime i know you got that new subbie

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