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    78 Brat & 93 Impreza WRX STi RA

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  1. Anyone with a Weber and the stock pump out there???
  2. When I get a Weber for my 78 Brat will I need to upgrade my fuel pump also? Thanks.
  3. I replace it yesterday. It had clips, and was a pretty easy job. Part was only $16.00. Thanks for the help guys.
  4. I'm in the middle of rehabbing my 78 brat, and as I was slapping the trannie back in I noticed that the rear U-joint has alot play in it. I know the driveshaft is only driven while in 4WD, so would a sloppy U-joint cause any drivabilty problems in 2WD on the street? Is the rear U-joint even avaliable seperatly, or do I have to get the complete drivesaft? Thanks.
  5. WOW! That's creative. Why not build a whole new fuel tank to replace the stock one?
  6. How did you get the WRX fuel pump to work outside the tank?
  7. Dave, What are you using for a fuel pump? Thanks.
  8. Cool. Thanks. That's the type of info I was looking for. I'll check out the other thread.
  9. Sweet! I'll let you guys know how it goes.
  10. Can't find a dr rx. Noboby's done this with a brat?? I guess I'll have to document my build real good.
  11. I've seen pics of a Brat with a STi motor, but there is no good pics of frame mods. My EJ25 is a SOHC. I bought a STi V.4 RA front clip for my 93 Impreza, I was thinking about doing the same for the Brat. I just need to talk with somebody who has done it already.
  12. I've done several searches, but can not find any details. I have a 78 Brat, and I have a spare EJ25 with harness, ECU, and sub-frame. Do I need to modify the frame to get the EJ25 to fit? Can I use the orignal sub-frame? Or do I have to use the new one? I'm planning on using a late model 5 speed, and rear end. I know I have to get a driveshaft made, but what about the axles? Will they fit? Thanks.
  13. No problem! I didn't even know about this place untill you Emailed me!
  14. Hello. Any other Vegas guys in here? We have a local board ae: http://www.flat4lv.com
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