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    gig harbor
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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. hey. hows it going, im kinda local... anyway i was wondering if you or any other forum members wana try meet up at effendal pass in tahuya orv over the weekend?

  2. I do not know that much about it but.. you could check out what RC model boat builders do to protect there wiring.. someone I knew made there own circuit boards for there boats and then they took a substance that waterproofed them... SO they could last hours underwater.. might be able to do something similar to some of electronics.. However I agree with alot of the other members subarus really are not ment to float. however something like this may be able to save the electronics in a flood. Provided you are attracted to those puddles... (I know it can be addicting.)
  3. hey my subie just started doing some different things.. 1986 subaru gl 4wd. hatachi carb.. first off the timimg belts went we fixed them and also fixed the oil pump.. after doing this we found that one of the vaccum? lines on the carb was broke.. we plugged that and it seemed to run fine.. (ment to get a picture of it to make sure it was not important but...) We also fixed the exhasut manifold gasket at the same time.. ( the vaccumline is a small one on the drivers side that goes straight up. very small) now the Tach.. jumps around when you are running the car... not too much maybe just 3-4 lines enough to make you wonder second the car starting leaking and burning oil .. when it has to work hard it is letting out some blue smoke...car sounds OK... questions? what do you think is happening? rings??? do you think it could be caused by the line on the carb?? Or do you think it was coincidence. Anything we can do or is it on its way out.. Thanks. would get you some pictures but I lost my camera.
  4. akc

    Hey I have a nephew that has a sweet looking I think it is a 81 wagon... only bummer is the engine went.. but if you wanted a nice shell for pretty cheap.....Rust free tinted windows, interior good shape, I am not sure what he is asking for it though.. tranny is good. I do not think it is 4wd though. (been sitting less then a year) . on the other hand I have two 86 subaru wagons that I will let go cheap. but they are EA 82 Sorry I know they are the wrong year.. you could throw a EA81 in and pretend they were older.LOL I am out by Gig Harbor.

  5. Oh this is for the engine fan not the heater fan.Thanks
  6. anyone have maybe a diagram of the wiring for the fan? The fan works when plugged into the battery but through the wiring system it does not. was hoping maybe to get the route of the wires. 86 EA82 4wd wagon gl no AC. Also any general idea of what usually fails here? or what to try first? thank you. do the plugs fail? or what is a good way to rewire this?
  7. hey GD I had a vacuum lie snap off in my EA82 hatachi.. it is a small opening on the drivers hand side in the back under the air filter. We plugged it and ran and it sounded ok... but I wasn't sure if I could run it like that. Or would it be better to disconect the whole component Or should I ask what can you remove on the EA 82 Hatachi carb or is there a link for that.. thanks.... I LOVE your title.
  8. managed to break a vaccum part (that holds the line) broke a timing belt and now I have not enough oil pressure too.. (no it is not just the gage drove it after plugging the vaccum line and well it ticks..) . GRR it is one of those days for the 86 4X4 gl yesterday and today was spend on fixing and finding the issue got new belts on just need to get parts and get the rest fixed...
  9. I was having issues with the car (86 subaru gl 4x4 gl) just changed timing belts (broken) when I took it all apart there were I am sure 2 wires on the sending unit .. I can only find one to hook back.. up.. where do the wires origonate... or??
  10. Ok also found a broken vaccum line.. grr. and now there is no oil pressure.
  11. Don't have it back together yet nor running but I did find a broken timing belt.. I am just amazed that the car still ran on 2 cyinders....I don't know if it was the whole problem.. but it is one of them.
  12. On a totally side note that probably is bordering on blond...Do both sides of the hatachi have the flaps (I am imagining YES).. mine only has one... When you look down one side the one without the flap you can see two screws attached to something at the very bottom. it almost looked like another flap but it also looked like it was supposed to be here. I thought it might be a flap that had fallen but then I looked again and it really looked like it was supposed to be there. If there is nothing down there with screws... I may have found my problem.. but as I have never seen the inside of this carb I am not sure. (I did not want to mention it before and sound stupid but.... after reading your comment GD... it got me thinking) THanks GD for again.. bringing up something that made me think of what I had seen.
  13. Well I looked down the carb and did not see anything.. but I was not sure what to look for and well I have not had the hatchi apart before.... (boy the weber is SOO much simpler.) air filter has a little bit of oil at the bottom of the filter (couple of spots maybe 4 dots of oil) otherwise looked clean but it is not soaked . . but did not see any melted plastic there was a black gasket that was a little bit past the flappy thing that stuck out a little and was a little jagged.but it was at a obvious joint so I dismissed it. planning on checking more on carb and dist, rotor and timing on Sunday.
  14. ok have more info now..Car was driving along and when shifted up it started acting funny.. Popping backfiring) drove it some more.. acted sluggish.. . shortly thereafter would not do hills just dies.. now it is hard to start.. and runs real rough... car would not do more then 35mph.. (son was driving it) (we towed it home) oil/water good did not overheat. but when encountering the hill there was a funny smell.. I was not there so do not know what it was. A friend glanced at it and thought that one of the valves was not working correctly..which made him think it was timing...(it has covers so I cannot glance at the belts) I do not have time to mess with it until the sunday (and then only a couple of hours) would like to get a general idea of what all to check. however probably not connected I have been having trouble with wiring.. the heater fan will turn off and on when you play with the headlights.. when you mess with the winsheild wipers up front the headlights need to be on and when you turn on the rear ones the front ones die.. so there is some issue there but do not think it is connected. SO there are some electircal issues too but do not see where they are connected.. unless some relay or something....???? Thank you so much
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