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    93 Loyale

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  1. Take off the emissions stuff and route it directly, its both cheap and effective, and since its an 84 you probably will not get a hard time from an inspection place. Also if you can take off the muffler hollow it out and put it back on, new plugs and wires would help too.
  2. Hey I've signed up, am trying to make my way around, Just looking for advice on a solid clutch kit for my Loyale.

  3. Older Nissan's share Subaru parts and will run until your wife tells you to sell it, my 92 has 240K on it, and been treated badly by every member of the family for the last 12 years, but it always starts and has a real low gear rear end. The only problem you may have with these Nissan's are random people trying to buy them off you at stop lights. Toyota's are over rated to say the least, mine had 120K when the timing belt went 1400$ later i was back on the road. My uncle has newer Mazda and everything about it is awkward the way it drives shifts, everything, nothing natural. But it does start.
  4. Nothing is a sweet a the factory job. I'm sure you or your buddy would do an OK job on a swap but not like the factory. Most Virus' can't live that long exposed. Kick the mice out wait a week, get yourself a dust mask and go to the car wash, then buy the 100$ turbo because its a good deal. Then clean those rims up and sell them on ebay.
  5. You know this car, you can spend 2-3k and you know you have a better car. You spend 5k+ and god only knows. Everyone will say you’re crazy but they are part of the heard, so let them. I just went through the same thing with my 93 Loyale. I opted for a rebuilt motor from Colorado Component Rebuilders $2295 for motor plus 350.00 to have it Cryo-treated plus $500 to put it in. That’s $3145.00 out the door for a car with ZERO miles and a 3 year warranty. Or you can spend $5500 for a car with 100K. 3rd option, put some stop leak gunk in it and hope for the best. Everybody else is right other than the embarrassment of someone thinking your Subaru is burning oil in it exhaust like the 2001 Mitsubishi in front of you at the light, you have nothing to worry about as far as a potential fire goes.
  6. Oil pump, remember you can have pressure without the volume. You can replace the gasket (cheap.) Or just change the pump, 150.00 at the parts bin, when i got mine it was OEM in a Subaru box. http://www.thepartsbin.com/catalog/?N=1719+11741+4294965615+6980
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