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Everything posted by subyrally

  1. hmmm, this is a good question. the stuff ive seen usually just says to add the contents of the tube it comes in to the diff when you refill it. but im not sure on a subaru rear diff.
  2. thats awsome gary, didnt know they made fi mowes and what not. as for my carb, its been cleaned soo many times, you could eat off of it, if you didnt mind gas flavoring. im just happy that i got it actually running last night. before it would start, run about 5-10 seconds and sputter out. now it holds the idle and you can rev it an it doesnt stall when it comes back down. i am going to play with it tonight when i get off of work, maybe i canget somewhere on it. if i can get it running properly, and get safe seats, i am going to finally get it registered. once its registered, the real work can begin. i am looking at buying my friend's 87 rx for the drivetrain since the engine is having issues. that way ill have a good 5 speed swap and limited slip rear. i guess i need to see if there is any interest in the rolling shell, hell it has a 5 lug swap and is lowered already, would be perfect for an ej swap. i would do that if i had the space to store and work on it. that would be nuts for auto-x. but back on topic, once i get teh brat on th road, im going to start working towards getting the suspension set up customized and then get it converted to 5 lug, finally. then ill be able to got the 5 speed swap done. most likely, ill drive it for a while with the stock engine after i go 5spd and 5 lug, but i still have to build the turbo engine i want to put into it anyways, so it will be a little while before i see boost again eh, what can i say, i have big dreams, lol.
  3. the gas in it isnt too old since the old gas bas burnd upfor the most part and i put in a bit of fresh not too long ago, maybe two months or so. i think the adjustments are just off as it is now. i had to move things around before when i had the wrong parts and homemade gaskets in it. i am planning on tryig to get some more fresh gas in it this weekend since i am almost out anyways.
  4. boy, thems fightin words. ive put too much into this car to even entertain the idea of parting with it ever.
  5. ok, a bit of an update, i finally found the proper carb kit for the brat. i got it running again, but its still not right. the idle is about 2500rpm, it revs if oyu cover the carb, it also revs if you give it the gas pedal. if you press very lightly on the pedal though, it bogs. other than that though, it seems to be running a lot better and smoother than it was. i might try adjusting the timing, that fixed the odd reving issues i had before, but it will have to wait till later. most likely tomarrow.
  6. the coupes have it on the "A" pillar, i like it when cruising in the passenger seat, but its not as comforting to hang onto when the driving gets a bit "spirited"
  7. nice, how hard was it to get the wiring and what not up into the top of the dash like that?
  8. should modify the core support, then make a custom v-m,ount rad/fmic set up.then you can get away with the vent like the red car has and it will pull the hot air out the top.
  9. thats priceless, it looks like something i would do, not sureif that is a good thing or not though.
  10. now why did you have to go and post that>? now im going to want some, lol. well, at least until i go 5 lug and need to find em in 15" or 16"
  11. thats my thought. i cant waituntil tomarrow when i get the new kit for it, if it fixes it, i am going to try to put up and down the street in the brat.
  12. i ordered the carb kit on my way to work this morning, it should be in tomarrow morning, i hope. i am going to replace the gasket and try again once i get it all together. i just hope that this is the proper kit this time around. last nightwe got it running right at idle, but when you give it gas, it bogs down. from waht my friend was telling me, the secondaries are working perfectly, as is the accel pump, but the primaries arent dumping in any fuel when you rev it. so it bogs instead of revs. he said that its possibly a blockage from the gasket i made, or there might be a blockage in the jets. if you spray a bit of carb cleaner in the carb while giving it throttle, it revs like it should. i tihnk i might know where the problem is, but i wont know for sure until i can actually see the proper gasket along side the one i made for it. hopefully this fixed therunning issues, next step is a 5spd swap and 5 lug conversion. possibly to be done once i get home from vacation:headbang: . but yeah, screw it, im going to the beach, lol.
  13. part of my problem is that i dont have my original gaskets since they crumbled when i did the first rebuild, i managed to salveage a few sections of the gasket to use as a template to make the new one, but for some parts, i basically had to guess or use the carb as the stencil. i am going to look at getting a new gasket kit today.
  14. is that why the gaskets i ordered were all larger than the gaskets i removed from the carb? kinda maks sence now. find out how much shipping wll be and let me know. i am in frederick maryland, 21702. send me a pm with some details and ill see about getting you some money.
  15. i need pics of the gaskets for the non feedback hitachi 2bbl carb in my brat. i had a friend that knows carbs come over to take a look at it today and we got hte engine running a lot better than it was, but i think the at the gasket for hte top section of the carb might not be right. i am thinking that one of the ports might be blocked, but im not sure if its meant to be or not. i guess i either need pics of the gaskets or an actual gasket to use. i cant get the right carb kit from my local parts stores since they all list only the feedback carb kits for it. so far, i cant find any info that is actually related to my carb. even the books i have dont mention the carb i have. i am lost and need some help here.
  16. sweet man, now you gotta take lots of pics, drive it to maryland, and take me for a ride in it.
  17. ive owned my brat for over a year and havent driven it yet. but i know whatyou mean by that. my gf bought it for me last year while i was going through chemo. it was something for me to work on the weeks between treatments since i couldnt get a job and really didnt have anything else to do. ive got most of the rust taken care of, but there are a few spots that i would need help with, like the "frame" that comes from the engine bay to become the floor pan supports. and a few cosmetic sections. i am planning on removing the tortion bar and fabbing up mounts for rear coil overs. i am also going to do a 5 lug swap and swap in an ea82t and 5spd trans for it. ive also got a few different ideas for some of the stuff, like the exhaust and intercooler set up. its going to be fin when i finish it,if i ever finish it.
  18. i could have used someone like that last year when i was working on my brat. i am still going to need some fabrication on mine before too long here. but then agian, i am going to be doing a lot of custom stuff on mine as well.
  19. there is usually a demand for it, iwas thinking about it, but i am going to try to get my carb working right first. if i cant get it working, i might be all about an spfi swap for the brat.
  20. just get dynamat, or roofing tar strips. the roofing stuff is lighter and cheaper and i hear that it works pretty well, just smells funny for a while.
  21. yup, yopu pointed out the steering line. the most likely source is the short hose that goes between the front of the turbo and the back of the head. ive had that hose rip open on my rx while on the expressway. dumped all the coolant in like 10 seconds, the temp gauge went from not bad to below freezing, and about the same time, i couldnt see anything on the out of the passenger side due to the steam coming out the hood. thankfully, i was able to get a friend to bring a length of hose and a few gallons of coolant, but yeah, that was fun trying to find that leak on the side of the road in the dark at about 40* out. its going to be hard to see with the stock turbo, you will hve to pull off the heat sheild and the intake plenum to get to it. good luck man,
  22. the body is worse than mine was, but mine had more rot in the floor pans and rockers. good luck with the project and remember to take a lot of pics as you go.
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