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Everything posted by subyrally

  1. this is where my problems coe into play, not enough time to fix the problems that pop up.
  2. yeah, even though i am now working again, i still have to be mindful of what i spend. personally, id love to convert to fuel injection, but for hte time being, i need to just get the car running reliably. some how, i need to do it before saturday. i have a friend that is a mechanic that said that he will rebuild the carb for me, but sofar, its getting hard to find the kits for it in the stores. i have to try to find somewhere that can get it same day or the next day by the latest.
  3. you got one with the adaptor for me? id love to run a webber on it until i can finish my turbo engine that i am working on, but at the moment, its a bit out of my price range i havent even got my first paycheck yet and its basicaly spent already:lol:
  4. i replaced the pump today, but it still wont start. the old pump was definatly buggered. looking at the carb, at least at the window, its getting fuel. yesterday the level was just at the dot, after i changed the pump and tried to start it, the level is nearly to the top of the window, about half way between the dot and the top of the window anyway. i am thinking that there might be some crud built up from the car sitting so long and also being run at such a low fuel level the last time it was run. my friend mentioned that the accelerator pump might be rotted from sitting for so long. i guess it wouldnt hurt to get it rebuilt, especially since it doesnt look like i can get em new, lol.
  5. sorry to hear that man, sucks to have to put em down.
  6. there is a chance that i might be on track for getting the brat done this weekend. i just picked up a spare fuel pump to try to get it running again.
  7. right-o, ill have to try that when i get home from work tonight. i just hope the rain lets up tonight so that i can try to work on it again tonight. i hate working in wet.
  8. it runs like a raped ape with start sauce:burnout:
  9. ok, checked the window, fuel is right at the middle of the dot., i pulled the fuel line off the carb and put it in a can, it took a few tried, but it started spitting out fuel. think it just needed to get the fuel from the tank to the engine side. after i reattached the line, i tried cranking it a few times, same result, just drained the battery. the carb is still dry inside, and smells of old gas where the line is pushing the new gas. i think the carb might have crud clogged in it it needs cleaned, but i dont know everythig under the hood of this car yet and i dont want to screw it up anymore than it already is.
  10. another thing ive noticed it that even when i tried to jump the pump and crank the engine, it looks like there is no fuel getting to the carb, but then again, i am not sure since i dont know carbs well
  11. he is, but i know he is usually really busy. Gary, if you read this, get in touch with me if you can help out.
  12. is there anyone that can come down to central maryland to help me get my brat running before the carlisle show next weekend? i am trying my best to get this thing back to life, but ive got very little experience with ea81 cars and electrical isnt my strong point and i know next to nothing of carburetors. i usually get home around 6:15-6:30 on weekdays and ill be available during the weekends. i cant really offer any money as of yet, but i can cook/grill some good foods. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks, tim c.
  13. c'mon connie, no one makes fun of you, you gots a nice rust free underside:lol: i am bringing coffee, and a power inverter. cant remember if there was anythign else i needed to bring.
  14. i will most likely be up saturday at some point. still trying to figure out whats wrong in the brat, hopefully ill have it sorted in time.
  15. well, i tried to test the pump by running some test leads from the pump plug to a slightly dead battery. the pump didnt purr like what im used to with mpfi pumps, it kinda ticked, but the battery was only putting out about 10.4V... ive got the other battery thats in the car on the charger right now. i also checked the relay under the dash, when i turned the key, the one on the left clicked. i tihnk that was the pump relay. as for the fuel pump ontrol module, its there, kinda just hanging by the harness since i had to remove it when i was starting my rust repair. i honestly dont know how to test that though. im getting to the point that id like to just pay someone to make it work, but that requires money i dont have, and time during the week to set that up, lol.
  16. im going to take a look at it tonight, if i do need it, ill let you know. ill have to pay you at carlisle though, lol.
  17. cool, i forgot about the relays. i sohuld have a few spares in my parts stashes. another thing i am trying to figure out, on the paseger side there the front of the seat mounts, the harness branches off to connect to the parking brake switch and the 4wd hi/lo switch. there are like three other plugs on that harness, i think one goes to the seat belt latch, but the other plugs i have no idea. also, any idea what is the round thing that is bolted to the back of the cab almost dead center just above the trans tunnel? its a silver round "thing" with i think 5 wires going into it. i honestly have no idea what htat might be. but it does look like its meant to be there.
  18. i am trying to figure out why my brat wont start, it gets spark and air, but looks like its not getting fuel. i suspected the pump might be the issue. i tried listening to it while turning the key to prime the system and nothing happened. i then followed by testing the voltage at the plug when the key it turned, i got a whole .5V spike for about a second when the key turned. i guess what i am trying to figure out is what the voltage should be at the pump. i am guessing it should be 12V.. anyone have an idea of what might be causing the issue? i hope its something simple that i can get figured out before next weekend, i really want to take it to the carlisle show.
  19. it looks like there might be an electrical issue with my brat, might be why it wouldnt run when i got it home last year. it didnt sound like the pump was priming, so i broke out hte fluke and checked volatage at the plug for hte fuel pump and got a whopping .5v when i turned the key. if i cant figure htis out, i might be forced to bring the impreza:-\
  20. i am still looing for replacement lenses that let you change the bulbs instead of hte whole unit.
  21. the progress has been sl;ow but steady, in theory, it should be at least registered and driveable by time the show comes round. its wont be pretty, yet, but it should get me there. sofar, ive about finished the interiour, i just need to put it back together, the exterior is semi-flat balck and there is one more rust spot that i want to attempt to fix before the show, but i not sure how well that will work out yet. i also need to get it running again, but i might be fixing that tonight. on that note, anyone have any doors for an 85 brat? mine are in need of replacing, the bottoms are rotted out:( i cant wait till next weekend, lol.
  22. ill keep an eye out for you, but i cant promise anything.
  23. im getting closer to getting the brat ready. i started the tune up on it, got two of the spark plugs replaced and two of the wires done. i also got hte floor pan rubbercoated, tomarrow will paint it and possibly get some seats in it after work. 11 days, i cant wait, lol. i need to somehow get registered. i know it will cost more, but will the 16th be too late? or will it be too late to sign up on saturday when i get there?
  24. picked up something to try out with grilling foods this year, its like a really big peice of charcoal with a few holes in it. its supposed to be easier to get started than regular charcoal and is great for smaller grills, or something like that.
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