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Everything posted by subyrally

  1. hmmm, you could always drive one car like 100 yard, then get out and drive the other past thie first, then run back and repeat the process. or you could get some one to drive one and you dive the other. i might be able to help out with that if you would be willing to come down a bit early and help with set up.
  2. yeah will, show us the other side. and uh, i like my wheels more.:-p
  3. nice will. cant wait to see it finished
  4. i have the silvercore plugs in my impreza, made a noticeable improvement on stock wires, i couldnt afford the nology wires. ive seen the difference between stock wires and nology wires, they produce a much brighter and hottter spark.
  5. go with nology wires and plugs, the wire already do that and i think are less than direct hits, and the plugs are just nice.
  6. hey corky, you got any pics or info on that car, ive heard mention of it a lit but never seen anything about it.
  7. thats the kind of stuffs i want to do. ifi had a garage, id be doing.
  8. in my impreza, i rarely actually use the brakes.i just let off the gas and let it slow down. i only use the brakes to keep the car from idling through the intersection on red. my impreza will idle uphill:drunk: but when i am driving around town, you can hear me coming to the intersections due to the not so stock intake and exhaust....basically i get an exagerated boxer rumble when coming to the intersections. but using the engine to stop and only using brakes when i actually have to, i manages to get 50k outta worn out brakes on my car, mainly cause at first i wasnt aware they were worn and then cause i couldnt afford new brakes, well, i still cant really. in the mountains when i am diving, well, spiritedly, i only have to actually use the brakes on one section due to the fact that its incredably steep, tigh, and there are a few hairy corners. thats also the road i love to drive cause i can get airborn at 40mph if i wanted to. any other time, it usally takes about 80mph in the impreza. then again, i drive way too fast on most back roads. either way, ive been using compression brakig as long as ive owned my car, it still runs nearly perfectly, it would run better with a tune up though, its at 125k and i was supposed to have a 90k service, that never happened.
  9. gravelrx, if you can make it, please try to bring your rx. i really want to see your fmic set up in that thing. it already looks like there might be a few wrx's, i need some oldschool back up as well. oh yeah, i cant see the ocean either, i am in central maryland, in the mountains.
  10. i guess the usmb members dont hang out on the east coast, im lonely.... you west coast guys got it goin on.
  11. hella 500 driving lights should fit the hole. you can also get more powerful lights from hella.
  12. dont forget bedrooms. hallways, and laundry rooms. and sometimes the bathroom. but thats just my place
  13. i am trying to set up a suby meet here in frederick for the second saterday in august, saterday the 13th. will be dragging my grill out to ballenger creek park and hopefully ill have a fe wpople to cook for, other wise, ill have a lot of left overs. i also want to try for a suby meet/ car show. i wold like to see some people that have done stuff weith the old school cars come out, i also would like to see some legacies and imprezas. peace tim c. pm me if you want to come or need directions. i need to know how many people i need to get food and drink for. for the address, use this in mapquest. 5438 Ballenger Creek Pike its not the actual address to the park, but its close enough to find it from where ever you are starting from. ok, the meet will start at 2pm, as i will be working till 12:30 and need a few minutes to prepare things, if anyone wants to meet up a bit early to help set up, please let me know,ill need all the help i can get.
  14. i have a friend that is selling a justy here in central md, looks to be in good condition. last i checked, also has like a pioneer sound system in it. looks cool, but could use some aftermarket tuning:brow:
  15. dude, thats hot, i want ms'n'edis for my car, i want it sooo bad.
  16. dude, if you are wanting to get a turbo car, mine is still here. i can get any stock parts that you may need for it at a 20% discount. let me know if you are still interested in it.
  17. check the junk yardsin your area, head lights are rather inexpinsive. as for the fuel pmp, id reccomend that you go for a new unit. they arent too bad new.
  18. i got one, and it looks like the only difference is the egr valve or the lack there of, and the coolant passage for the turbo isnt on the spyder. it looks like you just need to drill it out cause it looks like its only held in my a bolt farter up the tube. probably sealed with an o ring like the tube that goed to the water pump. take it to a machine shop, they should be abel to do it for you without destroying anything.
  19. mine has a real dual range tranny, where as its in fwd most of the time until you pull on the lever, then you have 4wd high and 4wd low. mine has no center diff, its the older style of d/r tranny with two output shafts. mine also hasthe rear lsd. i really want ot find another set of thses for another project i want to do. if i ever geta brat, i want ot do an rx conversion to it so ill be looking for another 4wd 5sp tranny with a matching rear lsd. i loved the set up on back roads at speed, the drive line binding didnt occur when i was on back roads doing around 45mph+, the only time i noticed any kind of binding was when i was taking tight turns at low speeds in 4wd.
  20. mine has a real dual range tranny, where as its in fwd most of the time until you pull on the lever, then you have 4wd high and 4wd low. mine has no center diff, its the older style of d/r tranny with two output shafts. mine also hasthe rear lsd. i really want ot find another set of thses for another project i want to do. if i ever geta brat, i want ot do an rx conversion to it so ill be looking for another 4wd 5sp tranny with a matching rear lsd. i loved the set up on back roads at speed, the drive line binding didnt occur when i was on back roads doing around 45mph+, the only time i noticed any kind of binding was when i was taking tight turns at low speeds in 4wd.
  21. the whole lack of a lift does make it hard. if you are wiloing to make it up to fredercik maryland, there is frederick motorsports, the owner, scott, has been working on subies since the 70's.. good work and honest prices. that and he is a really cool guy.
  22. if you have access to a lift, its not very hard, just undo the axle nut and the pins. from there i think it just slides out with a bit of wiggling back and forth.
  23. the valve job should help with getting more air into the chamber when the valves open. it also gives it a smoother transition into the cylender. talk to a machinist at an engine shop or a tuner. they will be able to get you more info on the topic than i could.
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