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Everything posted by viceversa

  1. someone in the family overfilled the Loyale, 1.8L engine, seems about 1 qt too much. Should I drain it? It ticks at low speeds. No problems thus far.
  2. It wasn't my idea, I am satisfied with the 92 Loyale. But someone in the family got a 01 Forester. It's shiny and new looking. Tell me relevant facts about the Forester vehicle. Is it 4WD? 2.2 or 2.5L enigine? Any idiosyncranies to watch out for? Gas consumption ?
  3. In my experience, it has average reliability. Not better than full size GM vehicles, or whatever. Replaced tranny at 150K, engine was running on 3 cyls by 180Kmis. 202K miles now.
  4. Update ... Found out (with help) that it was getting no gas. The fuel pump was not working. Saw that the wire leading to the fuel pump was chewed up by some critters. Needs to be connected together and covered with tape.
  5. I know this is one of the most common, and probably difficult problems. This 92 Loyale will not start - it turns over good, but doesn't start. This makes me think all the electrical stuff is OK like battery alternator and starter. Where do I go from here? Remove a spark plug and smell for fuel? An ignition problem - what could be the typical things to check for? It is SPFI, so could it be a bad injector? Fuel regulator? Bad computer maybe?
  6. For $200, I got a 92 Loyale with 92,000 miles. Bad tranny and much rust.
  7. I have a 92 Loyale with a relatively low mileage EA82, about 100K miles now, and it recently started ticking -- mostly when cold. When it warms up, it kind of goes away, after 15 minutes. Doesn't seem to effect anything, not power nor mileage.
  8. This EA82 ticks only when cold, for about 15 minutes. Then it more or less goes away.
  9. I will follow this advice. But, the backfiring stopped. It only lasted 1 day. I used 89 octane gas, and I think it made it better, and improved my mpg from 29 to 30. Although it doesn't do anything strange with 87 either. Hm.. maybe water in gas?
  10. this 92 loyale had its tranny fail around 150K miles. Not sure why, the last owner may have never checked the tranny fluid, and it could have lost it all.
  11. I got a 92 loyale parts car for $200, including the engine. had to drive far to get it however. used engines with good mileage may run you anywhere up to 600 if you don't shop around. ebay?
  12. went down there for some festiva parts, but noticed a couple new soob additions.. one was a turbo gl sedan 2wd auto, nice body, engine was still intact (turbo and all) interior was pretty nice as well.. so i snaged all the carpet and trunk plastics i could find in it for my RX.. now i'm just missin a few little odds and ends.. i even got the rear window louvers as well.. Bone yards are always fun. Where is this place located? Not that I need any parts, I recently went through a parts car.
  13. I have not messed with plug wires in a while, they worked before (but I will upgrade). Thus far I have narrowed down the choices to : The knock sensor retarding timing (happened on a Chebby once) The EGR valve getting plugged up with such high mileage. sticky vacuum advance mechanism. timing off. What's the most likely cause of this?
  14. These results can be seen in whatever light. I know that the older, 80's vehicles are pretty hard to find now, they are almost all gone, and it seems the same fate will consume Loyale too.
  15. On ebay, a search for Subaru Loyale produces 40 hits, while Subaru Legacy generates 600 hits. I have a 92 Loyale, but I am ready to upgrade to a newer 92-94 Legacy.
  16. I had a shop install EA82 in my Loyale (I removed it myself, but got scared with the install) They installed the engine and the new timing belts. 3 weeks later, the timing belts break, and their version was that the tensioner was bad.
  17. 92 Loyale, 105K miles on 1.8L EA82 195K miles on the rest of the car Today I am getting backfiring - when accelerating, I hear this loud "poof" type of sound coming from exhaust and the whole car shakes and hardly accelerates. This backfiring and hesitation happens mostly at 35-45mph but can happen at any speed. And, it misses at idle, and I can smell gas from inside. Is the catalystic converter plugged up with such high mileage? Or some kind of ignition problem (Like coil?) The plug wires are about 6 months old, but the local parts store had the cheapest kind, you know, the $12.99 type.
  18. This is a 92 Loyale wagon. The engine has 100K miles, because the last one was running on 3 cyls. starting at 170K or so... The tranny failed around 150K and so it has a new one. The body still looks good with no rust. Still get a consistent 29mpg, but I will try replacing O2 sensor to improve that, maybe clean EGR valve and even pull codes if I get ambitious. Though with an oil leak, I don't particularly care. The front end is still good, surprisingly. No wander, any strange noises, anything. I think most cars, regardless of make, are junked around 160K miles (just look at cars in junk yards to get an idea), so that I am already above average, which make me feel pretty good, like I am getting free mileage.
  19. quote-------------------- I got a '92 Subaru Legacy RARE turbo. 265k miles, motor still runs strong. 5 speed manual, 4 dr, passed smog with flying colors. New tires, fuel pump, 2.5 inch exhaust all the way through, flowmaster, K&N, new clutch slave cylinder. ------------------------- Hm, 265K miles?
  20. 92 Loyale, 1.8 auto, consistently gets 29 in highway only driving, at 55-60. I also have a V8 which always gets 20-21mpg highway only. In town, all cars drop significantly.
  21. Thanks for the pics. The closest I ever came to engine work was when I removed an EA82 engine from a parts car I got (Much thanks to the forum for help). It was an interesting exprience and I learned a lot!
  22. color tape sounds like a good idea. I suggest getting pb blaster and spraying exhaust manifold bolts. Mine were so rusty that I broke them off. I removed the engine alone, using the tree and the chain method. Took me 3 days to be honest with you, but I've never done anything of that magnitude.
  23. no personal experience, but I hear auto tranny is the problem. I had the tranny go bad on 92 Loyale at about 160K miles. Not sure why, it may have run out of oil.
  24. I have one from a red 92 wagon but I don't know how to ship it. I once had a really hard time shipping a large object, both UPSP and UPS have pretty strict size restrictions which it would fall outside of. I think it is something like 80" in perimeter? Wouldn't it be easiest to find a local junk yard?
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