Hi All,
I've hopefully had a win in keeping my 90 Liberty/Legacy wagon on the road & I hope the solution will help someone else. In frustration I took the car to a Subi' dealer in the hope the experts could pinpoint the apparent electrical fault. When raised a little on the hoist the bags began to inflate - it seems when the suspension is completely flat the magnets that activate the height sensors are out of range of the switches and the control unit doesn't act, raise it to the normal height range and up it goes. Unfortunately the suspension was flat 24 hours later and despite the mechanics being unable to find any obvious leaks in the airbags all they could suggest was to replace the lot with conventional suspension - not something I can afford at the moment.
With the car at home I noticed air venting from the compressor inlet/vent tube while the ignition was off - I'd noted that the "End Wrench" article describing the system's operation mentioned that the solonoid controlling the venting would only be open when powered and reasoned that something must be jamming it open. I removed and dismantled the compressor unit and blew a collection of dried bugbits out with an air gun, the dryer canister also yealded a pile of brown grit which I suspect came from its corroding insides.
After re-assembly everything seems OK so far.
Glenn H.