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About Scottycocktail

  • Birthday 09/19/1974

Profile Information

  • Location
    St. Petersburg, FL
  • Vehicles
    I Love My Subaru

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Member (2/11)



  1. Thanks for all of the responses. I am not the most 'mechanically-inclined' but perhaps this is the time to learn. The Older Generation thread is an invaluable resource and if even there is a time to discover a labor of love... I think I am there. Will keep you informed. - SC
  2. Thanks Bratman. My knowledge is SO limited. This is why I come here and find the info so helpful. I've been tossing around the idea of keeping it. My mechanic is awesome, but maybe I need to find someone who knows Subs better than they do for some quotes / advice. Thanks again man.
  3. I've had her about 4 years. Even at 205K, I ABSOLUTELY Love this car: BUT advice is needed below; We bought her for $600 off of a couple that was driving from Portland, OR to NYC. Every city they stopped in they posted the Sub on Craiglist. They made it all the way to Florida before they found someone (me) who fell in love. I have had all of the belts changed, regularly serviced the oil, tires replaced a couple of time, AC customized for the 'newer' freon, brakes redone (as well as can be on the old-non-removable drums. Additionally, I have all of the service records from myself and the previous owner. Unfortunately, the time has come to weigh continued investment versus reward and safety. I don't feel comfortable taking her on the highway any longer as she sputters horribly when you attempt to accelerate too quickly... to the point she wants to stall. That issue coupled with others seems to have me thinking the fuel pump is on it's last legs (doesn't want to start is only been turned off for a short period of time). The BIGGEST concern I have now is that both the upper and lower ball joints need replacing. This is the investment that I just don't see making sense at this point. And I don't feel comfortable driving my wife around in a car that could have the wheels fall off like a Chris Farley movie. So the question is, is this car salable? It seems like it would be a great "around town" car for someone who was into older cars and had the finesse to drive one. Or with all of the issues I listed is is best / safest to junk it (breaks my heart). I see 91-92 models on CL for 2K+ and that seems CRAZY to me. So I figured I'd reach out to you all. You have been great in the past and I always welcome and appreciate any input you can provide. Last, if you know anyone in the Tampa Bay area of Florida looking to part ways with their Subaru, keep me in mind Thanks. Scott
  4. <---- 92 Loyale, 188,418. I feel like a pre-teen in comparison.
  5. thanks Cougar. anyone know what i am looking at spending for a new alternator? i have a great garage, but i like to enter in an educated manner.
  6. Z, Thanks for the input. I don't know what the gauge was running at. The "charge" light has been on, but i think that is a fuse issue. It was on prior to replacing the battery but i assumed it would go off when the new battery was installed, the dash gauge was reading right about mid-meter, maybe just a little shy of that. Could the battery be bad? Does that make any sense at all?
  7. Morning, hoping ya'll can lend your two cents here; I have a 92 Loyale wagon, 4x4, 5 speed. I came out to it being dead late last week, i got a jump and got it running, but after running it for a while and turning the car off, i needed a jump again. So i bought a brand new battery on Wed. Friday night it seemed a little weak while starting the car a few times in a short period of time. Sat. morning it wouldn't turn over. I got a jump and started driving to the garage, but it died again on the way there, just loses all power. Three more attempts and the same result, runs for about 30 seconds then loses power. However, the last time it sputtered power while losing it, almost like a belt was slipping. I just dropped 900$ on the car for new timing belts and oil sealant work and don't know if i should spend more $$ at this point. Any diagnosis out there? Any advice would be greatly helpful. Thank you. Scott
  8. Congrats! Love my 93 Loyal (also a 5 speed 4x4). It's required some maintenance since purchase (interior belts and oil seals to the tune of $900, and recently a new battery) but it beats car payments and they are REALLY fun to drive.
  9. Great car! I had an 83, in green w/ an 84 engine in it, That little guy is probably still running somewhere. Enjoy!
  10. thanks! i have a great garage, but it is good to know it's non-intereference. awesome news, you are the best!
  11. While driving the other night, i stepped on the gas and had nothing. I never lost (battery) power, but the engine just died... quietly and seemlessly... nothing... car will crank but not turnover, but lights and electric still worked fine. my first thought is timing belt. If a timing belt goes on a Sub is the engine dead for good? Or does it just go on it's way until you install a new belt? Then again, i don't know that is what the problem is at all.. In other words, is my car going to it's grave? :-\ Any advice or thoughts are greatly appreciated? Thanks all Scott
  12. Nice Ru, i like the gold wheels as well. As you can see from my pic here, I also enjoy adding colors to my Subie. Tell me Rene, is that a hitch? Do you have enough power to tow? Thanks... meet Cool Runnings
  13. That's a shame man, sorry to hear it. I LOVE my 92 Loyale and the body is far from perfect, but if there are going to be additional damages done to it, i atleast want them to be of my own hand and/or stupidity.
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