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Everything posted by Vanislru

  1. The 86's are great for modding, the MAF is not involved in the fuel cut like 87-on cars on an 86 you disconnect a sol. and then you can raise the boost without fear of fuel cut, the motor remains the same although the heads might be a bit more prone to cracking. I personally love the turbo 86's, I have 2 one lifted w/big tires, one for tearing up the logging roads and ski hills. Both modded out with TWE pipes, IC, high flow air filter, and other go fast bits.
  2. In order to keep things simple I just kept the connector that was attached to the auto shifter, car says it's in park all the time but some black tape took care of that.
  3. On when you want it, but also when the therm. calls for it too.
  4. were are the ac relays, and the park brake adj.? Found the park brake adj.
  5. :lol:Hah, That DP's going to have more $ into it in shipping than I spent on the pipe and welding materials. I have a 1 7/8" exhaust that bolts up to the DP, with a cherrybomb type muffler on the end. It's ready to go in all you have to do is put the rubber hangers from your old assembly on. oh yeah and connect were I cut it when I removed it[ was feeling lazy and the sawzall was already out on the work bench]. It sounds wicked with the 3" tip on the muffler, very deep tone, and the perf gain over stock with no cats is pretty big. It's about 1 year old. LMK Oh yeah, if you get a chance check out the turbo beast in the user photo gallery.
  6. I got a knockoff one for 30 bucks cdn and it's lasted a surprisingly long time. D.I.S. that looks really good, I think that's next on my list now that the lifts done, I'd like to make a cone filter adapter for my flapper type MAF too.
  7. That's OK, but thanks anyways, I'll take a look at it tomorrow I can't stand watching my temp gauge climb every time I idle for more than 30 sec. or so.
  8. No power to the fan, so what I propose is not a prob.?
  9. On both of my 86 t wagons that are converted to MT from AT the computer is showing code 13- starter switch remains in the on pos. Does anyone know how to tell the computer that it's a manual now, is there a connector? How do I get rid of the code, other than resetting?
  10. My elect. rad fan is not working and it's not the therm. switch, so I'm wondering can I run power to the therm. sw, and then to a switch in the dash as well so I can run the fan on demand as well?
  11. Where and what exactly did you remove?
  12. Cambell River Subaru charged $5 and change a piece, I'm curious what the Vic guys want for there's. I hope that's your prob, I just did the HG on the rally ru,smelt like Fort McMurray, nasty! That's my third HG job on a ru in 6 months [different cars]. Good Luck, and thanks for paying for the shipping on the DP.
  13. Still have to install the LSD, the oil cooler, and fix up the paint around the wheel wells but i took her out into the snow today, man I LOVE the ride height! Snow banks, ditches, water bars, no problem clearance is not an issue any more! I'm still haveing probs with resizing, better qualitiy photo's are in my user gallery, I will try to fix these photos.
  14. I dig the new look, those tires fill it out nicely. Were did you get those fender pieces above the mudflaps? Are those stock ones, I have only seen older subes like that in the JY here and most of them were crushed, the salt on the roads and in the air here destroy cars pretty quick. Nice clean looking car.
  15. Around 1/4 of an amp, not much I know but if there's current maintaining a contact closed that would explain it. This code 13 comes up on a friends car that was conv. to MT also.
  16. That is so damn fine, hmm 160 hp that's 50 over stock? You just made my day, Thank you. I guesstimated my ru to have about 160hp at 12 psi going off a few G tech pulls, was probly a little optimistic with that # but it looks like I'm not all that far off. If I want Dyno time I have to go to the Mainland and that's a $150 roundtrip on the ferries just to get there so it'll be a while before that happens.
  17. I have this on both my ea82t wagons that I swapped over to D/R, I know it's some connector or something I overlooked, don't know where this starter switch conn. is and why on both wagons it's a problem, but I think it drains the batt slowly over time[like a week if not driven], my multimeter says there is juice being drawn when everything is shutoff.
  18. PK Davis at OZZIFIED he's very busy but send an e mail just might take a few days.
  19. If you are going for a low lag high output turbo setup then a tdo4 isn't the way to go. Get a turbo with BB's it'll spool alot quicker, the main reason guys go with a tdo4 is they're cheap and plentiful and if you have a wrx intercooler they're fairly easy to mod to our ea82t's. I will be installing my td04 on my rally racer twagon this spring but I want a ballbearing turbo.
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