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Everything posted by bergle

  1. How do I go about belching the coolant? Also, if it is the head gasket, how much should I expect to spend on getting it fixed?
  2. Hey all. Got a 1993 Legacy that is overheating. Obviously head gasket is suspect, but there is no oil in the water or water in the oil. The thermostat has been replaced. It drives for around 10 miles and overheats, but there is still plenty of water in there? Any thoughts?
  3. Hey all, I have a 95 Legacy Wagon that will start and run for about 10 seconds then it dies. It will stay running if you squirt starter fluid in the breather, but obviously that doesn't indicate the real problem. I replaced the fuel pump and filter. I really think that this is an electronic (sensor) issue. If I bought a code reader would it tell me which sensor was bad? Any other ideas would be appreciated too. thanks-
  4. Do you put the guage in the spark plug sockets? And what should it read if the compression/exhaust is good? thanks-
  5. It does use some oil, but not alot. Are you thinking it might be the rings?
  6. I used NGK both. Would the catalytic converter make it slow? Like I said no CEL on
  7. Howdy all ! I have a 1993 Legacy that is really sluggish lately. It is very slow to climb hills and accelerate on the oped road. I tried changing the wires and plugs as well as fuel filter, transmission filter and oil. There is no Check Engine light on either. Any thoughts on what could be causing this.
  8. Hey friends, I am in the process of changing the transmission fluid and filter in my 1993 legacy wagon because the car was getting kind of sluggish shifting and driving. While I have it apart are there any adjustments underneath that I should make to tighten it up? Also what is the proper way to refill it? thanks a bunch. Any other tips would also be appreciated. -)
  9. The problem was there before the struts were replaced. I thought the struts were what was causing the rattling, but it wasn't. I replaced the struts myself and then just haven't really been driving it.
  10. I also forgot to mention that it is quite loud and rattles when you go over a bump and I had the front shocks replaced recently.
  11. The front end of my 93 legacy wagon seems to be loose. It is quite scary when driving at high speeds and it meanders across the road on its own. I was told that it needs new rubber bushings, but I don't know what to order, or call them. Any thoughts? Also, if you don't think that's the problem let me know that too. thanks-
  12. If I were to bu a code reader, what should I look for? What make, model, etc will work on a 95? thanks
  13. Timing belt and water pump. I believe those were the only motor-related changes.
  14. The Legacy has 135,000 miles. There is spark and the timing belt is good. The last time it had a tuneup was around 8 months ago. Which sensor regulates the richness of the fuel mixture?
  15. OK, so my 1995 Legacy has had the check engine light on for a while and it started to run really horribly. Then after the cold snap we had, it would only start and run for a few seconds, then die. It will do this as many times as you care to start it. You can keep it running by squirting fuel directly into the intake area, but short of that it won't stay running. I changed the fuel filter and that did nothing. The fuel pump seems fine as well. I'm pretty sure its a sensor issue, but which one? Any thoughts? Bear in mind the car is immobile right now. thanks-
  16. Hi all, I have a 1995 subaru that had only water (no antifreeze) in the cooling system. I live in Austin, TX and this has never been a problem before, but we got some crazy cold weather a few days ago and I think the water may have frozen. The car will not start now, just turns over and over, with no indication of firing at all. Any thoughts on what may have happened. It only froze briefly here, but I don't know how much it would take to do damage. Thanks-
  17. Aside from the connection to the back of the instrument panel are the other options doable without dropping he transmission? many thanks-B
  18. Hi all, My speedometer on my 93 Legacy wagon (automatic AWD) just stopped working one night while driving. The car does have 195,000 miles on it, but I just changed the front shocks and timing belt. and it is such a lovable car that I feel compelled to keep it going. Any thoughts? thanks-B
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