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Everything posted by AKghandi

  1. sounds like a bad FPR, pull the vacuum line off while you try cranking. if fuel comes out, bingo. my$0.02
  2. you could always put a rear mount turbo on it. Most will shoot the idea down, but its cheap, easy, and doesn't affect general power, MPG, and if you dont use it too much, the reliability. But when you mash it, there's 30+ horsepower on tap. http://www.junkyardturbos.com/Rear-Mount-Turbo.php this will give you a general idea.
  3. you may need to pull the cable out of the speedo and have someone turn it while you try to get it to screw in to the tranny.
  4. ah, yeah... i think you may have used a little too much.. your only suposed to spray the wire once or twic, and not get anything else. did you make sure the wire was still intact? its very fragile and compressed air has some force. you can test the MAF but you will need a multi meter, and a haynes or chilton. you turn the ignition on and blow air through it while mesuring the rsistance on one of the wires, although i cannot remember which one.
  5. These are short stroke, low displacement motors, peak HP is made at 5500. and peak TQ is around 3k
  6. I used that CRC MAF cleaner and my MAF went crazy shortly after.(I may have used a little too much:P) I dont think the car should run with the MAF plugged in and not plumbed into the intake.(someone will correct me if I'm wrong) Try running it with the MAF unplugged, it will go into a sort of limp home mode, and run on a preset fuel map. The MAF can be hard to diagnose, I scratched my head, then beat it against a wall for 3 weeks trying to figure out what was wrong with my car, as it never threw a code. I switched the MAF with one that had been sitting in a shed for a couple years, I didn't clean it I just put it in, 4k problem free miles. I hate to argue with you skishop69, but these MAF's don't really need to be cleaned because its a hot wire, and it goes into a "self cleaning" mode after shut down. Granted it's not going to burn off oil or heavy dust but what little particles do accumulate during a daily drive get burnt off.
  7. With a weber, it should move pretty good. mayhaps you aren't revving it high enough. Take it to 6k and see if its still super slow:brow:
  8. AHAHAHHAA meme's. the hood is going to stay black, but I am going to re paint it. I didn't have enough to paint the hood. I have a can left for the bumper and some touch up around the car.
  9. PROGRESS!! before AFTER:headbang: Not quite perfect, but i think that has to do with the age of the rest of the paint.
  10. how much did you clean the MAF? these are "self cleaning" last time i cleaned my MAF it went on the fritz and i had to get a new one. It had no power as well.
  11. sounds like thats your problem, they need to be as close to the same as possible. check craigs list, you might be able to find some matched tires for pretty cheap. thses are a little spendy but 185/80/r13 are pretty hard to come by. http://boise.craigslist.org/pts/3436051394.html
  12. my ea82t has 249k and it just keeps on goin! gotta love it:headbang:
  13. ^+1 its not awd its 4x4 so the front and rear diff are connected, its sounds like your rear tires are bigger than the front.
  14. ok I ordered new radius rod bushings. And from a local yard I'm getting a front caliper and parking cable,non A/C alt bracket setup, rear diff and snout bushing, and some blue front seats. should have those in a day or so, then its into the shop for a bunch of work, she will never be the same.
  15. sounds like a bad cone washer/ loose hub.
  16. ok that helps, the only LSD subaru offerwd on those is a clutch type rear LSD. front LSD's were not available till the wrx IIRC. but with the equal length C/V's its easy to see why someone would think its got front and rear LSD's, they really will go someplaces a car should not be able to go:headbang: Its an 86 so on the rear struts(if they are factory) there is a sleeve that can be rotated one way or the other to lift the back a little, about 1.25 inch. +1 on the shifter bushings, the bolt fix is for an EA81 car.
  17. are we talking about an ea81 or ea82? im going to guess ea81 under the back seat is a black rubber plug with a bolt inside, this si the rear suspension adjuster. its recommended to crank the suspension back down, to save the axles. the shifter can be fixed with a bolt. theres a thread on it somewhere, use google and search "sloppy shifter fix, ultimate subaru" the motor leaning towards the back is somewhat normal. depending on how far its leaning. 1300 is a bit high but for all the extra goodies, seems worth it. Are you sure it has VLSD's front and rear??? rarely did they have rear lsd and unless there was alot of custom work there is no way it has vlsd in the front.
  18. haha it seems that these cars fix themselves sometimes, you just gotta show them who's boss.
  19. ^+1 yeah these cars shouldn't have very much torque steer because of the equal length C/v shafts, so bushings or bearings, unless your car has 2 different C/V's my car has this issue, one 3at turbo shaft one n/a shaft, the turbo shaft is thicker so i get some mild TS
  20. ATV tires! http://www.pureoffroad.com/itp-ultracross-atv-tires.htm
  21. it may also be a vacuum leak in the hvac system. but more likely the coolant issue
  22. green connector on the firewall is the check connector. if its plugged together, it does alot of things, it removes timing advance and will keep the fuel pump cycling among other things. it is meant for checking timing. It should not be plugged together on a normal basis. Hopefully someone will chime in and inform us what the other purpose's of the check connector is.
  23. well you can always suck on the vac line to see if it holds vacuum. and you'll need a fuel pressure tester to really check it.
  24. Does fluid come out of one of the rear brakes faster than the other? If it does then you may have a sticky rear proportional valve now as to how to fix it, I have no idea how it works, so I cant say, but tapping on it comes to mind. My brakes were really squishy till I did some off roading in snow, they are better now, not perfect, but better. I don't think the snow had anything to do with it, but Subaru's do work magical ways.
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