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Everything posted by richwolf

  1. Hi all, I hope it is OK to post this here. I have to sell our Subaru. My wife bought it brand new in 1985. It has 165,000 miles on it and runs good. Parts that have been replaced are radiator, new plugs, new belt, new axels, new front rotors and pads, oil pump, fuel pump. This car is gray with gray and blue interior. 5 Speed dual range. No AC. We are asking $900 or best offer. We live in San Diego County, so if you live in Southern California you might want to check it out. I can send you a picture via e-mail. E-mail is julianactive@sbcglobal.net or phone us at 760-765-1598 Thanks! Rich Wolf
  2. Well after inspection I have decided to leave the old bearings in. There is plenty of grease in them and they turn smoothly. I have decided that the click was problably coming from the remanufactured CV axel. I will buy a new one vs. a remanufactured one. About $30 more but I think worth it. I am just not ready to pull the whole steering knuckle out and the whole can of worms that opens up nor do want to punch (aka bash) out the old bearings. Thanks for all your guys help! This board is great. 1985 GL 4WD wagon with roofracks (Thule and Yakima) and an avid skier, snowboarder, off road skateboarder and even a gas powered skateboarder! But my real passion is bicycling. Subaru Wagon and 4WD is perfect for me. Not a lot of guts but fun to drive!
  3. Well last night I removed my axle from my 85 4WD wagon and it was a disaster. Everything went smooth untill I hammered it out with the nut on. Well I buggered up the threads on the axle because the hammering caused the nut to cross thread. Had to cut the nut off with the dremel tool. Now I removed and replaced one a few years ago and didn't have the same problem. Well a lesson learned! Well let's cut to the chase. Has anyone successfully replaced the pressed in wheel bearings themselves? How do you get them out? How can you tell if they are good or bad? I have a press that I use for pressing in bicycle headsets which I think will work for getting the bearings back in but I am reluctant to do the old hammer mechanic approach to removal unless you guys give me the go ahead. Thanks!
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