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Everything posted by GirlWithALegacy

  1. Well I bought the stuff to do my wheels! Primer, paint, wire brush attatchments, sandpaper, redbull. And my dad called my cousin in Portland to see if he can't get me some tires for cheap.
  2. Another thing I've decided to do: take those stupid automatic throat cutting seatbelts out and replace with oldschool, classy, normal, manual ones. Until then: Since I have them - I'm going to figure out how to make my rims purdy. They're all nasty and I want to make em shine Know of a how-to thread for that?
  3. I'm in the same boat... I've seen that people are donors but I've never noticed anywhere to donate. Maybe having something on the home page or the User CP would be nice. On the note of color coordination, idk if I like that, I guess in a sense it seems like rewarding people for maybe being in a better financial situation than others... but idk maybe thats just me. I really like the WCSS raffle idea as well as the Subaru Bucks 500 $1 thing. Also, although $5 isn't much in the scheme of things.. every little bit counts, just like coupon clipping, it adds up. I would fear if you discourage little donations, it may backfire and cause people to not donate at all instead of donating larger amounts. As for Twitter, frankly I think that would be time consuming in general. Just because followers expect updates etc. And although I would totally follow USMB, with Twitter it seems you have to already know about something to follow it. We could all do our duty and tell people about USMB when they ask us about our kickin ride at the gas station. and of course having USMB bumper stickers. Places like CafePress that sell products, I'm pretty sure do the shipping etc for you, but you get less money from the sales. And seems the first thing that always comes up no matter what search engine I use is Yahoo! Answers. So maybe we could have a joint effort conspiracy between like 5 members. Have someone ask "Where's a good place to find Subaru information" and include key words such as legacy, engine... idk. then another member answers the question with "UltimateSubaru.org of course!" lol. and then the others vote that it's a good answer. Just an idea to get some traffic. Best of luck.
  4. Hey. :) You goin to WCSS this year? Where in Oregon is Welches?

  5. I think everyone has heard that story once or twice... Hey Fox, you should visit Idaho again! Bring that Hobo, Tom with ya too! You guys can teach me how to fix rust! and stuff....
  6. Search button is your friend Thats how I found this thread! Thanks guys!
  7. "Stella" is what I named my old Mazda that I first started learning about cars on... because that car always made me want to scream "Stellaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" Nice project here. Best wishes!
  8. Also, just noticed that my rear brakes are drums... I'd like to switch those out for disks at some point...
  9. I laugh in the face of danger! Muahahahaha! dont. ask.
  10. Lol - now that I think about it I'm sure I've seen that before. And I know I can get one of the bolts back in... so maybe that along with zipties as a backup. And the car still smokes a tiny bit but not pouring out like it was before... I'm hoping it was just crap built up in the exhaust. Brumby420 might be able to hook me up with some tires I'm hoping and then a guy left me a message on my page about a parts car I'm hoping might have lights or at least a fender, maybe an emissions canister and A/C since I effed up the line when I was beating out the front corner... oops. lol.
  11. Hey, I don't have anywhere to park a parts car but if I could find out what parts are on it I might see if we can work something out. :)

  12. I see... I'll have to check. Either way I bought extra bolts.
  13. Blowing smoke out the tailpipe. :'( Hope its only crap in the exhaust burning off and not a blown head or something... Gadzooks I don't need that! Oh and anyone local got a torch I could borrow? Lol... threads on a bolt sheared right off but it sticks out a good 1/4 inch. Can't seem to get it with pliers..
  14. 4 lugs on my car. and no worries, I just got the car last week. lol. I have school tues - sat from 8-4 but maybe after 4 or on a day off we could figure something out. Actually I'm headed up to Rathdrum right now for an interview. 208-818-9358. Shoot me a text sometime. :)

  15. Actually it's a Loyale. :) Yeah I got it last Saturday. Been working on it off and on all week. There's a thread about it in the older gen section. I might be getting a job in Rathdrum so I need it running soon. If you know of any tires for some 13in rims let me know :) Mine are pretty much bald! (oh no!) haha. Maybe I could come play in the mud up there. :P

  16. K - Maybe tomorrow or something.

  17. Great... more stuff I gotta learn myself to do. lol good to know though.
  18. Hey how's it? Havent talked to ya in a while... just wanted to say hi!

  19. I think tomorrow I'm gonna go do a general tuneup. I've yet to check the plugs/wires/oil/etc. And I need to use up my can of seafoam. Anything else I should check out?
  20. You should get on Yahoo!

  21. Yeah but that's the thing.. I've never had it idle this low and it only did it a few seconds after I started it up, it hadn't been running long enough to be at running temp. idk. just struck me as odd...
  22. So I was busy showing my car off to my uncle, I started it up... every time I do it runs around 2200rpm until I kick it down to around 1500. Well after a few seconds it knocked itself down to like 1000 and the lifter knock got really quiet. I'm not complaining it just seemed really weird that it did that so quickly...
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