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Everything posted by GirlWithALegacy

  1. Alas, I do not. Greatest apologies. lol. Honestly I don't watch much tv at all... it's a long story. The only steadfast show I watch is Top Gear BBC. Cuz its just that effing awesome. lol

  2. That's because USMB prioritizes the most important ones to the top of the list ;)

  3. Love this thread. Gives me some good ideas for what I want to put on mine! careful there! people might think you're a cop witht those lights on there!
  4. Saw at the bottom of the page that you're online... current activity: private messaging.. I wonder who? :P

  5. I'm just accross the Idaho border from Spokane... And there's a group called "Nortwesterns" that's got quite a few in the Spok/Cda area in it. I'm sure Twitch (who started the group) would be more than happy to have more additions from up here.
  6. Type of Wrenching: Bloody Knuckle Maintenance How long doing it: 2.5 years with LOTS of help from my bff. Still learning a great deal. Other skills: If its artsy grandma stuff - I do it. Sew, crochet, scrapbook... etc. I'm going to school for cosmetology. (I really don't belong here do I? lol) Self taught home repairs (dabbled in electrical, plumbing, and general handygirl stuff) I can swing a hammer and use a power drill. Learning graphic design. I've been known to build a mean campfire too. Basic Jack-of-all, Master-of-none kinda stuff.
  7. Just a sidenote... you should post a better picture of yourself in the "pics of us" thread... can't really see ya... of course you're definitely not the only one who needs a new pic on there :P

  8. Bahhh! Curse you no edit button!!! Driving my LegoWago Helping Twitch work on his BRAT And just me
  9. Fun stuff you got there... I know right where clagstone is... got any pix of your rally track? Its getting to be the perfect time of year for muddin'
  10. Aww sad day! lol... well you can put a link up or w/e. I'd say email but I never check my email.. like ever. :P Hope to be gettin my Loyale this weekend. XD So maybe I'll have to take it for a test run and hit up some nice back country roads in the Athol area. :)

  11. Oh I'm so proud of myself! I'm no longer a "New User" :D

  12. I may very well take you up on that offer if I can't find anything that works for me in the yard. And they don't have a warranty.. just a return policy. I know, I know, to-may-toe, to-mah-toe. Basically with anything they sell.. there's no real way to test it till you leave the yard. They get that. So you have 30 days if it doesnt work for you, elec or not. Thx for the tip tho.
  13. Ohh oh oh! Me! I do! I love DMB. and Incubus. and Everclear. and lots of others. Lol.
  14. Well when my best friend and I are workin' we listen to a mix of good ol' country and techno. When it's my dad, Led Zep, Tom Petty, Don Henley, you know... the classics. For me? A mix of EVERYTHING. From Norah Jones to Tom Petty to DJ Satomi to George Strait. I like it all.
  15. Out of the yard its under 10 bucks, reman at the parts store its close to 80. and the yard i go to has a 30 day return policy. finances dont allow for 80 right now when 10 could very well get the job done.
  16. I'm needing to buy an alt from the yard for a 92 loyale i'm getting next week... been looking around but havent found anything specific to my questions... will any ol' alt from that year range work? Or is there something specific I need to look for when pulling it from the yard?? Wish I knew more... TIA for your help...
  17. Nice, you should post your story on my thread when you get those pix ;) So I'm hoping that this weekend I'll have my loyale in my possesion... that's the idea anyway. :D I've been searching for any thread that talks about what to look for when selecting a new used alternator. I need one but I fear getting the wrong one from the yard... :/

  18. By "quiet" I meant.... no loud drunk people stumbling around scratching up your BRAT. I never claimed YOU would be quiet.
  19. Wow - this build is spectacular! And that canopy that it had to begin with was a beast! haha! But really this is awesome to see. The wheel arches look amazing, like they were from the factory. You did such a wonderful job! Such a shame people don't know what they're looking at!!! When you blow past I bet they're like this >>> Can't wait to see your other builds. Put a link on this thread when you start em.
  20. Wow you weren't kidding - tight fit! Looks awesome though! Hope i can see it at wcss13
  21. Haha - I find it's easiest to upload them to photobucket and then provide a link (make sure album is public) or html it in from photubucket. Once I get my car I might just take you up on that offer... I actually have quite a few friends in the rathdrum/athol area. :) Currently I have no car :(.. a friend of mine is sellin me his 92 loyale as soon as i get some cash. I had two legacies in the past though... therefore my name which was a play on words. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=100089 here's a link to what happened to my first one. :P

  22. Can I just say? That's adorable. My dad and I are... planning on... yeah we'll say that... restoring an old El Camino together. That's the plan anyway. Sweet find though! Jumper seats an all - I've seen so many that don't have them anymore. And with as little rust as you say.. that's awesome! Good luck! Can't wait to see more pix.
  23. Never been before but I assure you my campsite will be alcohol free. I'm partial to quiet camping as well... barring the AC/DC playing out of the back of my Subie And I know if Twitch goes, he likes it pretty quiet too. So point out the loud boys and I'll steer clear!
  24. Sure hope I can make it this year! Got tons of family down there so I'm sure I could think of an excuse to make the trip...
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