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Everything posted by GirlWithALegacy

  1. A friend advised the tap and die rather than helicoil.. he's run into problems w/the helicoil route. So I went to the partshouse to get the tap and die stuff and when I explained what I was doing they insisted on helicoil... which I don't have money for even if I WANTED to go that route... So I bought my airfilter and left. So one thing was accomplished.. airfilter is in! lol. But I'm low on oil and need a change desperately!
  2. Tom I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "engage"... and does anyone know of a good write up on how to replace exhaust studs with tap and die? I'm seriously lost. lol.
  3. Tom I'm not sure what you mean by "engage".... anyone know of a good write up on how to use a tap and die to replace my exhaust studs???
  4. Awesome! That's providing that I can even make it!!! You better be talking about a MUD bath! Yeah - you get more as you go along. More posts = more PM space. And if you donate you automatically get 500.... I was like... when I saw that. lol
  5. Idk I know some people who would be apt to record something like that :-p Plus I've been known to lay down rubber here and there. It'd be fun! We doin this all stock? Where's this goin down? How about WCSS! So where's those pix you promised?
  6. Cooler than mine? hardly! Your body style is way better... more nimble and less things to go wrong. And you have dual range... I have pushbutton awd. I'm pretty sure your project trumps mine. lol.
  7. Hey look I found the thread on your car! Looks great! Can't wait to see it progress!
  8. So I got the nipple for my cruise and replaced it.... Cruise is a.... no.
  9. WCSS5 was on the BEACH??? Lucky! I have no clue if I am going to make it... but if I do, I'll likely be driving my 1993 Loyale wagon. Perhaps it will be one solid color by then! Anyone have pix from the last WCSS in Stevenson?
  10. Probably because in your stupor someone beat you with it jk. Nah I don't actually drink. alcoholism is in my family and I've seen the horrors of it. frankly: it kills people.
  11. Yeah and you can come get your haircut by me at my school...
  12. LOL Funny Ben... This is what I get for driving through a creek twice.
  13. Oh yeah and another thing I need to do... Replace this...
  14. Welcome to USMB! It's always great to have another enthusiast around As for pix, no limits that i'm aware of. Easiest way is to upload them to photobucket, and then I try to ensure they are no wider than 800 pixels, that way the screen doesnt have to stretch to fit it, anyhow, then insert the image via the button on the reply box and voila! Best of luck to ya! Cant wait to see some pix!
  15. Speaking of vodka... can't they make alcohol out of Potatoes? As long as the subject is entertaining I don't mind a 'Jack once in a while... and I'm not talkin' about the stuff from the bottle... haha.
  16. You must post a picture of the finished product, the manifestation of the last 5 years worth of hard, honest work. Proud of ya. Now for a cross-country road trip that happens to run thru Post Falls...
  17. Next course of action? Find a job. Can't very well buy stuff I need without money. Once I find money, then I should weld the front corner on, I need to paint it, replace that part on the cruise, still have yet to figure how and where my window is leaking. But I'm not even driving it right now until I find a job... It's just too expensive. I'm not all too worried about it atm... as long as I can find a way to WCSS. Lol.
  18. Yeah they were disinterested in my camera... lol. I did a little sawzalling. But he had much more experience, so he did the important cuts.
  19. I'll do my best... no promises though We did sawzall off the tow hook on that side though... that way if I ever need to yank something or someone out of.. well.. somewhere.. I don't inadvertently yank off that corner instead. Ok I wouldn't be stupid enough to try that.. but this way no one else will try either. I hope. :-\ I honestly can't thank everyone enough who has helped me out on this car. From cutting me a deal on it, to sending me a manual, to advice, to replacing a whole corner on it for me while I pretty much stood there and watched. Thanks everyone. Lots more to do so lots more to learn.
  20. Spodie? 0.o Whyso? Anyhow - She does have a name. Her name is Rook. 1) The car looks like a chess board. and 2) Shes my "rookie" car - in that I've been learning how to do stuff mostly by myself on her.
  21. Yes and no. I need to put a tack weld on the bolts because they're permanent. But unless I personally learn to weld (which I would like to), I probably wont have the whole thing welded. It's too expensive and really, unnecessary. PS - Whats a Hilux?
  22. Donor Car Deliberating zzz My oh my... most people would take my baby to the scrap yard if they saw it like this!!! It's amazing how much potential can be found if you let yourself see it! Lining up the amputee. Finishing up. We put angle iron as reinforcement at all the joints. Bolts through the crossmember. Behind the fender, beneath radiator. We put bolts through the layers that overlapped. Three different colors! Good as new!!! BIG SHOUTOUT TO NICKOLAI!!! Without whom, this project would have never been possible! Thank you SO MUCH for all your help! Dom too! You guys are the best! "Ferris you're my Hero!"
  23. No when I woke up like an hour later it was still at 24 pix... so I restarted my lappy and loaded the rest. dunno how long it took but they're all finally on there! Now for the grand finale! (er... not really but.. haha)
  24. You took the words right from my mouth heartless!!! Brave... and nutz! Good luck though! I surely envy your dedication and confidence!
  25. I had every intention of posting pertinent progress photos ( I just made an alliteration) Anyhow... I had the intention of posting those pics.. but it's taken photobucket over half an hour to upload a measly 24 pictures and theres over 40 still to go! SO - somewhere in here is the link to the album if you're desperate... I'm sure you can see them before I'll be awake enough to actually post them in the thread. As for now, I'm going to sleep. Hopefully it will be done uploading by the morning.
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