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Everything posted by GirlWithALegacy

  1. Yeah Portland... and you can specify within that, the Columbia Gorge section... could possibly narrow your search closer to Stevenson. But maybe not. Its an option.
  2. PM me if you want a babysitter for a couple hours. I love kids. And my rates are cheap
  3. Go to your User CP> Social Groups> Northwesterns. Then join the group! There's no notification for it so you'll have to check in on your own. But it's pretty lively! We try to get together once in a while. :)

  4. Hmm interesting. I'll have to look into that when I get back in town Monday. But I think junkyard would be my best bet... and honestly I can live without cruise... I mean I've been living w/out it for the last 2 years. Its just a luxury really...
  5. I noticed it says 15/night. Is that per tent, per car, per person, how is that broken down?
  6. Haha nice Brumby. And yeah I know many a subaru that's stripped out those studs. Sadly I know nothing about replacing them. Is there any way to get it to quiet down without replacing it? And my cruise I'm pretty sure is stock.
  7. "Had a job but I lost it"... but I got my car done! It's 3 different colors now I'll post pix later. But we got the front corner unibody replaced. As well as we replaced the washer fluid resevoir and a/c lines. Now my headlights point straight! Also figured out (hopefully) why the cruise doesn't work. the tab that the vacuum line attaches to is broken off. so i figure if I glue it then hopefully it will work. still didnt figure out why my horn isnt working though. we just didn't have time. oh and my exhaust keeps getting louder and we discovered its because one of my exhaust studs has been torn out... Big thx to Nickolai for helping me out!!! (actually he did most the work) Stay Tuned Folks!
  8. Thx Kara! I bet you were blown away by Tom as well! He's got pretty spiffy musical preferences himself! Anyhow - Back to my car... Nickolai is going to help me cut out the passenger corner that is all crumpled up underneath and replace it with part of one of his parts cars. zzz He's a lifesaver! I promise to take lotsa pitchurzz! (Just for you Tom) Should be up by this weekend. We talked about making the other side a checkerboard too with the rest of his panels from the car I got the hood/fender/door from. I guess we'll see! OH yeah.... drove thru a creek the other day. Our faces got wet... No Idea how the water got in... but it did. No water on the floor, arms, dash... nothing. Just got a spritz on the face when we hit the water and some washed over the car. Oh well... :-p
  9. So instead of using up all the USMB space I'm just gonna post a link. http://s195.photobucket.com/albums/z131/rosie4491/Offroading%20stuff/ Just don't steal em k?
  10. Posts in the off topic and for sale areas don't count. You should get PM abilities once you hit 10 posts. Welcome to the family!
  11. Haha... Louie Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald are more my style
  12. Ya photobucket is giving me issues. So for now you'll just have to be happy with Facebook... or waiting. lol. Sorry guys. I'll post em when I get it figured out. PS Thx Rob
  13. Wasn't Don Miller Subie show this weekend? How did that go down?
  14. 36 CFR 261.13 "Operating a vehicle off of a National Forest Designated Route as per MVUM" Basically, we went 100 yards down the wrong road... it was motorcycle only but wasn't marked as such. Confusing. 3 Cars - $225 per driver. Plus he ticketed the only passenger for camping in an unauthorized area with a $100 ticket.
  15. Well Hello! And welcome to the Board! I see you're in my neck of the woods. I don't know a ton about the newer generation's problems but if you utilize the search function you should be able to find some good reads! Not 100% sure where you are, but there's a group of us getting together tomorrow (Sunday) in CDA to go for a drive up into the mountains... You can find a thread on it in the Welcome Center called "Poor Man Run". It'd be great if you could join us! Even if it's just for the rendezvous at Super1.
  16. I hate to post wh*re but this needs to be added. Twitch touched on smoking and picking up after yourself... lets not set the forest on fire. Also. we know how old you are. If you're underaged and try to smoke (cigarettes or otherwise) - you will be asked to leave. So just don't. Illegal drugs of any sort are not acceptable. But I know everyone is smarter than that so lets just have fun! PS Anyone know how to play the guitar?
  17. Checked the weather... its 40% chance of rain tomorrow but it's gonna be sunny Monday. Gotta love mud'N'shine!
  18. I keep forgetting what I wanted to add until now!! If you need gas I highly reccomend you wait until you hit CDA. A couple days ago I saw gas at $3.64 at Govt Way and Ironwood Ave. Also I went up there again yesterday and found better campsite with more spaces for tents. Its a little difficult to get to but I think we can manage. oh yeah and... SEE YA'LL TOMORROW!!!
  19. Still havent done anything about the leaking issue... a lack of money has me at a standstill for repairs... but as I came around a corner and slammed on my brakes due to the sight of 3 deer in the road I discovered something I didn't like very much... My horn doesnt work. and the fuse is fine. So Idk - I'll have to check my Haynes and read up on here maybe. Just kind of irritating. lol. But besides that my baby handled like a CHAMP out on the mountain roads!
  20. Booyah! And I've never done it alone but I've helped do it and yeah.. its alright. Nothing to fret about just be patient and keep your eyes on the instructions.
  21. To add: Bring walkie talkies if you have them. If you don't: bring batteries. lol. I'll let you borrow one of mine. Although for the most part there is cell reception up there... at least my phone was alright. As Twitch said, there are other people up there... thus the point of walkie talkies... if you're going to drift - know for SURE that its clear around the corner. Keep someone ahead of you. Look out for each other. Also - tow straps and chains are advisable. Especially if it keeps raining. The mud out there might look harmless but some of it could end up trying to kidnap you! I'm sure we'll add more as time progresses.
  22. You still planning on coming out this weekend?

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