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Everything posted by GirlWithALegacy

  1. Can I shoot a few rounds? I've been told I'm a pretty good shot.. but haven't had too much opportunity to show my skills... my family doesn't like guns but I do but I don't know enough about them to own one.
  2. Thanks! And yeah... key words there: "Some Day" Maybe once I get my student loans paid off...
  3. I forget the brand but I sealed up everything around the window... it was a black silicone like goop from a tube... anyhow... I made sure to get every single crevice around the window... as I went out to my car at lunch today I sat down and it was freaking soaked again...... so IDK where to even begin now because it's leaking from the same spot still and I can't figure out where the water is coming from... maybe I'll just ductape a tarp to the top of my car... any ideas?
  4. I know that since I don't have a BRAT, I hardly count.... but for what it's worth, I really enjoyed going to Leavenworth... campgrounds werent even full and it was memorial day weekend, its a breathtaking drive, and overall a fun place to visit... I just wish I'd had more time to explore the area. Too bad most the forest roads were still gated off... I hardly got a speck of mud on my car! :-\ And did anyone else get pix? My phone was dead so I didn't get any...
  5. Welcome to the Board! I think you'll find this to be a warm and friendly place with many knowledgeable friends to answer your questions... ok enough with the sales crap stuff... What kinda car? Got pix? Search button is your friend... you'll see that most problems have already been addressed in previously created threads... Anyhow - see ya on the board!
  6. Hello and welcome aboard!!! I think perhaps you picked a bad weekend to post a first hello... being Memorial day and all.. that's my excuse at least...
  7. I speak for at least 2 of us if not more... it would be much more worth it to camp overnight with everyone instead of just an hour or two. more time to chew the fat and get to know each other. That said, I'm so glad to have been able to meet everyone. Definitely a memorable trip!
  8. I've grown up about 15 miles east of Spokane. My brother lives in North Dakota, not far east as you, but still midwest, and I can honestly say the only major differences I noticed when I stayed there for a month were the landscape and accent. I couldn't live that far in because I'd miss the ocean too much. I think Spokane is a nice location, it has all the things a city should offer, entertainment, lights, (perhaps lacking in a night life), food, shopping, music, good/bad parts of town, but it's not so overwhelmingly big that you don't know what to do with yourself. Yes it has the cons of a city, crime and tax and such, but good luck finding anywhere without that. If you want, there's plenty of surrounding small towns that are a hop skip and a jump to Spokane that offer a much more quiet setting, while only having to drive maybe 15-45 mins (depending) to get to work. I love how close you are to nothing - aka wilderness. Rivers, lakes, mountains, camping, boating, hiking, skiing... just tons of outdoors stuff close by.... oh and of course there's the insurmountable Subarus that stalk you everywhere you go... XD Just my 2 pennies...
  9. It's official. I'm going! See everyone there! Do we have a count on how many are going yet?
  10. So I told my dad I was planning on going to this on Saturday and his reply was... "Don't call me when you break down!!!".... Oh ye with little faith... I'm sure ONE of you could help me out!
  11. I dare not laugh for fear it may move on to me next... oh wait! My car is in a constant state of disrepair! No worries here!
  12. most likely it's bent. it had some front end damage when I bought it.. also noticed today that the windshield leaks right dead center above the driver's seat... explains why my pants have been damp....erggggg and its gonna rain all day... :/
  13. oh c'mon Twitch... you know I'm almost NEVER grumpy... do I need more smiley faces? :-p Brat.....
  14. Me too! Oh yeah and my hood doesn't latch all the way... I mean it latches... but not to the point that I have to pull the hood release.... not sure why yet...
  15. Well for one, initially this was my idea that was highjacked by Twitch... and being that we both live in N. Idaho... thats our backyard... so if ya'll wanna come play, you're welcome to join us. For two... I don't know where 7 mile is. or what it is really.... I'm guessing an ORV park... which if that's the case, my car isnt set up for anything other than forest roads... anyhow.
  16. don't worry Tyler... I wont do this car wrong. shes gonna get a regular mud bath and this is the north end of Hayden on hayden creek/forest service rds. wheres 7 mile?
  17. How many would rather do a Sunday run? Because frankly I'm perfectly ok with that myself..... heck I think I'd rather a Sunday/Monday. I don't have school those days.
  18. Yeah there were plenty of little offshoots along the way and I didn't even get past the junction... its a good thing I went up there again because I took the wrong road at first! oops. I thought about going into the grassy area but I figured since I didn't have anyone to get me unstuck and I didn't know how deep those puddles were, that it'd be best not to... lol I can get my hands on a bucket, shovel AND axe no problem. Next time I head up I'll keep an eye out as well.
  19. That's incredible! What a looker! Best of luck! I hope to see more pix in the future! Oh and Welcome to the Board!!!
  20. I'll be more excited once I know for sure that I can go!!!
  21. Yeah I figure after this weekend it will be more torn up. I'm just hoping we don't hit a lot of traffic when we go up there.... I noticed there were some signs that said no camping on the main road but I'm sure that once you get up farther (like from this point onward I would suppose) they don't care as much. Twitch, you would know better than I if rangers check out this area often or not... or if its allowed beyond a certain point perhaps? Because I know you can take this road to bumblebee so it must change somewhere...
  22. Yeah when I lived in Montana there was one like that.. if they wanna pay more staff to do what I could do for free then whatever... as long as their staff doesn't try to tell me something about MY car that's not true. Anyhow... finally got tires mount/balanced and insurance on my car today!!! Kinda hard to see the tires.... Took her out and broke her in. Noticed some things on the first run that need fixing... my passenger door is messed up.... half the time the dome light is on because the sensor that says it's open is being triggered... gonna have to do some reading on that. Also my cruise doesn't work.. 3rd car it hasn't worked on... lol. Had to drive home lookin thru a nasty window cuz I forgot the reservoir for washer fluid is broken. And it kinda feels like my seat is off kilter, like i'm leaning farther back on my right side. I'm sure I'll notice more things as time goes on... I'm just happy to have my car going again. Oh and I don't remember if I mentioned it but the other day the auto locks stopped working all the sudden and I can't get them to work now... gonna have to look into that too... ---------------- Now playing: The Truth- Jason Aldean via FoxyTunes
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