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Everything posted by GirlWithALegacy

  1. I went up that way today - finally got my tires and insurance on my car. Here's current conditions... This is at the junction of the two forest roads. I don't remember there usually being grass in that area to the right... am I correct or does my memory fail me? Of course I'm not sure I've been up there this early in the year either... the river or creek that runs next to this is REALLY high right now.
  2. These aren't good shots of crazy wheelin' or anything... but the mud sure was fun!
  3. Ummm so since you were gone for so long... I'm gonna say "Welcome to the board!" like you're new cuz... well you're new-ish again...
  4. There's a good chance I'll just have to meet ya'll up there later... I have school till 4 and I'm guessing you will want to get started earlier than that... I think I'm familiar enough with the roads we're talking about to be able to find a big ol' group of rednecks drivin' Subaru's and playin' in the dirt. Perhaps we could plan a 5 o' clock rendezvous at the junction up there.
  5. Dibs on 1st passenger ride. and ask anyone... I'm the inexperienced/safe driver. so i wont be doing any dangerous rallying... I just like cruisin up there hopefully there's a little mud.
  6. yeah I figured camping one night would be easier for those coming from places like Orient and Elk, WA and whatnot. and as you know I jump at every opportunity to camp that I possibly can. as for June 11. well we've already had 1 person say they cant that day so how about June 18th? that gives everyone a few weeks to get their cars in order... and what do you mean by light rally 1 wheel?? are you making fun of "Rook"?? :-p
  7. Alright kids - lets pick a date. And a thought... to make it easier for those who might travel a bit to make it into Idaho Ntl Forests... should we find a spot near the end of the day to kick up a fire and roast some dogs? Then whoever stays can head back the next morning. Just an idea...
  8. Yeah I was thinking mid/late June. That'd be awesome if you could come down!
  9. No worries CChic... since this was mostly my idea :-p and my car probably cant go anywhere yours cant... you'll at least have a partner in crime I'll let those boys get themselves highcentered on the trails i tell them not to go on to begin with.
  10. No bites yet, but there is a thread called Poor Mans Run about meeting up sometime.
  11. Idk if you can really consider ol' Blue new... Glad you got it back though
  12. Yeah I forget the specifics but no power cutting tools or torches for sure. At least not in the one I go to... I'm sure there's others in the area that are less strict though... even still. I don't know how to weld and even if I cared that much about replacing it now.. I don't have the time. I might eventually try to find a corner to bolt on... but its driveable and thats all I really care about. It's my DD that I'm not using as a DD yet... I've been driving my dads crappier than crappy gas mileaged GMC truck. It's got a lot of get up and go, and frankly its REALLY fun to drive.. esp being a girl but I just cant afford the gas.
  13. Around 4:15 today I was driving North on Highway 95 in Coeur d'Alene and saw a purdy light blue BRAT... almost missed it so I couldnt tell what year... looked like about early 80's maybe?? It was at the intersection by Silverlake Mall... Just wondering if you're on here! Almost got in a wreck rubbernecking.... oops...
  14. so i cant take anything for cutting into the local junkyard. but maybe if i find a junker somewhere i could do that. as for painting... im probably going to end up doing what fox said. this is my learner car as well so im not too worried about it.
  15. Haha - I've only been doing the easy stuff. I haven't even attempted to restore the body at all. My dad was going to take the old hood to the dump but I wouldnt let him because that's what I'm going to practice sanding/priming/painting on. You have a thread for yours yet? If you ever need help give me a holler. I've got a pretty full schedule but hey... I'm up for a few hours of fun. ---------------- Now playing: Lady Antebellum-Just A Kiss via FoxyTunes
  16. There will be if you invite everyone there to one! Welcome to the board!
  17. Haha! awesome. Well hey, if nothing else, this thread tells me how many girls are on here... even if you don't join the group.
  18. Boys are so mean... I love my cousin!!!! Ordered tires from him yesterday (he's in Oregon) and they arrived today!!! Now if I only had money to mount them and put insurance on it......... :-\ LOL
  19. That's the best setup for working on car I've seen yet! Makes me wish I had another wagon to backup to my Loyale to use as a work bench and boombox instead of running around to the back of the car every time I need a different tool...
  20. :P Yes I still check it... multiple times every day in fact. I just don't always have something to add... why do you ask? :)
  21. Is there cell phone reception in that area? Being memorial day weekend I'd imagine the possibility that your spot may be taken. Of course I don't know that area at all so perhaps not. But if it is, and you cant camp there, do you have a 2nd choice, or a way of contact? Just wondering
  22. Ouch! I don't mind roughing it in the sticks - free is just about all I can afford on top of food and gas to get there. Where did ya'll stay last year?
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