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Everything posted by avatar382

  1. I've got the 260 cams with the TWE header. Comes on full boost at hits hard right around 26-2700. However, in first gear it gets up there really, really fast. Redlines almost instantly, then, when you shift, it's right in the powerband
  2. I just tried to wiggle side to side, but the shaft didn't move at all. :cool:
  3. So I wake up this morning and my mom tells me: "There is something wrong with your car, there is a puddle of oil under it." Not the words you want to hear. I get outside, and sure enough, puddle of oil. I look under the car - dry oil pan. Dry oil cooler adapter. Dry oil cooler. Dry oil filter. Dry oil pump. Dry heads. Everything of interest on the underside of car - completely dry. At this point, I start to wonder. Then, I look over a few feet to the spot where I parked yesterday afternoon for a few hours - big oil spot. Now, I'm freaking out. I'm thinking for sure that the oil line to my turbo is leaking, since I did it once before when I got my headers installed. So, I take apart my intake to see the turbo more clearly. Dry. No evidence of any leaks. Then, I start my car to see if I can recreate it, after putting newspaper down, and I see that it leaks from the *front bumper*. Now, there's a good 4 inches between anything engine related and the bumper. I open the hood, and I see it: Little puddle of oil right by passenger side headlight pod. WTF? I feel under my oil cooler and find it - a hole wore through the metal. Here's a pic of it after I took it out: And for good measure, I took a pic of the turbo after I took the intake off - no shaft play! woo hoo! So, I replace the oil cooler and everything is happy again. Still, crazy ************ - especially since I may have driven over 2000 miles and on the Dragon with my car like that :-\
  4. Spent past 4 days in North Carolina, carving up the corners at the Dragon, Deal's Gap. For those of you that don't know, the Dragon is an 11 mile strech of US 129 with 311 switchback curves. Twistiest road in North America, or so they say. Left from Gainesville, FL. Stayed at Fontana resort about 10 miles from the Dragon itself. What a blast. Much more fun to drive on hilly, curvy moutains than in the gridlock of South Florida! More pics can be seen here - http://www.theavatar.org/pp/pp_guest_redirect.php?album_id=82&uid=3
  5. Well.... fix it! [yoda]Come to Dragon you must.[/yoda]
  6. Who is going? There's going to be an XT meet piggybacking with all the Impreza's. Let's have a huge old school turnout! Will, this means YOU!
  7. No Dragon? :( C'mon man you've gotta come. Just bum a ride off someone. You can drive my car.
  8. :(:(:(:(:( I am so sorry to hear. Your poor subie. Glad you are ok, though. Does this mean you aren't going to the dragon?
  9. How do you mean that? Are you saying that things like displacement, # of cams, etc don't really make the engines different?
  10. What suprised me was how alike the new and old subaru's sound - especially with an open exhaust. Almost identical!
  11. Mobil 1 synthetic 10W-30 + oil cooler = happy turbo!
  12. Yesterday I went to a NASIOC Subaru meet/cruise. About 50+ cars showed up! We met in a big parking lot, and then drove around Ft. Lauderdale, then down A1A past south beach to this spot overlooking the Miami Skyline. Here's the thread on NASIOC: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=736704&page=1&pp=25 Almost all Imprezas, a Legacy GT (2001 I think), an S2000, a corvette, 2 EVO's and one XT Turbo - Yep, I was there representing Old School! It was a blast. Yep, when I drove in, I had quite a crowd. Here are some pics!
  13. I swear, my car handles better with the extra air... Seems to have helped with treadwear, too.
  14. We shall test that VF11 safe at 10PSI in less than 4 weeks
  15. Are these injectors plug and go? I imagine you would have to fab a fuel rail, right? Megasquirt?
  16. My front tires are wearing unevenly - on the inside. I have Kumho Supra 712's @ 40 psi. Max tire rating is 44 psi. I guess my alignment needs to be looked at, but the car doesn't pull to the side. Suspension seems to be in good shape, the car handles like it always has - and it doesn't feel like the suspension has worn out. Maybe the cause is my tire pressure? Though, I would expect if overinflation was the cause, the uneven wear to show on the middle of the tire, not the inside. Any have a similar problem, or have any advice?
  17. Do you have a plan for injectors? I've been toying with the idea of getting auxillary injectors plumbed into the intake manifold, but I don't know where to even start with that...
  18. Nice run! Do you have any fuel system mods? If not, how did you get so much boost? Do you know your EGT's or A/F ratios?
  19. Ok. I think this has been covered in past threads, but I keep getting different answers. Some guys here say yes, some guys at xt6.net say no. I'd like to see if we can reach consensus. Does the XT / XT6 steering wheel have the same splines and is otherwise compatible with steering wheels from other EA82 cars? (RX, GL sedan, wagon, etc) For those of you responding yes: Have you actually verified this by doing a swap, or seeing one done? Thanks!!!
  20. ...At least I think it's my starter. After work today, I go to start it, and nothing. Not even a click - just a faint buzzing. I was like WTF? I just put in a new Optima red top battery! Lights were on, everything seemed to be working, radio, etc... so I call my brother and we push start it, worked out great since I was on the 4th floor of a parking garage (thank god for manual transmissions) and drive it home. While I was driving, everything seemed normal. Didn't notice any electrical problems, dimming, flickering, i had the stereo going, etc, which tells me that my battery and alternator are in good shape... Anyway, that's my story for the day. I hope I don't get raped too bad on a new starter...
  21. Do you ping at 15 psi, Will? I've always assumed that no ping = go for it! I guess I'm going to have a melted piston one of these days.... I have no idea what my AF's/EGT's are - I really need to get a gague installed... but my sparkplugs were white when I changed them out...
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