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About Redcap

  • Birthday 06/16/1981

Profile Information

  • Location
    Lewis County, WA
  • Interests
    BMX, 4x4s, cooking, offroading
  • Occupation
  • Referral
    Member for many years. Owned 8 Subarus so far.
  • Biography
    Not much to see here. Just a Lewis County hillbilly.
  • Vehicles
    85 GL Wagon

Redcap's Achievements

Eat, Live, Breath Subaru

Eat, Live, Breath Subaru (5/11)



  1. Recently, my Legacy has stopped idling cold. Once fully warmed up, it is better (though still somewhat erratic, more than I would like)...but during cold-mode operation, I have to keep on the throttle or it will just die. Suggestions on a course of action? I'm pretty lost on these fuel-injected cars...makes me want to go back to an EA81 or EA82.
  2. If doing the Weber on an EA82, this adapter is superior to the other style. http://www.jegs.com/i/Trans-Dapt/969/2107/10002/-1?parentProductId=749343
  3. I just made the transition from 85-9? GL/Loyales to the Legacy. The difference is night and day.
  4. Not particularly well. EA82s (as in your '87 GL) are VERY easy to build a lift for...
  5. It is really too bad that Mt. Vernon is so far away. Eventually, I'll get to meet you guys.
  6. Using a York is the easiest and most reliable way to do this. Also, the old giant Chrysler units will outperform a York, but they are getting hard to find and are more difficult to convert. I've done a few York conversions on vehicles over the years.
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