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Everything posted by 987687

  1. I just want confirmation that the diff ratio on a 98 legacy GT auto is 4.44. I know on the outback it is, and I think the outback and GT get the same tranny stuff both auto and manual... just need a confirmation.
  2. The only accessory belt idler on your car is on the AC belt. The alt moves up and down to tension the belt for the alt and the PS pump.
  3. The cams have to come out anyway to get the head off. So just do a very thorough inspection of all the lobes and bearing surfaces.
  4. There isn't a phase2 ej22 with dual port heads. I think the ej25 is, but that would eff with the compression ratio.
  5. You can't use the phase 1 heads with your phase 2 wiring system because the intakes don't swap. With the phase2 ej22 you're pretty much stuck with what ya got.
  6. Why don't you just swap the heads off the old engine. That way you don't have to wongleflute around with trying to drill an EGR hole in the head.
  7. I've had an ej22 blow HGs on me, and a friend of mine actually has one that's on it's way out now too. For towing stuff I'd probably get something with the 2.5 that's had it's maintenance done. With your price range you'll be able to find a good one.
  8. I wasn't saying don't do a 2.2 swap. I was just stating that the 2.5 isn't garbage. I'm tired of the 2.5 hate on here. that's all.
  9. I'd just go to the junk yard and see if that airbag will plug into a car like yours.
  10. Cheap brake pads are stupid no matter what the situation.
  11. The 2.2 I swapped into the GT is JUNK. I mean, it starts right up and runs fine. But when I first put it in the thing blew a head gasket. And it burns about 2qt of oil in 2000 miles. Blows smoke, etc. Not every ej22 is a godsend to earth either.... The ej25 is getting the same hate the ea82 gets... If it's taken care of properly, it's not a bad engine. Anyway, sorry to sidetrack this thread. I'm just sick of the ej25 hate lately.
  12. The 2.5 that came with my GT had it's head gaskets done in the low hundred thousands. When I got it the engine had been overheated to the point of seizure twice, and still started up and ran!! No knocks, bangs, ticks, etc. It didn't sound bad at all, one of the better sounding ej25s I've heard. And that's at 228k miles on it. Now that I have it partly torn down, the cyl walls look good and everything. I'm not running the block now just because I fear the bearings would go soon after getting so hot. I dunno if that engine is an anomaly, but one tough little motor! The reason the gaskets failed again is because they were some aftermarket crap, they weren't MLS ones. Then one of the cars in my family is a 99 outback. I was driving it when the HG failed around 120k, it didn't even get into the hot range on the temp gauge when I caught it. That's still running wonderfully at about 170k now. So with my personal experience with the ej25, they aren't garbage by any means. And I wouldn't hesitate to run a properly rebuilt one.
  13. When hammering on a wrench, the shorter the wrench the better. Use a box end wrench, they're pretty rigged. If you bang on the end of a breaker bar, the flex in the shaft will absorb most of the force. And I have no idea why those heads are worth so much... I think they're junk... haha.
  14. Heh, thanks. When you want to get something done, you get it done. The ej22 is just over 220 or so without accessories, the ej25 is a bit more because the heavier heads. Doubt 300 though.
  15. It's NEVER wise. You'll ruin your torque wrench. The reason they have a reverse setting is for reverse thread bolts. That's the only acceptable reason to use the reverse setting.
  16. If you don't care about the heads, just break the timing covers... I'd keep trying though, those heads are worth quite a bit. I posted a set with 230k that came off an overheated engine and sold them overnight for $150. Should have asked more!
  17. I have 27's on my GL, and I noticed an incredible difference going from drums to discs. And mine has an ea81 swap. It was probably partly due to lots of air being in the system and the drum brakes out of adjustment.... But the rear discs are a nice upgrade.
  18. I don't know why you assumed the factory mark on the sprocket was wrong... Even if you have the timing off it should still spark. You have a non-interference engine, so no matter what you do with the timing belt you're not gonna ruin it.
  19. The motor isn't much heavier. I don't have exact numbers, but it's something like 50-60 lbs. I doubt you'll notice much difference in stopping. It would be less of a difference of having someone sitting in the passenger's seat.
  20. It's a direct swap. No electrical needed. The only thing is, if the ej22 isn't a 95 you'll need to swap the header. Not a big deal, just something to keep in mind. I'd start by checking local forums and on here in the for sale section. I've found mine on a local forum. Engine hoist? nahhhhhh
  21. If you're mechanically inclined, doing the head gasket yourself isn't really too hard. You sorta have to pull that engine to do the gaskets. The cams have to come off to get to the head bolts, and it's so tight in there it would be a major pain. but all in all, you'd probably spend less than $300 in parts. While you have it out though, may as well replace the timing belt and waterpump at the same time. That adds some, but it's a lot easier when the engine is on a stand. As long as the engine hasn't been majorly overheated and doesn't have any bangs or knocks, it's probably fine. Your other option is to swap an ej22 in. I don't know how attached to the 2.5 you are, but this is a pretty easy swap and the 2.2 is a very reliable motor. The best engine to look for is out of a 95 automatic. It has ERG and dual exhaust ports, a newer ej22 will work though as long as it has EGR. Just get the header with it.
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