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Everything posted by xbeerd

  1. So i replaced my coolant temp sensor (ej251) with a Intermotor part (#tx85) from RockAuto, well. the car seems to be running fine far as i can tell, but after the replacement, my ea dash gauge is pegged to the top! i removed the resistor i had in parrallel with the circuit to the gauge to see if it would make a difference, and nope, no change as i kinda thought. only way i can get the gauge down is by putting a resistor in series with the gauge. i havent experimented at all what resistance is needed to make it work properly. but i find this pretty odd. Do you think I got the wrong part? or maybe the parts bad? (or is that just the way it is with this replacement part.. for those that may have used it. )
  2. sorry to hijack, but would you say alternator down around 13v-13.2v should be replaced?
  3. my gas gauge is ALL over the place. everytime i start the car its different. i would lean rowards the gauge being off if there is no physical damage. i could totally see someone punching a hole in the bottom of the tank, explosive fumes are at the top! i wouldnt do it, but it wouldnt suprise me. broke people do some messed up stuff!
  4. yeah, Conan is all about his ford taurus, i dont think its a SHO though, just a taurus http://www.noob.us/humor/conan-o-brien-talks-about-his-92-ford-taurus/
  5. Hey peeps. got an ej251 in my loyale, anyways.. i engage the starter and it turns the engine over for probably 5-10 seconds before starting.. however, if i engage the starter for maybe 6-8 rotations (1-2 seconds?), stop, and then engage it again, it starts right up. any ideas on this? few thoughts i had were: bad alternator? IAC? fuel delivery? (fuel pressure was good on a fuel pressure gauge) would love some insight on where to go with this if you can help... as always.. much thanks in advance.
  6. changed my airfilter today. used a intake pipe from a 94 (i think?) legacy, got a cone filter from the store, and used a fabric reinforced adhesive backed adjustable filter adapter () to hold the filter on. the difference was pretty amazing, guess my old filter was worse shape than it looked. changed the filter in the 02 outback as well. the one in that car was pretty nasty! we got this car 1 yr ago from a dealer who put new brakes and tires on it. i guess a tune up was too much extra work? i'd rather have the tune up than new tires.. :/
  7. only issue i had was when we got that 4' of snow that one storm, they GO just fine in 4wd, they clogged up a bit in really heavy wet snow which made stopping slightly interesting, LOL!~
  8. oh yeah, well, i hear the new blackberry is going to be made of magic!
  9. i been following that too since you added me.. seems like alot of "new tires tuesday! ************ yeah!" and "new rims coming.. ************ yeah!" hopefully more than that happens.
  10. yeah, if i were you i would pay more attention to the DI thread, there's no sense in posting something in more than one spot. plus, if we treated this thread like the DI thread, it'll probably get shut down.
  11. have to make sure your rear dif matches the final drive of the d/r trans. i dunno what the final drive of your impreza is. i have a 220k mile D/R trans behind the EJ25 in my car. used a Napa replacement clutch kit for a EA car and its held up just fine for probably 8000 mostly city miles since last july when i put it in. granted, i dont drop the clutch off a green light or anything, but if i had to downshift and punch it its been fine.
  12. this is true, no one actually goes 65 on the hwy. haha.
  13. hmm, yeah, if they are larger than mine, you should be seeing a slightly higher spread between the speedo and actual speed. i would hope the speed radar on the side of the road is correct, although, it wouldnt suprise me if they set it offset a couple of mph to make ya double check.
  14. have you ever checked it vs a GPS or anything? with my setup, when my speedo says 65, im going 75, i would bet that if you are sittin at 75, your probably lookin like 85 or so. or were your tires less dia than mine??
  15. actually i never got around to repairing it. i still have the crossmember though, but yes, the idea was cut off the rusted crap, and slide a pipe/tube into it and rebuild/recreate the mounting point. Other than the end parts, the tubes not bad. it definately wasnt as bad as 987647's pic up there. christ! i can snap a pic of what i have, if you want the part to repair it yourself, you can have it for the cost of shipping. im moving in a few weeks, so chances are its going to have to go somewhere, rather go to a soob guy than a local trash collecting alley truck
  16. did you try that nasty pin socket yet? it might not be a bad idea to weld a short extension into it and be done with it if the welder can do it.. could get some more life out of it.
  17. damn, nice deal on those rocker sections!
  18. that sucks! be nice to have a larger garage eh? lol.
  19. Sorry to jump in.. but would this hold true for 00 Legacy as well? my swaps got an AT Ecu, its got an AT Diagnosis wire. I have the Neutral switch from the 3at jumpered (5spd D/R swap), so i'd just need to ground the AT diagnosis wire no?
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