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Everything posted by xbeerd

  1. when i was driving my car around with no wheel wells.. a rock stuck in my tire and got tossed right past me and hit the windshield. how awesome would it be to explain a rock chip on the INSIDE of the car. LOL. hopefully what he said about the engine heating up a little bit isnt anything more serious than maybe an air bubble or something.
  2. when you gonna go get it? think you'll drive it back or trailer it?
  3. i hear ya, you would think that if you maintain it and dont beat the ************ out of it, it should be a fine motor. maybe if anything a turbo timer on it so it gives the turbo a little time to cool down slower would be a good option. but i guess a... "why buy a turbo if you arent going to use it!" mentality takes over at some point. that thing should be solid for a long time with the bedliner and crap on it. i'd love to find a clean ea82 body, not that i dont like holes in the bottom of the car... LOL
  4. you know Tom, i never expected you to end up with a ej swapped car, you being more of a purist and a ea82 fan etc (not sayin thats a bad thing).. super cool that the car is coming back to milwaukee area fo sho.
  5. damn fox. seems that you WILL end up owning every subaru in the city at some point. sheesh, wonder if you'll ever own mine? haha.
  6. i personally would order them like this... 1 4 3 2. 2 and 3 optionally ordered. 1, depends how much you wanna move to the other place. 4, can bring you some serious bank, so you'd be good to load up on it while the going is good. 3, cars will come and go. theres alot of them. 2.. unless you are in your home or in your car.. capping someone is gonna land you in more ************ than you probably want to deal with.
  7. i still love that front bumper. someday i'll make one like it.
  8. x2 man, looks pretty sweet. i wanna do a lifted OBS for my next ride once my wagon gets eaten by the salt monster. home made roof rack FTW!
  9. christ man, will you stop talkin about FJ's in the subaru forum!!! just kidding. on topic.. which yard did you find the transmission at? was it Als? just wondering what he charges for a tranny.
  10. Yeah. And whenyou try to use them people would look at you like.. Wtf is this?
  11. Just do a search for a "Susan b anthony" dollar. I spent it right away so I didn't mistake it for a quarter like the other guy, unfortunately it wasn't the more desired version of the coin
  12. i had the non foulers on my 2000 outback, i cant verify the part number as i had a buddy pick them up but the 18mm ones are the ones i had. we went thru emissions 2 times (we test every other year here in WI) with them in there and never did anyone say a word about them. actually the 2nd time thru they just plugged in the obd2 and that was it. no sniffer or anything
  13. come on now. you should know better... nothing works that way.
  14. maybe they called it that because its the blue one. lol. you'll have to verify, but on the 2k, it shows all the solenoids are right up under the tranny pan. of course at the loss of like 6 quarts of tranny oil. man, all this tranny talk....
  15. just checked duty b would is also referenced as the Lock Up Solenoid in my FSM fo the 2k
  16. thats weird. they mentioned the duty B solenoid, im guessin that is the one that engages the reverse gear? maybe check the wiring going to the trans
  17. maybe the lake will freeze, and i'll get to show everyone a mean triple sow cow:headbang:
  18. i believe it to be the wranglers short wheel base that is its downfall in snow? off road and snow are 2 different things. Shorter wheel base combined with a lighter vehicle in low traction is gonna aid you in gaining a Brian Boitano like super spin move. in the pic, you can say the arms being farther out is compared to a longer wheel base.. yes, i did just reference figure skating on an automotive forum. tire surface to weight ratio has probably more effect than anything. Feel free to disagree, because i dont really give a ************.
  19. someone gave me 50 cents change the other day, then i realized one of the 'quarters' was a 1 dollar coin. bonus!
  20. The CEO of the company i work for has some german shepards, same thing, they are calm and submissive, but with the right command its like you flip a switch and they will damn near kill you. he actually had them trained in Germany by some apparently well known training camp so they only respond to German commands. which is good, since chances are the people they are apprehending probably dont speak German.
  21. hell. over here, cars in WAY worse shape dont even get crushed, they get sold. great save!
  22. hell. even HF has a 4 camera system in a box with a dvr and mobile montoring. 3 fiddy! minus the 20percent coupon. http://www.harborfreight.com/4-channel-surveillance-dvr-with-4-cameras-and-mobile-monitoring-capabilities-68332.html
  23. ah here's the thread. I think liftin it would be cool. i like the thought of a lifted xt. however the thought of pulling all that nice and moisty suspension out of it, plus its history, sounds kinda iffy. of course, the sale of that suspension, although potentially deemed blasphemous, could yeild new replacement suspension and lifting of it as well as a couple repairs. hmmm? whats the story on the TPS? is it different than a regular ea82 TPS?
  24. You'd probably have to find a shady shop to make the pipe. A lot of places may not do it because they'd be eliminating cats Look for a place in the hood, they'll do it lol.
  25. haha thats a good idea. they should just swap right in no? looks like they are mostly dohc ecu's
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