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Everything posted by xbeerd

  1. hmm, i cant say i have heard of anyone doing a FWD EJ swap, im sure its been done. check the "EJ Swap Who's Who" thread on top the page.
  2. i like the idea of buying a donor car, atleast in the end you can part out whats left and get some of your money back. I got lucky with my swap. my wife got Tboned in our 2000 Legacy Outback. (she wasnt hurt) but damn it sure openned up an opportunity, i made back the $800 it cost me to keep the car from insurance and then some, my swap really ended up only costing me about $350 including buying an engine hoist.
  3. is the wiring harness still in a car? or is it already pulled and in a pile? i pulled mine with out labelling stuff, but i did make sure to remember the orientation and using the FSM wiring location/guide as a reference was able to locate and remove all the stuff i knew i wouldnt need. then proceeded to pull all the e-tape and loom off and remove the loose wires. only thing i messed up was cutting out the ambient pressure sensor as it wasnt part of the original engine harness but wired in with another part of the harness i was hesitant about it at first as well. then my desire to have an ej25 loyale forced me to just dive in. You can do it, just take your time and double check everything you are thinking about cutting out. its alot harder to wire in a ambient pressure sensor AFTER the swaps done and running, LOL:brow:
  4. yeah, i was going to do a quick write up when i have the chance as far as putting it together with the aftermarket springs i chose vs using junkyard springs. I been driving with them for about a week now. they are holding fine, no shifting and its definately a stiffer ride. i thought one was moving around, but it turns out i have a worn wheel bearing on that side and have a little wheel play. boo.. im still not super fond of the extra space on the upper seat on the strut, but i guess if its not moving then its fine. i want to break them down again and put in the tempo upper spring seat (modified) on to spread out the pressure a bit, and also give it about a 1/4" of lift as i may have cut off slightly too much from the spring (3.3 coils, i probably should have only cut 3 coils.) so when i have the time for i'll do it.)
  5. i've got a OBDII->USb adapter and a regular scanner. they come in handy for sure, and it comes in handy when your at a bar chattin bout cars with the good lookin bartender girl and she mentions her CEL is on. then you can read it and offer advise in exchange for a beer! good lookin ride, i like the white/gray scheme. that box has sure seen better days, love the burnin man comment. LOL
  6. PUGS: wheels off of a Peugeot 505(and 405 i believe). its about the only other car with that bolt pattern (4x140) and they are a good option for 14" and 15" rim do a search on here and you will find alot of info/pics etc regarding. also search for info on the pug lug nuts if you are buying a set of pugs with out lugs.
  7. looks nice in the dark! and you got a body box on top too! i need to pick one up for some misc campin gear
  8. http://www.youtube.com/milesfox are you looking for the "art of subaru maintenance" series?
  9. is the filter internal on those? the '00 is external. i never dropped the pan or anything, just drained what i could, i think like 5-6 quarts came out or so. dumped in the trans tune and filled with ATF, then the car got Tboned like about a hundred miles later. but the tranny was acting pretty good in the interum.
  10. that sucks man, we got a few traces of snow up this way north of me, but just some left over rain turned into ice over night from the rain the last few days in milwaukee (Souf Side) i'd send you an Ecu if i had one to spare, but im keeping my ea82 on hand 'just incase' my ej25 (sohc) blows up.
  11. i used trans tune in the 00utback, made a difference, but you would/should wanna change the fluid/filter again after driving a bit as the crap it breaks up just moves to the filter.
  12. looking thru the Moog springs. it seems as tho the Moog CC799 might be a better fit. this spring is for a 98-2004 Dodge Intrepid End 1 Type: Square End 2 Type: Tangential Inside Diameter: 4.750 Bar Diameter: 0.531 Install Height: 10" Load: 420 Spring Rate: 145 Free Height: 12.9 its shorter, has the same spring rate and a higher load rating as the tempo springs as i have, and could possibly be installed with out cutting, or possibly just have to cut off a dead coil. wonder if i can source one of thse to test fitment. we'll see if the yard has one i can access easily next time down that way.
  13. physically the 2 are are identical cept for the piston/bore. i remember when i took the muffler baffle out.. damn thing was loud as hell!
  14. this is true, but it wasnt necessarily as plug and play as i expected. the fitment i got i wouldnt call a 'close' replacement. there is considerable amount of difference between the 2 springs diameterwise (stock or aftermarket tempo vs stock subaru.) i wonder if tho, there is some kind of spacer that can be made to better hold the tempo spring in place in the event of a heavy blow.
  15. i used to have one of those. mine would get up around 25 before it would vibrate like crazy (after anti-vibratory actions), i hit 32 one day and the motor mount stud broke off LOL. ended up fixing it and trading it to a crazy guy for a knock off ruckus, which now has a 150cc. i do miss the bike tho. it was fun, but scary as hell to drive down the road during rush hour traffic on the side streets. on topic.. i put a tempo spring in a subaru strut and put it on the car, so one side is pretty stiff, the other not so much. (the camber is not as F'd up, that was right after bringing it off the jack.) or course, since i didnt get my fender back on.. it rained today and i had to drive my rump roast to work in the rain with no fender. :\
  16. great thread, im going to send a link to my buddy at WARN, maybe it'll help them start making some parts for 25 yr old subarus. LOL! wink wink. definately looking forward to seein the progress of this!
  17. EA82T! just kidding. cant speak for the brat, but most times i see a car unusually flying down a track its got some kind of LS1 motor or something built into it. i'd be leaning towards something like that, im sure they got some kind of high powered muscle engines in AU. maybe its some kind of built STI motor. like that turbo brumby (not sure if this is same one, looks like it is)
  18. it sits pretty much even now. now its just a matter of how much is the spring going to sag i guess. but at the moment, its pretty good. not overly stiff, but definately stiffer than the other (20 yr old) spring. sorry for freakin out the other day about all that, but you can see how at the time it was looking like i just stuck $130 up my rump roast and got nowhere. so in the end, it looks like i only wasted $64 on the junk yard tempo assemblys. which sucks. but oh well. money grows on trees right? Jeszek, if you stuff doenst look like mine.. i wonder if maybe suspension was different on your local models of the tempo? i'll take some better pics once i get my fender back on. it was just propped up on there for the pics.
  19. ok. so. im not necessarily thrilled that the spring is like a half inch OD smaller, but it IS staying in place. i took the car for a spin after i recompressed the strut, realigned the strut top so the spanner holes were perpendicular to the car. (hope thats right?? seems better) So, first i tried it with out my 2" lift block on the strut, thinking maybe it would be stiff enough that it would add lift. this was my result... it appears to be right same as stock height. so oh well. here's some pics of the install with the 2" lift tops. these pics were takin right off the jack, so the suspension hadnt settled at all yet.
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