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Everything posted by xbeerd

  1. k, passed the question along. guess it would be good to verify that is indeed a 4.11 FD trans. im coming into this knowing nothing of the parts that were installed. so i had to assume everything was correct.
  2. would the outback sport have the same crossmember as the forester? he said he was pretty sure it was from an impreza. not sure if the OBS trans mount would cause issue like forester mount if the trans was from a obs
  3. I believe it was the original driveshaft to the car that was used, not sure about the trans mount. i'll pass the question along about the mount.
  4. Hi guys and gals, so im trying to help someone trouble shoot their car, its a 2002 WRX, after getting a trans installed, (JDM Trans, and rear dif with 4.11 FD, trans is stated to have 50k miles on it, came on a freight pallet from japan) he drives down the road and over time it'll develop a crazy bad vibration which will cause the car to shake pretty bad to the point you need to pull over and stop. afterwards, it seemed to go away. any idea what could cause this? the carrier bearing on the drive shaft seems kinda soft and has about half inch of play in each direction as i pushed on it. there is some fluid leaking from the trans, looks just like a rear output shaft bushing needs to be replaced. the trans has a Scottys Cocktail fluid mix in it. (or whatever its called), its not leaking TOO bad, looked like maybe 1/8th-1/4qt over the last day while parked on an uphill incline. i'd say 1/4qt is the very max loss over that time. any ideas on this? im hoping the dif and trans are not the culprit for his sake and since its a farily low mileage trans, before and after the vibration attack it seems to be ok, shifts a little rough (possibly due to the low fluid), but so does my EA82 D/R with 250k on it and its way worse than this guys wrx is, LOL i appreciate any info or ideas anyone might have to add.
  5. i've got about the body blocks from a 2k outback on my crossmember along with Bills 2" strut tops. what was the theory in question?
  6. yeah, i was gonna delete the thread, but couldnt figure out how.
  7. eh, apparently i just missed the boat on the whole idea, and its been discussed before.
  8. so i just found out the H6 in theTribeca has timing chains, has anyone ever looked at swapping the timing chain gears etc to replace the belts? any thoughts on the idea (other than, its probably more work than its worth, LOL)
  9. he's probably lowering the crossmember, and also spacing out the trailing arms and transmission mount point. my guess there.
  10. yeah i just wasnt sure how much or little the metal actually shrunk in the cold, but then i had the thought that it cant be much since we do drive the cars in 20 below weather year and year., LOL
  11. thanks guys. hey did you have to modify the hydraulic tensioner bracket at all? mines got a part that sticks out and hits the head, i just swapped it for the Ej22 one... but dont have a vice or press that i can compress it with, LOL figures.
  12. OH i gotcha, i read that you werent supposed to use anything on the headgaskets??? i did have the heads resurfaced. guy said he took .006 off, i performed a little redneck resurfacing per Monstarus thread as well. not much tho and mostly was with 400 grit wetsand. im a little timid to build this with my .040 cometic gaskets. i want to slide an old headgasket in there and mock it up for a test so i'll know if i have to get thicker gaskets. i know people run all day long on the .040 with no issues but we'll see, might have a set for sale in the for sale forum soon LOL from what i could tell from research and measuring, the piston comes out .019" from the block (half a mm or so), hope i got the clearance for the vavles!
  13. oh! i should add, by assemble the engine, i pretty much mean putting on the heads, IM, and accessories on. no block work or anything. Ivan, what are you referring to about glue here? gasket sealant? want to make sure im not missing something. i know RTV is probably not a good idea to use as its no where near room temp etc.
  14. its pretty much going to be 30-35 degrees for the rest of the week for the high temp of the day. i wanted to start putting my motor together in the afternoon evenings. my garage is not heated. i do have a 50-80k btu propane heater but it really wouldnt heat my garage up that much cept for direct line of 'sight' from the end of it, its like a 400sqft (20x20 2 car garage) has anyone assembled in the cold and had success or run into problems? i was contemplating building a rocket mass heater to try to heat it up quicker
  15. !!!!!! LOL. thats true, the wiring is same. hey OP. i just read something from GD about making an intake manifold adapter plate using the IM gaskets as a template taking to a waterjet place. although after going thru all that, you might end up just getting an intake from a JY.
  16. i asked this question here... http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=137599 and post 2 you can see why youd need the ej22 intake manifold that matches the heads, unless prior to 95 had a different IM?? thats the case with my dual port heads and intake mani's, i have both motors in my garage, the IM will not work.
  17. Not sure about that. The bolt pattern for the ej25 Intake manifold is different than the ej22 (atleast in my case with the 95 ej22). The bolts are a straight line in one and offset in the other.
  18. think of it more of you use all of the ej22, except for the block. does that help? you can use the same ypipe as long as they are both dual port
  19. we have Hands On Garage here in the Milwaukee area, ive thought about using it but the problem i have, is that... ok, so im assuming i am driving my car there to fix it because i dont have a truck/trailer and at this point, another car and its at probably not the most opportune time due to my schedule. when i am there, i pay per minute for access to the tools/lifts/etc, what if i break something, need a part, and cant finish my project due to stores/dealers/junkyards being closed, my cars on the lift in a manner and i cant move it, and since i drove it there, i cant get home (the place is a good 20 miles from home in my town. the idea behind it is cool and i like it alot, but for me it doesnt seem feasible unless it was right down the road. http://handsongarage.com/index.html your questions pretty much follow their business model it seems. so they might have alot of info on the website that might answer your questions. i tend to think a mobile mechanic might be a better option, with less money spent up front to build a shop space, of course, as the mobile mech.. your clientele is much different.
  20. wow that looks nearly brand new!, i wish i had that much of my car left. LOL
  21. Superu... love the DI sweatshirt, i gotta get one one of these days yet. here's me and my son. i dont get any pics with out him these days... he's in awe of the organ music and lights all over the pizza resturant we're at. and heres me and my son while im doin a touchdown shot at the GB Packers game at a bar. yep. im that guy at the bar with this kid, LOL. (my wife was there too, they just stopped up for a little bit then left after the photo ops)
  22. hey! i got mentioned in a thread. sweet. LOL. anyways, yeah i have a EJ251 in my car, NA tho, i know you asked about turbos etc, i would say that if you were going to do a turbo setup you will probably want to switch over to an ej series drivetrain as well for sake of holding power of a STI motor, especially if you think you will start modding it. i know some guys locally are 400+ HP and i can only imagine what the trans would think of that being it was from a car that maybe was taking 130hp or whatever the ea82t put out. my engine is out of a 2000 model year outback. MilesFox has a 2.2L out of a 2001 impreza i believe. NA, the 2.5 gave plenty of power of course, mines got a leaky HG at the moment, so it lacks, but before that.. i was chirpin my GrabberAT2s all day long. :brow:
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