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Everything posted by xbeerd

  1. i saw something of that sort like 3rd week of may or so, but also mentioned something about internet /email access on the iphone too. so just thought he might pop up that way.
  2. He hasnt been online this month yet, i had a lift kit coming from him which i was just trying to find the status of whether or not its shipped or not i just was lookin to find out one way or the other. hope alls ok!
  3. looked to me like that garden trim stuff for separating your garden from the grass etc. i've seen that used before.
  4. whatd you make the front lip out of? (maybe my contrast is off on my monitor? haha)
  5. i actually did that afterwards but ended up closing the progam with out saving. doh!
  6. haha, that looks weird, F the rain today! i had to drive in it twice, and in between the 2 i did some fiberglassin'.. LOL. we should have 2 good days comin up to get stuff done. (sunny days that is)
  7. figured i'd do one maybe its what you are kinda lookin for? or maybe not, after reading your last post! haha. (ute based off of legacy pictured above it)
  8. yeah, thats why i still have the stock AM/FM deck. FM transmitter works great in my car, even overpowers actual radio stations.
  9. took me a second, at first i thought that STINCYD read "stink eyed" LOL!:lol:
  10. i dunno bout the plate. but that car makes you a BASTRD that thing is damn sweet as hell!!!! (yeah thats right, so sweet it required 4 exclamation points) how bout... TRYME
  11. holy crap that is one clean machine! (sorry, im late on this one. haha)
  12. yeah, that makes it way easier, if you change decks enough youlll run out of wire!
  13. yeah, the green plugs too doh! IIRC, there is a mark/arrow udner that plug, and then the degrees are shown on the flywheel. havent done it in a few months
  14. do you have a timing gun? if so, pop the square rubber plug on the rear of the engine above the flywheel, clip the timing gun lead to the #1 plug wire and star the car, shoot the timing gun into the whole it'll tell you where your at, it should be set at 20 degrees, if not, stop the car, loosen and rotate the distributer a little bit to adjust it. then fire it up and recheck. you could probably get one on loan from advanced auto or autozone for free (deposit refunded when item returned) also, pull the belt covers off and check tension on the timing belt?
  15. are you looking to sell that car Tom?
  16. Cafe Racers are sweet! if i ever get to pick up another bike (cheap) im going the cafe route with it. unless its a BMW rs1100 or something.
  17. yeah, the tank dent sucks. but its pretty small, i might fill it and mask off the area and make it a 2tone paint job on the tank... or put a usmb sticker on it. LOL. i was really suprised to see how minimal the damage was, i attest it was because when the bike went down it didnt slide more than a few feet but came to a screeching halt. i took it for a spin to try out the handlebars w/ the forward controls, it'll take a min to get used to the new hand position but i think it'll work out just fine and it doesnt feel awkward at all. i did however bust off the bolt on the shift lever "pedal' when i was trying to twist it back. went to the store to find a bolt to screw in there temporarily but the bolt that matched the nub of the bolt i extracted didnt match the hole when i got home. so i cross threaded the screw in there so it wouldnt budge, the nice thing is the shift lever itself didnt get its threads messed up. LOL. one of these days i'll fix that. its not going to slip out at all so im not in too much of a hurry. only thing left to do is try to tighten the left footpeg mount. it seems a little loose but i could technically ride it as is.
  18. here are some pics of the minimal damage, and then a pic with the new handle bars on and front fender off, (we'll see how much ************ hits me, it might go back on) i gotta do somethin with the front brake line, get a shorter one or something, that curve cant be all that great for it. also i have to re run the clutch cable a different way to take some stress off of it but for now it'll be fine. sure is interesting getting used to a new handle bar position!
  19. we should caravan a parade of ea82's out there some day.
  20. lol. hopefully he can get his $500 back!
  21. yeah man, bring what ya got. my piece of ************ will be there in the show. in all its glory! haha! im on the south side of milwaukee. or should i say the Souf side. your very unlikely to find an all subaru swap meet around here. unless you are going to subaru heaven in cambridge, and then you are just swappin your money for his parts and thats if you are lucky!
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