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Everything posted by xbeerd

  1. thats an easy one... basically because i dont really know what the hell im doing. its not that i am not mechanically inclined, but i've never had to attempt something of this nature before, if it was just body work on the outside of the car that'd be different, im way more confident with that task than this one. im pickin up a 94 legacy to drive around while this project is in the works. so then i can get the wheels and suspension outta the way etc. good timing to, im almost out of gas!
  2. yeah, i just need to find something to roll in while this is in progress. currently i just drive the car with a huge hole in the wheel well. haha. it was funny hackin up the car, then getting in it and driving to the store to buy a tool to hack it up more.
  3. a cage would definately be a bit of over engineering on that. LOL.. maybe if i was planning to do some crazy off road ************, but most likely its not goin to see that much action offroad. if we could re inforce the strut braces somehow while weldin in the new wheel wells, that'd be cool.
  4. i'll probably enlist fox to help with that, i think a roll cage would be cool BUT.... i need to buy the wheels, tires, lift, new laptop (hopefully, but its gonna cost like $900 or so to do what i need it to do:/ )
  5. I installed some big rump roast rusty holes in my wheel wells. as seen in my other thread..
  6. got a later start and then had to change the wifes rear tires on her outback, but while i had some daylight i did this to the rear passenger side. whatcha think? still salvagable? there is definately more to be removed from the area. think i'll still have rear seats when this is all done? (i dont really care one way or the other, i always have them folded down anyways for the dog to sit back there. I think i'll take the motorcycle to work tomorrow. LOL. on the other hand, the shock mount feels pretty rigid yet. so thats a good sign for sure!!
  7. hey man, i think you are looking for this guy...


    abog, he is in Reno, nv

  8. OK. tonight i am ACTUALLY going to start removing the rusty ************ from the wells. its gonna be sunny for the next few days so i can rely on my motorcycle and 2-stroke bicycle for transportation. i just wish i had a small trailer to pull behind the bike or cycle. doh. i'll post pics of the carnage.
  9. we were talking today about creating somewhat of a roll cage type situation to give it some structure and then just laying in some sheet metal to fill in the spaces, and then seal the ************ outta it and the rest of the bottom of the car to prevent anything else from spreading.
  10. go in there with a cutting tool and cut me some wheel wells out!
  11. I am planing to keep those funds separate. i'll let ya know if that changes tho.
  12. cuz thats what i do most of the time at work! actually im leaving for work now. we got about 3.5 hours of work to get done today. maybe 4 tops.
  13. yeah, its definately worth fixing as far as upgrades, i was just going to do a 2" lift and some 26-27" tires on a set of pugs i got lined up, plus some new springs back there, probably going to go with the accord spring setup. hopefully i can get done with work earlier than i anticipated today, i wanna get this project started!!
  14. i'll try to get a better pic of the drivers side, its got rust around the top by the mount, and a verticle 'slice' on the back side of the bumpstop brace.
  15. yeah, im not sweatin the holes as they are NOW, but after cuttin away the metal i just dont want to run into a situation where its too weak to drive it safely across town to the welder guy.
  16. Yeah, i just dont wanna cut it out until its closer to welding time, since i have to drive the car and if its wet i'll get wet! if its dry thats no biggie, as long as its SOMEWHAT structurally sound. i wish the factory sprayed on undercoating wasnt all over EVERYthing, i think i'll take a wire wheel to it when i get a chance and atleast see where im at. any guess as to what gauge steel that would be? i just hope i can get the suspension loose for a lift kit install that i have planned in the future
  17. welll that makes me feel just great! LOL. i saw that link for the free loyale in Richland WA but read it wrong and thought it said Richmond VA, which is 1000 miles closer (yet still 800 miles away) Hopefully my fellow Subaru Alliance members buddy is able to weld the ************ out of it and make it work. otherwise i may have a different soob at the campout and a ea82 and D/r tranny for sale. lol. im hopin not. i really like my car dammit. hah. I think its going to be alot more work than anticipated.
  18. oh, by new body, i mainly meant a good candidate for my engine and trans etc, not like a totally stripped down body or anything.
  19. i know. wisconsin sucks as far as rust goes. but.. i know a guy who knows a good welder, so im gonna cut out all the rust. and have the guy fill it up like a mofo. i sure dont care what it looks like inside, it just bums the ************ outta me because other than these wheel wells. the car is really clean, and has a 100k motor and a 5spd d/r we put in last december. the other side is just as bad, i went to unbolt the lower seatbelt point and i now have a 3" diameter hole where it used to bolt to! :-\ (added 2nd pic up top) i took a welding class back in 2000, and havent done it since, so im not really wanting to rely on my skills, since i can see my wheels from the inside of the car i think i'll be taking the motorcycle as much as possible until i can get this solved. :pray for sunshine:
  20. So i was investigatin why i was taking on a little water in my car, and this is what i found! is this repairable?!??!?! or should i start looking for a clean wagon body? edit: here is the other side. not showin the hole where the seatbelt used to bolt to.
  21. hopefully i get a chance to buy some window tint by then, other wise i'll probably be up at the asscrack of dawn regardless of when i go to sleep. :-\
  22. I just reserved site 107. Tom (the loyale), Desmond (if he still goes??) and myself will be splittin that one. hope it can house up to 3 cars? or we could probably stash one somewhere. im sleepin in mine, so cant go TOO far haha.
  23. speaking of how low can you go, I've always wanted to wire up a 'brown note' generator to a car alarm. but having a speaker to produce it is pretty much impossible. I guess it'd have to be like 30ft in diameter, however, i read that some MIT students did it with a speaker made from a trashcan or something. LOL. but just imaging, going to break into a car to steal it or something and the next thing you know you are ************ting your pants!:lol:
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